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How Much Of A Light Weight Are You?


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I am epicly light weight, which I think is fantastic. The less I have to spend the better, right?


So seriously though, me;



1 pint = A tiny weeny bit tipsy

2 pints = heavily tipsy

3 pints = drunk. Fo sho.

4 pints = rather very drunk

5 pints = (assuming they are in fairly quick succession) then sloshed.


Lovin it.

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Well a couple of years ago, before I'd ever properly drunk at a party, I'd always imagined myself to be too much of a bore for alcohol to have any effect on me.


As it happens (further backed up by a party last night), I am an utter lightweight, even for a 16 year old. Just the way I like it actually: I can't stand being the only one sober and not having a good time at parties. So the sooner I become a tipsy little shit, the better.

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I can handle my beer unfortunately. I'd love to be able to go out on a tenner and get utterly smashed. I have to have 5-6 cans/bottles before I go out to have any chance of achieving drunkardness on a night out.


Bit like that myself, no matter how much i drink - i just tend to get merry, never sloshed.

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I have no idea how to measure it, as I've never had a "pint"...I only drink at parties or Hard Rock Cafe (since they naively believe me to be 18, ha ha!), and I never choose beer or anything in a pint glass.


Only been wasted-drunk once, and chair had to look after me (sorry), but I had been drinking solidly throughout for the past 2 hours or so, then foolishly played one of those shot games, where the shots you have to drink stack up, so I had like 3 at once or something.


But then, I had like 3 vodka and cokes at HRC a while back, and I got lightheaded...maybe there was more vodka than usual, maybe I drank them too quickly...dunno.




I don't see what difference it makes either way.

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Guest Stefkov

I though I'd have been a lightweight having not drunk until last year or so. The first time I got drunk was after I finished a 70cl bottle of cognac myself. They kept pouring it down my throat. After it finished I told them I had to get back to work, I got up and carried on pot collecting and doing the rest of my job; counting money in tills, etc.

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The first time I ever got really drunk, was in cuba just a couple of months ago..


First off, I had about 3 malibu and cokes (cuz i like em XD) then went on to cuba libras (coke and vodka) was abit tipsy by then..


Then I had a couple of some hotel speciality, which consisted of liqueurs and something else :/


Then some Canadians insisted I try some Sambuca, I drank it straight, and shit it burned :(


Then I had another, which was abit stupid, but I was pretty drunk by this point.


It got well past 1am, and I was wondering round the resort with Cuba libras...


It was quite nice actually, being on my own, just talking to myself ^_^


Then I went to the main bar where no1 was at at this point, and started talking to the staff, I was on the sofas watching spanish tv with this cuban bar maid, talking about how she liked living in cuba...


I just remember her smiling and nodding XD


I must have dosed off at that point, because I got woken up by my step sister at 5am shouting at me :P



Actually, thinking back, I was much more confident when I was drunk :D


So no, I don't think I'm a lightweight, which is shit at house parties :/

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On results night I had 2 vodka and cokes, 3 Smirnoff Ices and 2 Pimms and some crap, though one of them was just Pimms - by that point I was talking to a girl I didn't know discussing which of her boobs was her boyfriends favourite. I'd say I'm a bit of a lightweight, but it's a good thing - it's cheap.

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Rez was spot on in his first post, if you're a lightweight then you don't sen so much money = good times!


I'm a lightweight when it comes to beer, although went out the other night and had almost a whole bottle of sambucca to myself and whilst drunk, thought it would have got me totally smashed! Maybe I'm just drinking too much sambuccs?


Oh well, I'll have to see how the Skittles Vodka does tomorrow night!

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Depends what I'm drinking.


If I'm just drinking socially / at a party, everyone else is usually tipsy before me. I drink quite slowly when I don't intend to get hammered though, to savour the experience.


The first time I got properly drunk drunk was on half a bottle of malibu, two cans of beer and a concoction of wine and apple sours (tasted disgusting). The second time was at a friend's party where I drank loads of vodkas and cokes (but I sobered up relatively quickly after that).


The worst drunk I've ever been was at a band jam sesh', where we drank to get inspired, and I had like 3 shots of Whiskey mixed with vodka in like 5 minutes. The next morning I woke up and puked.


I got pretty drunk last weekend singing karaoke (you got a free shot every time you sang a song), but not as bad as my work colleague who was off work the next day because she was so hung over.

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I don't really drink beer, so I have a real binge-drinking attitude towards alcohol. Gin is probably my weapon of choice, Gin, Ouzo and Absinthe and I'm a happy bunny. Actually, thinking about it, I'll drink any spirit quite happily.


As to being a lightweight, it depends so much more on whether I've already eaten, or if I'm dehydrated. If I'm full o' food and watered, I can quite happily drink all night and not get too messy. S'all about the factors.

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Hit and miss really, depending on if I want to get drunk, what I've eaten etc. Sometimes a bottle (70cl) of gin is enough, sometimes its not.

Not had gin, is it cheap?


I got told im heavy weight by a few people, and light wait by a select few.

Im not really sure, most people cant tell if im drunk or not so.. hmm?

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Not had gin, is it cheap?


I got told im heavy weight by a few people, and light wait by a select few.

Im not really sure, most people cant tell if im drunk or not so.. hmm?


Depends on which make you get. Gordons and mixer will cost you around £13 (70cl) whereas a knock off will cost you about £8.

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Not had gin, is it cheap?


I got told im heavy weight by a few people, and light wait by a select few.

Im not really sure, most people cant tell if im drunk or not so.. hmm?

if you're a heavyweight then you're probably either fat or an alcoholic.

Being an alcohol induced epileptic I shouldn't drink, but I do.


Depending on how much I eat, I can normally take out about 5-6 pints before I start slowing down. I normally take out a pint in around 30 mins.


pacing, too! When people tell me how much they've had to drink, I just rooolll my eyes *looks accross the country to A Mr R. "twelve whiskeys" L...*


Your pacing is probably what most people do, 'cept they start out with a bottle of wine/half a bottle of gin before they go out.


I like to drink by the can, preferrably a cigarette laced in between each one :D

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