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Valentines Day


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A few years ago my then-girlfriend-now-wife gave me a Valentines card and the first thing I did was to point out a spelling mistake.


1) That makes me pretty cool, yeah?

2) I destroyed Valentines that day, and forever, by doing that.


We don't celebrate it. That's all good in my books.

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not doing anything for valentines day... i think last year jamba and i bought presents of equal value for each other and then wondered why we'd bothered at all ::shrug: so this year we decided not to bother!!



saying that i'm having fun dropping pretend hints for crazy things like diamonds and ponies. and diamond ponies. O__o

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nnnneeeeighhhh... *cough*TACK!!*cough*


scratch all that.

someone just came in to work to get some valentines event flyers printed and were soooo happy with my work that they're gunna give me some free tickets.


free is good! i like free :grin:


...plus the event is for a sorta anti-valentines day ~ with 'love and loss poems' and some bands who are apparently 'masters of macabre' ::shrug:



and did it mention it's free?

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nnnneeeeighhhh... *cough*TACK!!*cough*


scratch all that.

someone just came in to work to get some valentines event flyers printed and were soooo happy with my work that they're gunna give me some free tickets.


free is good! i like free :grin:


...plus the event is for a sorta anti-valentines day ~ with 'love and loss poems' and some bands who are apparently 'masters of macabre' ::shrug:



and did it mention it's free?

How much, bet its a fair few bob1?

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I just realised the other day Dan said to me "see you next weekend"...


So he gave you a blatant come on and you didn't even pick up on it? He probably mustered all his courage just to say that, and you've gone and shattered his hopes. No we know why he made this post;


I tihnk I'll probably spend the day...alone in a dark room. in my pants. crying.
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So he gave you a blatant come on and you didn't even pick up on it? He probably mustered all his courage just to say that, and you've gone and shattered his hopes. No we know why he made this post;
I rectified this error in a phone call shortly after that post. Maybe.


Not sure about that, some girls might find it funny. I know a girl wearing it would get my attention, if only to ask if she actuallly has an STD or not!


I've never been to a traffic light party, but they sounded cool back at uni. Thing is, if you wear green surely you just seem desperate. I reckon orange is the way to go, even if you're single. I'd have to wear red if i went now though, which is stupid. No-one should go if they arn't on the pull :p


Dan suggested we gather the troops and green-it-up. I'm not all too sure about man-slutting, to be honest!

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Well, I didn't get the Valentines day movie that I was hoping for (as it didn't feel right asking today due to certain things - I shall try again tomorrow), but I did get a date to the school prom. Woot.

Yes, we have a school prom. Yes, it's horrible and clichéd and Americanised and shit, but fuck it. I have a date to it.


And yes, before anyone says, they are both with the same girl.

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We're staying in by the looks of it. Stay in bed all night, rent a blu-ray and order in a pizza hut. My kind of night :)

Sounds awesome! Would be my kind of thing as well, haha. Staying in with a good film/game and some yummy food, and of course good company. ^____^

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I think all you singles need to lighten up! Though I say that, I'm determined to avoid the emo doom of V-Day by finding something, anything, for me to go out and do! Though preferably in the company of some pretty women. I met a nice girl last friday, but I decided I was too drunk to do anything without making a tit of myself and have no way to get ahold of her now, otherwise I'd have tried to take her out saturday!

But even so, I'm not bothered! My current plans are to find(and it's amazing to realise how many cool single people I don't know) someone else in the same boat and take them out for a fun filled evening of funs to cheer us both up! Unfortunately it seems the rare few I know have their own plans, and I dunno if I'm gonna settle for the crap people. I think V-Day should just be a day to go out and have fun if you're single, so go do it! Stop moping!!

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I'm doing bum all. But, I'm going round one of my best mates to watch her newly arrived HSM3 dvd tomorrow night. We just realised it was valentines, so it really isn't going to help the fact people already think we're a couple.


Psychology on friday should be hilarious. "Yeah, I'm going round hers tomorrow" ...."OMG TAKE PROTECTION".

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