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Guest Stefkov

Happy Birthday to Dyson and co who's birthday is on this day and this day alone.


Guest Stefkov

I realise now the title could have been a lot more wittier. I'm an idiot.

Guest Stefkov

Thanking you Mister Odwin. Nice title.


Happiny Bdday people! Have a good un!


What a great day to have a birthday! Independance day, the day we free'd ourselves from that shit-hole that is america ;) (i jest...)

Happiny Bdday people! Have a good un!


What a great day to have a birthday! Independance day, the day we free'd ourselves from that shit-hole that is america ;)(i jest...)


A tenner says he doesnt. I agree though.


I don't get the vacuum cleaner comparisons! :heh:


But Happy Birthday Dyson! :yay:

I could write something funny, but you can do that stuff a lot better than me.

A tenner says he doesnt. I agree though.


No bet. For all i know i may (or may not) have been playing that classic British card of not upsetting the Americans. More likely (assuming someone from yankee-land is reading this) i was in-fact being serious (i.e. i was kidding). :indeed:


I used my Dyson to suck up a half massive hairy spider off my ceiling earlier, and when I did, I thought of our very own Dyson. I even made a joke about it, but I was in company of people who had no idea what I was on about. True Story.


Anyhow, I would consider this man to possibly be the miniture end of a leg, and so I wish him(Dyson) a very most happy and excellente of birthdays. Screw the other guys, whoever they are, as they aren't Dyson. WOooooooo Dyson!


EDIT:Woops, didn't see Excelle was on the birthday honours. Happy Birthday to thee too! Though, tbh and no offense, you STILL aren't Dyson, but you're pretty cool :D

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