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....yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow red red green green green green. (if you get this, you win my soul - only joking, Allah).


So, when you were younger, what did you want to be? What was the one thing in the world you wanted to be successful at, or be a part of?


Ever since I was very, very young, I have dreamed of being a rock-star. I remember at a very early age, I was out shopping with my family at a garden centre, and I heard Wonderwall being played over the radio. I stopped and listened to it, and I decided that that was what I wanted to be when I grew up.


I've recently got back into the playing aspect of music. I've been playing my acoustic guitar a lot more now, and it's coming along really nicely. When I'm in the shower, I still sing to myself many of the songs I have sang throughout the years, and I don't just sing them...I bellow them out. Yes.


I'd like to think that inside of me, a small part of me hopes that one day a part of this dream may come true. Even just being able to play and sing infront of a small audience would do me fine. It would take a lot to get me to do that, but I'd like to think that one day I could achieve that.


What were your dreams as a kid? Do you still think you can achieve them? Have you ever achieved them? Did one of your dreams get shattered in a tragic way?


It's over to you, KNEE. Goodnight and God Bless. :)




I used to draw a lot when I was young, and I think I wanted to be a cartoonist at some point. My talent didn't really grow in proportion to the rest of me, though, so whilst I was good for a 5-year-old my drawing ability hasn't improved since then.


I've always loved the thought of being a game designer, but that's never going to happen as I can't really deal with the technical side. In an ideal world that wouldn't be much of a problem, but unfortunately reality is somewhat less forgiving.


In the past I've wanted to be a writer, be that of fiction or journalisticly. That one has come around again recently to become my current target, mainly because I spent 3 years trying to find what I was good at and coming up with nothing.


I don't think I'll ever be a great writer, but I'd say it's quite possible that I'll get to the point where I'll be comfortable referring to myself as one. I mean have you seen some of the absolute dross out there? It shouldn't take any innate talent to get a foot on the lower rungs if that's what there is to contend with.

Guest Jordan

99% of people never get their dreams, at a young age i just wanted to be a beta tester... then realised how shit of a job it is gave up on it.


Then i wanted to get a game designer, but realised i'm about as creative as a piece of wood, so that didn't work.


Then i wanted to go into advanced tech support (ie: for huge companies on their mainframes) this is stupidly difficult and gave up on it.


Then i wanted to be a journalist, which fell through when i realised i hate writing/reading.


Annnnd now i work in tech support helping annoying morons 24/7 with a stupidly complex application. *sigh* dreams eh?


If we go from about the age of 3 I wanted to be a milkman. They seemed so peaceful floating on by in their milkfloats. :D


My other dream is to at least write one published book. This is still on going. :)

  Olympic Gamer said:
Astronaut =\ I was a typical american baby, but english.


Heh, I wanted to be an astronaut too at one point. As well as a baker (mmmm, bread and cakes and stuff) and a veterinarian. Of course none of those would've ever worked for me, for different reasons.


So now I'm chasing my other dream of becoming an illustrator. =)


Depended on what TV I used to watch at the time:


First wanted to be Thomas the Tank, the actual engine. Even started calling the members of my family the names of the engines (Dad was Gordon) and used to get pissy when they got the names wrong. Luckily that phase died out fairly soon.


Also wanted to be a pilot due to war films and watching planes on TV. Had that dream for a while.


Then started watching Casualty.. started doing medicine. Casualties gone shit.. luckily medicine hasn't!


I once wanted to be a fighter pilot. (Blame Star Fox and Rogue Squadron!) I've completely changed my mind on that idea now, though. I've also dreamt (and still do :p) about being a performer, be it an actor, musician, or stand-up comedian. In the past few years I've known that I do something related to language, perhaps a journalist or a writer (I also still dream about writing a novel at some point). Last year was my first year in the gymnasium where I've begun studying Latin and Ancient Greek, and now I'm certain I want to get a Bachelor's Degree in Classical Philology and become a teacher in those subjects.

