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Has 2008 been a disappointing year for gaming?

Guest Jordan

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Even LittleBigPlanet is disappointing on some levels. It's great fun, creativity is good, but after everything, pretty much all fan-made levels are the same sort of stuff


I haven't really played it for a few weeks...got about 2 weeks of use out of it then it got boring

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are you insane? This has been one of the best years in gaming ever!

come on!


Geometry Wars 2

Bionic Commando

Farcry 2

Left 4 Dead

Gears 2



and that's just on 360. You seriously can't consider this any kind of low, surely?




As well as Fable 2! Fallout 3! RB2!

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Ea have been really good in many ways. Burnout Paradise to Battlefield Bad Company to Mirror's Edge to Dead Space its been a great year creatively. :smile:


Even LittleBigPlanet is disappointing on some levels. It's great fun, creativity is good, but after everything, pretty much all fan-made levels are the same sort of stuff


I disagree, we already have levels based on R-Type to Street Fighter to Basketball and even Mario. The game is what you make it to be. :smile: You have over 200,000 levels to play now. Play my levels and heart me ;)


This year has just filled me with apathy gaming wise, even games like Gears of War 2 and Fallout 3 did little more than make me say 'meh'.

Might just be me though.


I did not care much for Fallout. Mainly because i prefer WOW Lich King. Gears 2 is supposed to be good though? Try out other games. While there were disappointments the good stuff more than makes up for them. The variety was great this year.

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I think it's been an average year. I played the hell out of Brawl for a good few months but the online sucked. Huge mention goes out to No More Heores, fresh, innovative and such a bold personality! I loved manhunt 2 as well!


I've enjoyed a few things on 360, mainly fable 2 but once I finished it, it seemed a bit non-eventful and I haven't been back since. Grid was OK for a while. I'm getting fed up of sequals and have very little cash so I haven't played many of the newer games but half the 360 library I won't touch because I'm sick to death of the shooter and the 3rd person action adventure.


GTA IV was the biggest dissapointment for me, the biggest load of crap I have ever played. I honesty don't know where the $100million went into this because it's a step BACKWARDS from San Andreas. Horrible, horrible game.


Is it just me or are many of the big budget sequals on 360/PS3 just becoming "interactive movies" where cutscenes and graphics get so much attention while everything else is less than last gen or more of the same? Sort it out, innovate.


On a happy note, since getting it in the post from the US last week, I've spent close to 30 hours on Animal Crossing Wii, second most played game of the year and I'm loving it! I think I need to get a DS, that seems to be where a lot of the action is now. Although I cannot wait for next years Wii line up. Conduit? Yes please, Voice chat? Yes please, NMH2? Yes please, Expanded WiiWare and VC? yes please, Madworld? Yes Please! :P

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I've spent more time playing my 360 this year than any of my other consoles. I tried different games on my 360, those which I hadn't before. Some were good, Mirrors Edge, but others were not so great, Gears of War 2 (really, if this wins any GOTY awards I'll go insane because it wasn't great. Felt heavy and clunky and didn't look as good as Epic hyped it up to. Liars). My Wii got a lot of attention at the start of the year and has subsequently been started several times recently, mainly for a re run on Twilight Princess and to play gamecube games. I don't really know much about what's coming to the 360 next year so I can't say I'm excited until I know anything but with what the Wii is to get I'm very excited. As long as we in Europe do get Sin and Punishment 2 then I'll be very happy. My DS hasn't had much action. Just Advance Wars DC, and that wasn't great, Guitar Hero on Tour, equally not great, and TWEWY which I sort of liked but sort of didn't. Missed a whole load of DS games though that I'll have to pick up at some point.


But I will reiterate that I hope publishers take note from this year and don't try and compress everything they have into about a 3 week period like they have done because it was ridiculous and I'm sure they're all sitting there thinking that they should have waited to release it so as to get better sales.

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GTA IV was the biggest dissapointment for me, the biggest load of crap I have ever played. I honesty don't know where the $100million went into this because it's a step BACKWARDS from San Andreas. Horrible, horrible game.


Really? I loved it but then again i never played the first 3.


Some honorable mentions from 2008:



1942 Joint Strike

SS2THDR (already addicted)

Bionic Commando Rearmed

SSB Brawl

Megaman 9

CoD 5 (hey its not bad)

Rock Band 2

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Nope, not at all. I feel 2008 did just as well as 2007. Perhaps it's coming off of 2007 that makes 2008 harder to appreciate(hey that rhymes). For example, compare the Monsters Inc to Over the Hedge. Dreamworks is proud of their fur in OtH, but Pixar did it better (imo, but a smaller scale...) years before with MI, which just makes what OtH does seem less impressive.


Mind you, I've only watched those with a high quality upscaler at 720p.

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As far as I'm concerned everything that has come out this year has been in the shadow of Metal Gear Solid 4.


The production values alone are enough to blow everything else out of the water.


Even sister played it and she loved it lol(on easy). Generally they dont touch games like that. The attention Kojima gave to the game is just insane. Goes to show how all the little touches really add up.


GTA IV was the biggest dissapointment for me, the biggest load of crap I have ever played. I honesty don't know where the $100million went into this because it's a step BACKWARDS from San Andreas. Horrible, horrible game.


I just could not get into it for some odd reason. It felt like I was going through the motions rather than having fun.

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I just could not get into it for some odd reason. It felt like I was going through the motions rather than having fun.


