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Happy Easter!


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G'day N-Europe.


It's gone past midday and there hasn't been an Easter topis; what gives?! Hope you're all enjoying it whether you celebrate it for reasons of chocolatey goodness, extra holiday or belief. : peace:


As for me, no easter eggs once again this year. Can't remember the last time I got an easter egg from my parents, even when I was younger. :(

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I've got one of those as well. :smile:


As well as a Creme Egg egg and a Rolo egg.


the after 8 munchie things are just delish!



im gonna get so fat after all this chocolate... ill gonna be giving half of it away most likely :P


Went to church this morning.


Consider me as eggless as a barren woman though. :(


your getting mini eggs tomorrow!

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I've got a creme egg one laying on my desk... but I've checked the 'use by date' and it coincides with when we move out of the flat, so I'm gonna save it for then :P


And I'm pretty sure I've asked shorty/nami about three times who it was that gave me the egg, but I've gone and forgotten again...


I'm totally going to have to get an egg for the 'ex'...

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Happy Easter all.


To be honest I kept forgetting it was (going to be) Easter. No eggs here, though we've been eating some tiny chocolate eggs for weeks now... But they're really not any different from the chocolate we would normally eat, heh.

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Happy Easter Everyone! ^^


I didn't get any easter eggs but it's probably just as well seeing as I wouldn't have been able to eat one tbh, my bro had some of his friends back last night and we all kinda ended up drinking through till the early hours of the morning, whilst playing Rock Band and watching Pulp Fiction, t'was pretty fun. :)


Spent the rest of the day sobering up while playing the new Bubble Bobble on the Wii - which is pretty damn good btw- and in a few minutes I'm gonna watch Dr Who which is on at 7pm, it's been a pretty good day tbh. : peace:


Plus I'm not working tomorrow which is a nice bonus. :heh:

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I've got a creme egg one laying on my desk... but I've checked the 'use by date' and it coincides with when we move out of the flat, so I'm gonna save it for then :P


And I'm pretty sure I've asked shorty/nami about three times who it was that gave me the egg, but I've gone and forgotten again...

It was Ashley!

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Well if you're going to use it to get sex then that's fine then, thats why I bought it :p


I didn't get any easter eggs off my mother. I was actually a little upset (I know im growed up but still...) but then my brother having a big drama with her meant I couldn't bring it up in even a jokey way as she'd get upset.


Ah well. My housemate gave me one a few weeks ago for doing porn for her.

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