  Fierce_LiNk said:
....yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow red red green green green green. (if you get this, you win my soul - only joking, Allah).



^^^ It's the guitar riff from The Killers "When You Were Young" from Guitar Hero III / Rock Band... *one soul please mwahahaha!* :heh:


Ahem! when I was young I always wanted to be involved in the games industry in some way / shape / form... I have fulfilled that in part by becoming staff at N-E so I'm relatively happy. :smile:


I wanted to become an inventor and manager of my own company that makes cars that run on water.


Now I'm studying mechanical engineering and will hopefully do my master courses in management.


I wanted to be a famous bike rider or an acheaologist (again do excuse the spelling, I should have really learnt to spell it as a kid!)


I blame indiana jones for the last bit, my dad for the first.

  nightwolf said:
I wanted to be a famous bike rider or an acheaologist (again do excuse the spelling, I should have really learnt to spell it as a kid!)


I blame indiana jones for the last bit, my dad for the first.


Oooh yes, I think I had a very short archaeology fascination as well, mostly to do with dinosaurs though, and prehistoric art and the like. I actually still love that stuff, as well as ancient Roman and Greek art.

I was given the opportunity to go to an archaeological site this summer to make drawings of objects they found (mostly pottery), but I said no. Oh well.

  Eenuh said:
Oooh yes, I think I had a very short archaeology fascination as well, mostly to do with dinosaurs though, and prehistoric art and the like. I actually still love that stuff, as well as ancient Roman and Greek art.

I was given the opportunity to go to an archaeological site this summer to make drawings of objects they found (mostly pottery), but I said no. Oh well.


Mine was egyptian, I was obssessed, although I still am, roman was similar too, I had too much interest in both and nearly squealed when we learnt about roman medicine in year 11 in high school. :blank:

  nightwolf said:
Mine was egyptian, I was obssessed, although I still am, roman was similar too, I had too much interest in both and nearly squealed when we learnt about roman medicine in year 11 in high school. :blank:


Ah yes, Egyptian is awesome too. =D

Last year was my favourite in Art History, as we spent the entire year studying from the very beginning of art (Prehistoric) up until the Late Greek art (so we also did Egyptian and Roman art). I loved it. Even knew the different Egyptian kings and their reigning periods by heart. X3


Also did Latin for 6 years because I loved learning more about the Roman culture. The trip through Italy was my highlight of secondary school because of all the great ancient art we got to see. =)


I was gonna be a chef but I grew out of it (and being allergic to fish and nuts didn´t help) and moved on to wanting be an archeologist (Like Indiana Jones :Þ)

Now I´m currently split between becoming a sociologist or a writer.

  Eenuh said:
Ah yes, Egyptian is awesome too. =D

Last year was my favourite in Art History, as we spent the entire year studying from the very beginning of art (Prehistoric) up until the Late Greek art (so we also did Egyptian and Roman art). I loved it. Even knew the different Egyptian kings and their reigning periods by heart. X3


Also did Latin for 6 years because I loved learning more about the Roman culture. The trip through Italy was my highlight of secondary school because of all the great ancient art we got to see. =)


The ancient cultures also always fascinated me, though my primary passion is linguistics. :)


I love ancient cultures! :DThey are really fascinating in fact I've been interested in History since I was very young. :grin: and wanted to be an archaelogist too but now I'm not so keen on History after Years of Morden History. (not so fun!)


I miss learning about the Aztecs and Egyptians. :)


Agreed. Ancient cultures are awesome. I went to Egypt and if it wasn't for the policemen trying to buy me...I would have quite happily stayed...in a pyramid :p


I wanted to be a childrens book writer. I loved writing until I got to school and my GCSE/A-Level teacher said I wasn't a good writer. Knocked my confidence for shit...especially when I got a D at A-Level. So now, with my age showing confidence is everything, I'm back to writing as much as possible. Part of the reason I'm "working" here. It's a small step, but writing (atm) is better as a support to whatever you are doing as a "main/shit" job.

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