Exactly how I felt, it was a total chore to play, and a lot of the fun (albeit unrealistic) things from the fantastic San Andreas were removed.


I think GTA IV highlights exactly why realism should not be a driving force in game creation. People play games to escape realism and have fun.


I dunno, maybe I'm biased, after all what would I know, I'm just a Nintendo Fanboy :heh:

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Right now, I'm just hoping for what comes in 09 (Particularly the 2 new Tales games)


MKWii is just a classic delight, Sonic once again fell short of the hype with Unleashed. Since I got my 360 mid Autumn, so far the games I got weren't that great except Fable 2. Maybe build it up with a back library of games next year.

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Simply put, no. I've been silently fighting the stereotype that you need more than one home console to enjoy a good, balanced gaming experience. My personal year has seen a decent and consistent slew of games that I bought: Zack and Wiki, BWii (online destroyed my life for 3 months), Boom Blox, Brawl, Okami, No More Heroes, Call of Duty 5. I'm also probably going to succumb to Animal Crossing and Mario Kart Wii before long too. The DS front has been awesome as well. I experimented with Shiren and found the most hardcore game of the year, Advance Wars: Dark Conflict continued the greatest ever strategy series and The World Ends With You became easily my GotY, and crept dangerously close to challenging Tales Of Symphonia as my fav game of all time.


I'm also one of the only people I know who goes back often to games I may have had for between a year and five years. Lately, my thing has been going through Metroid Prime 3 on Hyper Mode and also Wind Waker. I'll finally finish Viewtiful Joe soon too :D


I think the reason that negativity will always become the dominant mentality on internet forums is because most people who are happy are too busy playing the damn games (lol).

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I didn't think GTA IV was that great, the reasons above. Then again I haven't owned it.


Tbh this has been one of my favourite years for gaming, it helps that I got the PS3 recently because I've been able to catch up on many games already released eg. Ratchet and Uncharted


MGS4 was a fantastic game. My first run-through I was in awe of the scale of it, but on the second run through I realised that there are actually very few moments of gameplay. However that doesn't detract from the epic experience.


Fallout 3 is one of my most favorite games also - just generally very fun and some interesting characters and stuff to do.


Resistance 2 I have enjoyed a lot (despite the annoying ranking issues online). The multiplayer is brilliant and the single player had very high production values.


LBP is quality in multiplayer. I understand the gripes with people getting bored of it, but if you get to grips with the create mode and play levels with friends it becomes very entertaining. It hasn't quite risen to my expectations because there are some setbacks at the moment like putting in pictures and music but overall I enjoy it a lot.


Wipeout HD was my first Wipeout game which I got really good at - I was encouraged to play because of the trophies but I have now decided they won't be a factor for when I play a game.


Finally, I'm really anticipating Motorstorm 2 which has avoided hype this year even though the graphics look incredible - I also thought the demo was impressive which goes against the views of many, so I'm in for a treat when I get the final version.


If only I could play Banjo and Gears on the Playstation!

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The problem is partially Nintendo's fault


With the Wii, the casual market came into full bloom and now everyone is shifting focus to it somewhat with crap like Lips and You're In The Movies being "big" games


I missed this post before but what about PS2 singstar and EyeToy games?

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What a weird thread.


Seriously though, gamers are so impatient and ungrateful. Something that takes years to make should never have a shelf life of a few weeks. But thats what we do to most games, and thats why you've forgotten them.


This. Seriously, I recently got a Wii (a couple of weeks ago). The only game I bought so far is Super Mario 64 for the VC.

It's a game I completed 100% back in the day. And I still only have 100 stars. After 2 weeks of playing it. I haven't rushed trough it, I've just been enjoying the game and re-exploring the world(s).

Now, if I can get at least 2 weeks from a game I used to own, previously completed, and am now completing faster than the first time (considering I still remember the location of certain stars), how come other people can't get more than 2 weeks off new games?

Hell, even EBA lasted me months of fun (and it's quite short).



Second, I'm sure there are games from 2007/2006 that you have yet to play. And if you feel every game feels the same, try different genres.

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Personally I think this is a thread of FAIL. Insane amount of games that I want but haven't played, and then there was the huge amount of stuff from the previous year that I have been trying to get through. 2008 has been a crazy, time especially the perioud we are at now. Financially speaking, it wont end until march/april next year so we still have many more great titles to see. Hopefully they aren't forgotten like the stuff released earlier this year was.

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Simply put, no. I've been silently fighting the stereotype that you need more than one home console to enjoy a good, balanced gaming experience. My personal year has seen a decent and consistent slew of games that I bought: Zack and Wiki, BWii (online destroyed my life for 3 months), Boom Blox, Brawl, Okami, No More Heroes, Call of Duty 5. I'm also probably going to succumb to Animal Crossing and Mario Kart Wii before long too. The DS front has been awesome as well. I experimented with Shiren and found the most hardcore game of the year, Advance Wars: Dark Conflict continued the greatest ever strategy series and The World Ends With You became easily my GotY, and crept dangerously close to challenging Tales Of Symphonia as my fav game of all time.


I'm also one of the only people I know who goes back often to games I may have had for between a year and five years. Lately, my thing has been going through Metroid Prime 3 on Hyper Mode and also Wind Waker. I'll finally finish Viewtiful Joe soon too :D


I think the reason that negativity will always become the dominant mentality on internet forums is because most people who are happy are too busy playing the damn games (lol).


I salute you for this mentality, sir. More is not always better! I just lost my job so I'll be going back down to one console soon.

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