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The University Thread 08/09


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Not sent off my form yet, but here are my choices:


1 - Edinburgh college of art

2 - University of Dundee

3 - Gray's school of art


I've opted for first year studies at all 3, hopefully I'll get in!

I didn't get the grades for Edinburgh, but I'm hoping my portfolio will help sway the situ.


My sister does Art at Dundee and loves it.


Edit: Ganepark! What year of Uni are you in? Maybe you know my sister, lulz.

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I've got offers from Anglia Ruskin, Bristol, Leeds. I had an interview for conventry, but I decided against going. It was my last choice, and I just didn't see the need. I'm just waiting for Sheffield to reply, but for Journalism, they won't reply until mid-feb so I'm a little on edge.


Other than that, Yay.

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Got my 4th offer today woop!


De Montfort - 240

Wolverhampton - 160

Nottingham Trent - 240 inc. Maths

Huddersfield - 260 (For the course I wanted but... offered me another course aswell for 120...)


So far De Montfort have been really on the ball (Haven't been to any open days yet) with dvd's and letters. Im projected at CCD with an additional E at AS. I was a bit confused with Huddersfields offer with a load of 6 and 3 unit shpiel, along with an offer for a different course, although not completly different.

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Congrats everyone so far :) I can remember how nervous/exciting it can be, constantly checking the UCAS site.


Personally im applying for a postgrad doing Japanese Cultural Studies at Birkbeck (London). Application is in and at least one reference has made it (other should have been sent by now but lecturers are such unreliable creatures). Have arranged to meet on the 18th but im not sure whether its a casual chat or an interview and its doing my head in. This is how he has worded it so far;


The Registry then sends me your application, at which point, we might then meet both to give you an opportunity to ask me more about the programme, and for me to find out in more detail about your background and interests. As well, we sometimes ask applicants to complete a short writing task which gives you an idea of the kind of approaches to study that we emphasise on the programme. At that point, I then decide whether to offer you a place on the course.


So actually...it does sound like it. But its the lack of the word "interview" that is bugging me. This sounds like we're going to go to Starbucks :p (Also anyone want to give me some tips on how to pronounce 'Aoki'?)


As for me, I'm dropping out at the end of the first year. Darn.


How come dude?

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As for me, I'm dropping out at the end of the first year. Darn.


I will slap you for every year you've fucked up. Which is, what, 19 so far? Plus all the extra years you're throwing away -- think of all the ALCOHOL and JUNK FOOD you'll be missing out on if you quit naow!


Why the fuck not just painfully stumble through? It's next-to-impossible to get a third, and even if you FAIL you get a certificate that says "I spent about £10,000 for this shit?! And I can't even get a job!"


Fact is; you don't want to work in a supermarket for the rest of your life. have some fun. Get over whatever girl it is that's holding you back. Transfer to sheffield WHATEVER -- just don't give up. Your mum might forgive you, but I never will.

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I will slap you for every year you've fucked up. Which is, what, 19 so far? Plus all the extra years you're throwing away -- think of all the ALCOHOL and JUNK FOOD you'll be missing out on if you quit naow!


Why the fuck not just painfully stumble through? It's next-to-impossible to get a third, and even if you FAIL you get a certificate that says "I spent about £10,000 for this shit?! And I can't even get a job!"


Fact is; you don't want to work in a supermarket for the rest of your life. have some fun. Get over whatever girl it is that's holding you back. Transfer to sheffield WHATEVER -- just don't give up. Your mum might forgive you, but I never will.


Jesus, carry on this way and we'll have to rename this N-Sheffield. Staaap Eeeet.


Dyson: Why the lack of love? Uni can be so demotivating at times, but you can easily turn that around. Get your first year out of the way, have a break (have a kitkat) and pick yourself up for the second one.


Round Two: Fiiiiiight!

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As for me, I'm dropping out at the end of the first year. Darn.


You only have to pass the first year, which is something like 30% on some modules if you compensate on others. University is all about remembering a load of crap in the month or two before exams - intelligence not required! Just go over stuff enough times and eventually you can regurgitate it in an exam.

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How come dude?


It's hard to say. To cut a long story short, I've just made a big mistake in choosing this course. I loved it in college and thought I'd be able to take it on in Bournemouth, but it turned out it's just not for me at all. I love the place, the people, the lifestyle, the atmosphere...I just can't handle the course content at all. Simply put, it's too hard, too deep for me.


The way I try and explain it to people is, think of when you're around someone and talking about, say, computers in detail, components to order, compatibility etc. Some people would have no idea what you're on about no matter how hard they try, and that's me for Music Tech. I loved the idea of music technology...just can't do it, really.


Not to mention the course itself has proven to be a shambles somewhat. The studios weren't set up properly until the end of December, we've had lecturers not being signed on in time, countless problems with the mac labs and the software, one lecturer had problems with his visa and hasn't even turned up in England yet, and we have a bizarre business course that is 'Buisness - According to me, your lecturer' and actually doesn't teach us anything except his views on things.


