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The University Thread 08/09


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Last two nights actually. Woke up with a street sign in my bed this morning, f*ck knows how. I think I went streaking as well. Loving this place, although we're still on the search for someone with guitar hero.


Where have you been? I was out in west street last night for pound drinks at cavendish, so was down your way. Anyway yeah I got tickets for our union gig tonight but I think i'll give it a miss and try and get in the rollar disco early. Drunks on wheels, could be very funny.


Also, does it anyone find this weird or is this usual: I like talking to nerds on the internet, but I am generally irritated by them in real life? I can post on here with great pleasure but find a gaming society of any sort too boring/irritating/smelly to join?


I haven't met any yet, looking for someone with smash bros, I didn't bring any games up.


Can someone rename the thread "Sheffield Hallam University Thread 08/09"? :P


University of Sheffield right here. Yeah baby we got ourselves a rivalry.

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Oof there is so much to do! Although I'm debating whether to turn up for this art gallery thing on thursday, signing up for the doctors is the same day, so I'm really confused on what to do, I may have to head down to the union and ask but I'm not sure WHO to ask.


Not sure who to get tickets off for tonight, when kayleigh gets back we best go on the hunt for shef party people, they usually hang around here anyway so not too bad.

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You're either lucky with your housemates or you're damned unlucky.


Also, does it anyone find this weird or is this usual: I like talking to nerds on the internet, but I am generally irritated by them in real life? I can post on here with great pleasure but find a gaming society of any sort too boring/irritating/smelly to join?


I hope I'm lucky with my housemates!


LOL at your feelings towards nerds...I guess I feel that way too. I love posting on these forums but in actual "real" life? I don't think so. It'll harm my street cred! lol.


Anyways, bought some clothes from MARKS AND SPENCERS! M&S for christs sake! I was looking for some basic boxer shorts but this jacket caught my eye. Its got such a nice feel to it, very very warm and fleecy. Feels lovely to touch. Good price at £40 as well....I can see myself wearing it for a long time!


Also bought boxers and trackies. All for Uni really. Can't wait!

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Most of the guys on here don't seem in real life to be very in your face about gaming though, so it's probably alot easier. I did get the normal award from jay last night >_> lol.


Most people at uni tend to be ok, it comes to a point were food is shared constantly to save money and doors are constantly open, so it's not too bad. Sainsburies is pretty cheap, compared to what I thought it was and soooooooooo much closer than somerfield!


Anybody homesick yet?

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Most of the guys on here don't seem in real life to be very in your face about gaming though, so it's probably alot easier. I did get the normal award from jay last night >_> lol.



If the meet taught us anything, it's that most of us are alarmingly well adjusted normal people

but yeah....then you get the crazy nerds who just lower the tone for all concerned:heh:

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A long day at Uni. It went well. My english and psychology lectures went well. Then I get home at 5.35 which is ridiculous (going to be even worse on thursday. Really need to start looking at flats). Checked my webmail for the uni to be greeted with a very nice email from the head of english telling me that I need to read Twelfth Night by monday for next weeks lectures. I only joined english yesterday and missed in the intro lecture where apparently people were told what I've just been told. So I'm not best pleased. I need to get hold of a copy of the play and read all 200 or so pages of the damn thing and be able to talk about it during my tutorial class next friday.

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A long day at Uni. It went well. My english and psychology lectures went well. Then I get home at 5.35 which is ridiculous (going to be even worse on thursday. Really need to start looking at flats). Checked my webmail for the uni to be greeted with a very nice email from the head of english telling me that I need to read Twelfth Night by monday for next weeks lectures. I only joined english yesterday and missed in the intro lecture where apparently people were told what I've just been told. So I'm not best pleased. I need to get hold of a copy of the play and read all 200 or so pages of the damn thing and be able to talk about it during my tutorial class next friday.


It is an English degree...

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@ Blackfox - No. I'm doing a Psychology degree but I'm taking english as a module, along with Biomolecular mechanisms. It's not too bad. I've just finished the first act in Twelfth Night so it's easy enough to finish it before next monday. Just need to get a copy of the book for my tutorial and I'll be sorted.

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:heh: @ English suckers. I got sent a letter at the beginning of Sept saying I had to read 2 novels before I arrived. Together it's over 1000 pages :shakehead I'm not even nearly finished and I leave saturday. My plan is to use a plot summary off Wikipedia. Hopefully I won't be the only one who hasn't read it
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Nah... but mainly because I live at home, lol.


Today at Huddersfield was just health and safety and introduction the the course, tomorrow is a nice easy freshiers fare, time to sign up for tennis! :D

Dude what course you on? I should look out for you one day then just nod at you as you walk past me. Got that crazy blue hair?


I'm pissed off I've seen 6 people from my college here. I thought I escaped that place.

My flat is awesome. Apparently we're one of the most social flats. People who walked around said that other flats were just morbid. That might be because 3 of us are on the same course.

About that talking to people irl about games there's one guy I just can't stand. But hes a mate of a guy in my flat, so hopefully I make friends with other people.

Which brings me to say this week is stupid. Having to get to Uni for half 10 to be told 'Yeah there's a bridge, a load of ducks, and some stairs with a veranda in Huddersfield. Now fuck off.'

...Yeah thanks?

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