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And I'm waiting for darksnowman to show up and say Metroid games are shit.:p


..he dreads his Metroid.. though I understand how he feels some times :heh:


Metroid Prime was amazing.. though I never managed to quite get into Echoes.. Corruption again is fantastic but I haven't played it in a few weeks despite progressing well through it. There really is just something about the Metroid games that can feel unappealing at times, even if you have enjoyed what you have played up to that point.. It's hard to explain!


I'd definitely look forward to a new Metroid game, despite the extremely dodgy Hunters being the last one I played to completion (which again was disrupted midway without a real desire to return any time soon.. but eventually I did go back..)

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Next week is going to be a big one in terms of Wii games, at least for me anyway. The games coming out that im after are...


Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution 2

Deadly Creatures

House of the Dead: Overkill


Looks like I will be buying a mass amount of batteries for my Wiimote over the coming months :)

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Yeh, it's a big week next week in terms of those games. Bit of a shame I can only afford one and it'll probably be House of the Dead but I do really want Deadly Creatures. But then I do have 4 Wii games on the go that I haven't finished yet (Disaster, Wario Land, Dewy's Adventure and Dragon Blade) so perhaps I should finish those first.

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Holy shit! A metroid universe game from space pirates point of view... one of my dream games can come true. Space pirates are one of my favourtie villains since Metroid Prime. Before, they were just evil insectoid monsters but, with the scans in Prime, they gained so much more personnality (especially the mad scientist aspect).

Can't wait to learn more about this tease.


And I'm waiting for darksnowman to show up and say Metroid games are shit.:p


Lol! But its so true!


It could be interesting to see things from the Space Pirates point of view, but then I remember that they were really boring and generic baddies. Nothing really stood out about them, did it.

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Yeh I see this Metroid announcement is most likely a Manga, but we shall see!


Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution 2

Deadly Creatures

House of the Dead: Overkill


Looks like I will be buying a mass amount of batteries for my Wiimote over the coming months :)

Buy some rechargables!!


HOTD: Overkill I'm sold on, though not sure I'll get it right away as I still have a few games to do more on including Shaun White, and getting all the secret chests on Zack & Wiki. I also started a Luigi Galaxy run-through which I wanna complete sometime!


I'll look forward to your impressions of Deadly Creatures though, I do worry that game just isn't gonna sell!

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Yeh I don't think Deadly Creatures will sell too well, which is ashame because it deserves to do well for all of the effort put in. And I believe it's being used as a tester, like many of the more mature titles on the Wii, to see whether the devs will go ahead with their other ideas for mature titles on the Wii. I'll be picking it up myself, just don't know when. February is going to be an expensive month for games with having just bought Chrono Trigger and Castlevania on the DS to get along with HotD: Overkill, Deadly Creatures, Killzone 2 and Halo Wars. It's like the xmas rush all over again.

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I really want a few of them games, but I'm going to stay strong, maybe buckling on House of Dead. Though I'm actually NOT going to get the SE version because all you get a is a comic!! I'm going to get deadley creatures eventually, games like that need to seel. I mean, if House of the Dead, madworld, Conduit and Deadly Creatures all sell really well, then the Wii will explode with 3rd party games that don't usually invade the Wii!

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And I'm waiting for darksnowman to show up and say Metroid games are shit.:p


*loads shotgun*


Lol! But its so true!


It could be interesting to see things from the Space Pirates point of view, but then I remember that they were really boring and generic baddies. Nothing really stood out about them, did it.


well good enough for me.. they are quite generic.. I was expecting worse :bouncy:

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We all do. I hate seeing crap games like that.


Also I started Resi 4 again. Was going through Assignement Ada and accidently saved over my original save. So now i'm going through it all again. Still love this game as much as I played through it the first time.

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The cover has a wheelchair on it! The cover has a wheelchair on it!


I've ordered the SE version :)

Having looked into the comic it actualy looks pretty good, and for a fiver!!??


Okay, my next question is this. I want a one handed gun; the perfect shot is meant to be amazing, but Ijust don't get how it works. Can someone who has it lay down how say, Ghost Squad works with it, and RE: UC for that matter.


I'm going to wait til next week to see which is better - the perfect shot or the hand cannon, and then get two of the best one I think. hand Cannon is cheaper!!


Lol, dazzy. Then if the Wii explodes with a host of third party games, what will happen? We will all have a bunch more games to try to stay strong from buying as we try to enjoy our backlogs. Vicious circle.


Hmmm...tis true. But at least then we can pick up the games at a later date for cheap :)


I thought while I was away I was going to get through some of my games....no such luck. I've barely played the Wii. Wii Fit and buying and completing Death Jr is about all I've done. I'm going to abuse my Wii senseless when I get back home next weekend!!

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Fallout 3 developer compares the Wii to the Teddy Ruxpin bear.


Why do western pubs/devs ignore the wii and the DS?


It's getting to the point where I'm just ripping my hair out.


Many publishers and developers slate the system, stating that it's just not great for the hardcore game. Do any of these publishers try to rectify this situation by producing "hardcore" games for this system? Very few.


So, my reply to them: Shut the fuck up complaining. Hide behind another excuse, like the technical specifications of the system, rather than behind the real truth, which is laziness. :heh:

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Tbh though he did make Fallout 3, which is fucking incredible. An experience like that isn't possible on the Wii at all. I mean, unless you want to do something like Zack & wiki or have a go at an FPS (Conduit ftw!) then yeah you might as well push the limits of your talent and explore the boundaries of the PS3/360 for a while.

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hum, bethesda are an increadable developer, oblivion and fallout 3 are two of my fave games on the ps3. i can see that there is no way that style of game could be made to work on the wii, not with such a huge over world etc.


however, that dosen't mean the wii is a bad console.


instead of looking at the technical limitations nd seeing what isnt possible, developers should look at the input methods and thoink what is possible.






also, i hear wispers of nintendo's next console and that it will no longer be plaigued by the technical limitations. whether or not my sorce is relable is debatable. hopefully nintendo can find its place as a serious consideration to developers, something it hasnt been since the days of the snes.

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The thing is Bethesda don't even have Wii dev kits and so don't really know what it's capable of. I know for a fact that the engine used to create and bring to life the worlds of Oblivion and Fallout 3 has been ported to and runs on the Wii's technology so must be capable of much more than they think. Perhaps they should get hold of some dev kits and see for themselves what the Wii can do before giving comments like this. Yes, it's never gonna give us Oblivion style worlds but I'm sure they'd be surprised how far they could push the console.

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