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just checked the list... is punchout really that good? (86%??)


It's alright, very repetitive though. Defo not the type of game I'd pay £30 on but it's got some great qualities (music in particular).


RE: Wipeout: The Game - I've had the misfortune of playing the UK version (titled The Ultimate Red Ball Challenge for some reason) and it's god awful. Doubt much will change for that version of the game. I'm just glad I didn't have to pay for it, just annoyed I had to play through that crap.


Satoru Iwata has acknowledged that the online experience for Wii isn’t as good as it could be:


Iwata, the head of Nintendo in Japan, met with investors whilst in LA for E3 last week to discuss Nintendo’s current position and their plans for moving forward. He discussed why online functionality was not included in New Super Mario Bros. Wii, citing that the Wii’s limited capability for online play would not have ensured a positive gaming experience. "I think that his (Miyamoto’s) decision on whether or not to include online functionality with New Super Mario Bros. Wii was based on the idea that the true value of that product was going to be determined not by online functionality, but on how compelling and unique the experience would be for two, three or four people to be able to play that game together in the same room."


Iwata then acknowledged the gaming community’s sentiments towards the Wii’s online functionality. "I have heard commentary that people feel that Nintendo’s online functionality is behind the others or is lacking in some ways." The good news here of course is that Nintendo recognises poor online on the Wii as something that can be fixed. "I can say that we are not currently satisfied with the online efforts that we have made so far, and we are working at ways to improve those," said Iwata.





I love it that NINTENDO fans, such as myself, can still look forward to 'the great leap into online awesomeness':yay:


All your favourite NINTENDO franchises with EPIC on-line modes makes me a happy :)


No on-line modes for Donkey Kong Country Returns and Kirby: Epic Yarn makes me sad :(

Thank Fuck!


Now if only they could make Brawl somewhat playable online!


OK, Smash can be choppy in places, but i've rarely had issues that are not related to players own connection speeds - find local players with good ping, and some reasonable speeds, and Smash is great.


No on-line modes for Donkey Kong Country Returns and Kirby: Epic Yarn makes me sad :(


The fact NSMB Wii failed to ship with an online mode still angers me, Nintendos biggest wasted opportunity in recent years. And no DKC Returns online? :nono:


The fact NSMB Wii failed to ship with an online mode still angers me, Nintendos biggest wasted opportunity in recent years. And no DKC Returns online? :nono:


Not that I know of, but hey, Retro isn't NINTENDO so they might surprise us: peace:

OK, Smash can be choppy in places, but i've rarely had issues that are not related to players own connection speeds - find local players with good ping, and some reasonable speeds, and Smash is great.


Yes, but people with bad connection speeds can still play other games online without issue. There's no way around it, its just bad network code.

Iwata: I cannot say that the recession has no effect on the sales of video games. My belief is we should not blame the bad economy for the cause of slow sales of video games. The slow sales must be due to the lack of great software that everyone wants to buy. We have not shown off the great attractions of whatever we are selling. This is not the problem of Nintendo alone, but the entire video game industry. After all, something that is really fresh can make our industry grow. The important thing we have to tackle is making attractive games and marketing them well toward the end of this year. I think the whole industry should be more cautious about how we act and how the general public perceives us. In the past, the formula was to make the computer graphics more gorgeous. It used to fit the taste of the majority of the gaming audience, but it doesn’t work so well in this day and age. It’s more difficult for us to come up with something new and different and show people how different we are. The whole industry has to recognize that. Looking at the product line-ups this year, these titles might have been big hits three years ago. But now this year, they are not selling that much. In other words, people get tired of games more quickly than they did before. When you look at our 3D games concept, we recognize it will not be eternally appealing. However, it’s not a shallow concept that can be forgotten as a momentary fad.




He has a point you know. I'm terribly bored of seeing YET ANOTHER fps game etc myself.

The time is here!

The time to start mixing genres and gameplay!


They should make the ultimate genre mixture: An RTS game played inside a pinball machine. They should call it "Great Balls"!

They should make the ultimate genre mixture: An RTS game played inside a pinball machine. They should call it "Great Balls"!


Never got round to playing Odama, shame the mic was never used outside thie game.


Odama was probably one of the more strange games I've played.


Anyway, I have a feeling that Western RPGs with shooter elements are going to overtake FPS games soon. Ever since Mass Effect and Fallout 3 we've been seeing a lot more of them pop up, and some of them have been quite successful.


I downloaded Harvest Moon from the VC just the other day.


I've never played the Snes version before only the GBA one with tragic consequences that resulted me refusing to play the game ever again but I've come out of retirement as a farmer and given it another chance. :p


It's very relaxing. :)


Recently my Wii hasn't seen so much action in ages. :grin:


I wish I had more money to get points for Super Mario Kart to. :heart:


IGN's Readers Interview Shigeru Miyamoto


New Super Mario World 3DS?


Miyamoto: Well you know a lot of the ideas that I would have liked to have implemented in Super Mario World have come to life in later Mario games since then. But the question gets me thinking about what fun it would be to create a Super Mario World game on the Nintendo 3DS and how we could use the depth and the sense of distance offered by 3D visuals on the world map and on the maps in that game, so that you have Bullet Bills flying at you from a distance and popping up off the screen.


IGN: Is that a hint?


Miyamoto: I don't know... Maybe!


But the 3DS is screaming out for a 3D Mario platformer - you know, a game where judging distances (and therefore would benefit from the 3D) is quite important.

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