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Where'd the Awesome Pokemon figures come from? Mainly Drifblim?


They all came from Pochi Wochi or whatever they are called, Toy Egg dispenser things.


The Driftblim is a dangler, I just unscrewed the thing. Hes my favourite I think. And Raichu looks wicked.



Needs more Scyther/Scizor though. :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel like bumpage. So here's a photo my desk taken on a rubbish £20 phone*.




True story: I originally didn't have the "mat" (which is actually the 360's instruction manual). It took me 15 minutes to realise why the mouse wasn't working.



*That's a lie. The phone is actually pretty good.

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Bad boy, you will only damage the PS3 if you stand it vertically, even if it says you can in the manual and even if it does look much better than a barbecue :( Best console though ;) (you'll probably disagree in which case fair enough)


Actually, from what I hear there are less problems if you stand it vertically than horizontally. And only a nonce would put it horizontally, taking up a ridiculous amount of space.


Just looking at my 360 and Wii it's quite clear they're aesthetically designed to stand upright, so I can see it being the same for PS3 too.

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Actually, from what I hear there are less problems if you stand it vertically than horizontally. And only a nonce would put it horizontally, taking up a ridiculous amount of space.


Just looking at my 360 and Wii it's quite clear they're aesthetically designed to stand upright, so I can see it being the same for PS3 too.

No I think it does damage to the console because generally when discs are spinning when vertical it isn't good for it. And I think the PS3 is designed for Horizontal positioning; it's much more stable, and when in the box the standard position of the logo is horizontal.

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  • 10 months later...
Are you allowed to read/draw at work?


Inbetween calls yeah. Its not like I'm sitting there for like hours on end though. Most usual gap between calls for me (for the last 6 months or so) is about 30 seconds - 3 minutes. (Sometimes it can be like 20 minutes though. I call those epic moments)

Very recently its been less. Well Tuesday and Wednesday this week there were calls waiting (Ie no gaps between calls) between 10am and 5pm.


It makes you want to kill yourself.


There did used to be rules (and technically still are of) "No reading, no internet unless its BBC news" type things and "If you're bored then read your training manual" which is the most ridiculous/patronising thing. But they're pretty lax now. My manager is very safe. Mollys is a cunt.

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Inbetween calls yeah. Its not like I'm sitting there for like hours on end though. Most usual gap between calls for me (for the last 6 months or so) is about 30 seconds - 3 minutes. Very recently its been less. Well Tuesday and Wednesday this week there were calls waiting (Ie no gaps between calls) between 10am and 5pm.



It makes you want to kill yourself.


There did used to be rules (and technically still are of) "No reading, no internet unless its BBC news" type things and "If you're bored then read your training manual" which is the most ridiculous/patronising thing. But they're pretty lax now. My manager is very safe. Mollys is a cunt.


We aren't that lucky in my call centre =P We could be sitting for an hour with maybe a handful of calls, so they make us do data input when not on phone calls. (and we have targets with those) I know the night workers (emergency doc on call) get no other work, but then they are nearly constantly on the phone anyways.

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