I will slap you for every year you've fucked up. Which is, what, 19 so far? Plus all the extra years you're throwing away -- think of all the ALCOHOL and JUNK FOOD you'll be missing out on if you quit naow!

Don't get me wrong at all, I really do love the place and the lifestyle etc. I just can't justify the course problems/monies for it.


Why the fuck not just painfully stumble through? It's next-to-impossible to get a third, and even if you FAIL you get a certificate that says "I spent about £10,000 for this shit?! And I can't even get a job!"

Unfortunately even passing my first year has now become impossible without redoing it all over again. Perhaps regrettably I decided this last week after months of consideration, but in the short space of time between then and now I've managed to miss one exam and two deadlines and countless lecs/labs. I don't really think it's possible for me to clamber back aboard any more. Though to be honest...I don't think I ever had that chance!


Fact is; you don't want to work in a supermarket for the rest of your life. have some fun.

You're damn right there.


Get over whatever girl it is that's holding you back.

Ah, the good old days.. :heh: I did, about xmas time. It's nothing like that anymore, even my money situation has become stable. I'm happy here, except for the course.


Transfer to sheffield WHATEVER -- just don't give up. Your mum might forgive you, but I never will.

To be honest I'm looking in to alternatives. Sheffield may be one of them by some freak coincidence!


Jesus, carry on this way and we'll have to rename this N-Sheffield. Staaap Eeeet.

That happened a long time ago :heh:


Dyson: Why the lack of love? Uni can be so demotivating at times, but you can easily turn that around. Get your first year out of the way, have a break (have a kitkat) and pick yourself up for the second one.


Round Two: Fiiiiiight!


You only have to pass the first year, which is something like 30% on some modules if you compensate on others. University is all about remembering a load of crap in the month or two before exams - intelligence not required! Just go over stuff enough times and eventually you can regurgitate it in an exam.

As I said above, it's too late for that now.


Except for coursework based subjects :p


Herein lies a big problem of mine. Always do better in exams than I do in coursework, really peculiar.


Anyway, I'm now trying to work out what to do next and it seems like I've hit a dead end instead. At the moment I'm sitting in my room all day, living the student life...without really being a student. Just got to decide whether going home or staying here and choosing a new course is the right path.


Oh, by the way, more about my crap uni ramblings at my blog, including further ramblings and reasoning for leaving.

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Well I'm glad you're looking at alternatives. Funkily enough, once you have a year of any degree under your belt, universities are a lot more welcoming if you want to try a different course.


It's not that simple surely, but if supergrunch can do it then surely we all can ;) And hey! At least you've realised this in your first year - shorty's had growing mumblations for two years now, and I pretty much 100% think I should've done philosophy instead of English now, in my third year, hence no chance for a change.

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Ah Dyson that sucks, but I hope you are able to find something that suits you!


Maybe not change, but you can get yourself more debt by doing it all again Jayseven?

I don't know what the student loan co's policy is for how many degrees you can take before they cut you off, but it's always a lovely idea. Not lovely - great. Yeah!





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I don't know what the student loan co's policy is for how many degrees you can take before they cut you off, but it's always a lovely idea. Not lovely - great. Yeah!






I know Daft has had issues this year with that. Apparently they only support you for four years. May be worthwhile speaking to him, SLC or the finance department at your uni.

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It's hard to say. To cut a long story short, I've just made a big mistake in choosing this course. I loved it in college and thought I'd be able to take it on in Bournemouth, but it turned out it's just not for me at all. I love the place, the people, the lifestyle, the atmosphere...I just can't handle the course content at all. Simply put, it's too hard, too deep for me.


I changed course a term into my second year. Same thing really, I loved Japanese at school but I realised that was mainly because I hated everything else and I was one of three people doing it then.


I don't regret doing my original course. It was a learning experience, I picked up a few skills, a lot of friends and it has prepared me for a course I really wanted to do. My choice to change course was probably the first big decision I made that was completely my own, and that has made all the difference.

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I got a letter from Oxford, about student funding and stuff.


There are two maths courses - a 3 year one, and a 4 year one - and I had always intended to do a 3 year one. However, the tone of the letter made it crystal clear that I'm supposed to do the 4 year course.


I dunno if my parents will be able to afford it, since they're supporting my eldest sister through 4 more years of Medicine, my second oldest through another year of Economics, and then my younger sister through 5 years of private schooling (then there's my littlest sister but my parents will long be retired when it comes to her school/uni funds. She's dyslexic/has learning difficulties/can't speak properly, so I dunno how my parents will address that - it's funny, considering all the other siblings are above averagely intelligent).



Basically - I need to earn shitloads of money somehow.

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