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N-Europe Summer Meetup, innit - Hyde Park, Saturday 18th July. No penguins allowed.


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lol ~ we'll be leading an expedition :heh:

yeah thats ok!! wil let you know sooner the time exactly when and where to meet and send you my mobile number via PM etc.

coolness, what station do you come into again?? victoria...?


Cool :) thanks Bluey, if I'm ok to take the time off work I should be able to travel up and get there on the Friday and as far as I can tell from the First travel website, I can get there in about five hours by train, so if theres a time that's best for you - with regard to getting to the station - then let me know and it can be arranged. : peace:



It will most probably be on the Saturday unfortunately as of yet I have not arranged any of that as we were going to arrange that nearer the time but if Bluey says we can meet you and you need to book tickets I'm sure we can arrange it sooner. :D


I'm going to head back that evening. If someone just shows me a train station I'm sure I can find my way home not so much of a problem.


I do hope you come! :yay:



I can travel up on either day - time off work permitting - I only suggested me traveling up on the Friday because that's my usual day off work anyway. :)


But yeah I really hope that I can come ^^ I shall let you all know on Monday evening probably either way.

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Well I checked on the calender at work and no-one else seems to be on holiday during Saturday 18th July so this hopefully means that I can go :) I've just gotta put in a request to change some of my holiday around and all should be fine.

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Lads and ladies, this is looking to be pretty bloody epic, good show! Hopefully all our definites(who I'm starting to lose track of!) will actually come along when it comes to the crunch!


What's the back-up plan on the off-chance of horrendous weather?


There isn't one at present. Suggestions, anyone?

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Lads and ladies, this is looking to be pretty bloody epic, good show! Hopefully all our definites(who I'm starting to lose track of!) will actually come along when it comes to the crunch!

You know nothing of the Crunch!

(Sorry. I had to post that. Moving on)

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Anal Cakes, what if it does rain? I was thinking about this possibility earlier.


Hmm, how big is Platty's house? It would be fucking mental trying to get everyone into a pub or cafe or something like that.


I suggest: Umbrellas. Lots of them. Or a big fucking tent. Lots of those, too.

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Guest Captain Falcon


Hmm, how big is Platty's house? It would be fucking mental trying to get everyone into a pub or cafe or something like that.



So getting everyone into a pub or cafe would be a struggle but somehow it wouldn't be to get them into a house?

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So getting everyone into a pub or cafe would be a struggle but somehow it wouldn't be to get them into a house?


Well, he is apparantly Alan Shearer, and I've always imagined him to have a big house. ;)


Actually, after looking at his pictures on facebook, he looks more like Karl Pilkington than anything now. That's what old age does to you.



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Eugh i've just realised how expensive getting a hotel or something for the night could be :/


I've managed to haggle the day off work already though so :)


Well what me and my mates did one time was get a single room between 4 of us =p. That split the cost quite nicely. I might need a place to stay actually, unless we go for a tent in the middle of a park, which could be awesome.

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Anal Cakes, what if it does rain? I was thinking about this possibility earlier.


Hmm, how big is Platty's house? It would be fucking mental trying to get everyone into a pub or cafe or something like that.


I suggest: Umbrellas. Lots of them. Or a big fucking tent. Lots of those, too.


Chandos is massive.

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I've totally lost track of who is and isn't coming, and inevitably stuck loads of people on the definite list cos they've been talking about plans! I reckon one of all you definites should probably start looking into your accomodation things if you're hostelling it up, somebody take chaaaarge!

Also, Just been perusing the list of maybes, has anyone seen Strider or nightwolf around lately? Any maybes on there who aren't maybes anymore? None of this really matters, it's still gonna be an epic meet, but y'kno, just nice to know who's gonna be there.


EDIT: Nevermind, found Strider! Posting in all the threads I had been skipping over it seems.

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Hmmm, never heard of it. Where is it?


Quite close to like Charing Cross/Leicester Square iirc, I think I've been there once, and walked past it tons of times I just never remember if that's the place I think it is.

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God damn the train is going to be expensive to get if I'm coming. Just checked and even with my railcard it'll cost about £120 for a single. Would probably be only slightly more expensive for a return but that is really a lot more than I'd like to pay. Have had a look at the buses and it's a hell of a lot cheaper. Think it's like £7 going down and £5 coming back. I'm still down as a maybe, purely because I don't know where I'll be staying if I do come. Was thinking hotel but that'll probably break my budget of money so don't know. If people were making a move on the hosteling front or whatever then I'd probably be able to gauge how much it'd cost me to go that way.

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Bluey's apparent tardis house?!


hah... i dont think everyone'll fit in my house... :heh:


if it's raining, i suggest we meet up INSIDE the cafe thingy that's on the bit of green we're supposed to be meeting at, then once we're all gathered - in stead of hanging out on the grass, we find somewhere nice for lunch. there'll be a restaurant or pub somewhere that will house us. no worries!!



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Sounds cool- just thought I'd say from what I remember the inside of the caff isn't too massive and didn't have all that many chairs and stuff, but there is a sheltered outter bit so it should be good :)


It's the other side of the serpentine to the place I X'd on the map, but only a few mins walk either way.

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