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Angry! Angry! Angry!

Guest Jordan

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I would also like to add:


Binge Drinkers

Foreign Nationals who work over here as cheap labour

Tesco's (why does there have to be one evey 3 miles near enough)

McDonalds Burgers

The Government

Health officials

The Eurovision Song Contest (we all know why)

Real Madrid

Teeny Boppers

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McDonalds Burgers


I add this one to my list. Also


- People who think McDonalds is better than Burger King

- People who think McDonalds' chips are better than Burger King's chips, "They taste weird!" No...thats what potato tastes like when it hasnt been left to marinade in sweat tasting fat for 24 hours....

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- people who constantly talk about a subject to you even tho you dont want to talk about it and yovue told them to stop talking about it - get the hint!


- People who while on msn keep asking u to look at their pictures - the reason why i reply so fast is cause i dont look. i dont want to look cause i have a boyfriend and dont spend my days looking at other guys


- people who dont stfu even when you try to shut them up


- people who constantly talk about being bullied - someone being a bit mean to you is not bullying you - grow up and get over it

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The word "cell phone". The use of cellular technology is slowly dying since 3G will take over for voice calls in the coming years, why the hell is the word still used?


Oh another one, the American pronunciation of English words. The word "butchered" comes to mind.


Hey im American, was that a jab at me :(


Also, cellphone is easier to type than mobile phone i suppose

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Villan, as you could probably tell, I am a BCFC supporter, lol.


I like football but I'm not completely mad about it. But I do hate Villa supporters who think they're better than every football team on the planet, when they are not, lol. The reason why I say this is because some of my friends are Villa supporters and they do nothing but say how AVFC is the best in the world, lol.


I love my team but I don't think they are the best team in the world, lol. But still, whether we win or lose, I will always stand by my team no matter what, : peace:


I've known a lot of Bluenoses who gave me a hell of a lot of stick over Enckelman's blunder, and all of Blues' derby victories over us. That only made me more passionate about the Villa, as it would. And made me despise Blues even more.


The whole time Blues have been in the Premier League has probably made every Villa fan become more passionate about the club. The fact that you were beating us in the League, made us believe that we were the better team from our history, and our trophy cabinet.

But now that all Villa fans believe we might be going somewhere with Martin O'Neill as the manager, and Randy Lerner as the chairman. I reckon the average Villa fans' passion, and love for the club, is as high as it was back in 1981/82.


But meh, that's a football rivalry for you. Especially one as heated as Villa/Blues.


...Goddammit, I'm getting excited. I've been wanting to see a Bluenose here since I joined this forum. You might want to avoid me, and the other Villa fans here, for a little while. God knows what I would do...:shakehead


Anyway, on topic:


Athriller's post made me laugh. He could be right. I don't know...I'd like to try pocky one day...


More things that annoy me:


- Football hooligans

- Tim Westwood

- The Scissor Sisters

- Nickelback

- The Daily Mail

- When the word 'ass' in bleeped out on US television.

- When there are so many commercial breaks on US television.

- US television.


EDIT: Ooh, long post. AND I feel like the sort of person Charlie was on about: "People who don't talk about anything but football." Soz, mate. : peace:

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Not angry per say but definatly annoyed at things


Post being late

My paper round


My subjects

Uni grades










Car insurance


My body


Clashing times of events

Not going to reading


People going to reading



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Hey im American, was that a jab at me :(


Also, cellphone is easier to type than mobile phone i suppose


That's why we call them "mobiles". :heh:


Oh, and a few more:

- Condemned: Criminal Origins taking ages to arrive.

- The Daily Mail

- Sky News

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oooh nice topic!


  • orange flavoured chocolate.... it's! just!! WRONG!!!!




There's too much that makes me angry. It's easier to list things that don't make me angry.


Number one... sleeping.


Number two... er... orange chocolate. :smile:

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It's not a problem anymore (since about a week ago or so), but on eBay the case used to be that you could buy something from someone, and only until you gave them positive feedback would they give you feedback. Why is this? If I purchased something from them with no hiccups (practically paid for the item as soon as it was won), they already know that I am a 100% good buyer on my end.


They obviously just waited so that if you gave them negative feedback for whatever reason, they'd neg you too. So in a sense, there was less motivation to give negative feedback, due to fear. :heh:


Glad they've changed that now.

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Guest bluey
Japanophiles. <etc...>

actually the really hardcore gaijin otaku scare the bejeezus out of me ^__^ but only a certain type of "zooomg i just wanna BE spike speigal" lanky antisocial geeks who grow their hair long and think seriously about buying vash-the-stampede coats and steal their girlfriend's astroboy t-shirts after she dumps him....</rant> *cough*

but seriously, while i'm not complaining about it, japan's facking awesome! the youth culture here is really interesting ~ i can see why so many people are so into it... but those who take it over the top are a little embarrasing, ne.


also!! the ^^/O_o/^_^/>_> emotes are MUCH nicer looking than the old :+) gig... and i'm a graphic designer ~ it's all about looks :wink:


NB: notice that i will go out of my way to use the yellow grinning smiley at the end of my post because i dont liek the green one *shrug*


Yeah but atleast Bluey lives in Japan rather than Wapping over it.


i do i do i do... i've picked up some pretty annoying habits tho!


What does ne mean?

Because Blueys keeps adding it to end of her words on msn. :hmm:

..yeah like that! i mainly just type it ~ but it's started to creep into my speech too... and the whole "EEEEHHHHH?!" thing that you hear in anime? yeah... they actually do that all the time O_o and ... soooo do i. and bowing. BOWING! just a little lowering of the head, mind... but i still freakin BOW to express gratitude or apologise now.


but hey!! something that's always gunna be more annoying than me picking up the jappy jap is me picking up my friends american and aussie accents!! i'ma come home with a really weird twang to my accent.

*MUST!!! THINK!!! OF!!! BLIGHTY!!!!!!* :grin:

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..yeah like that! i mainly just type it ~ but it's started to creep into my speech too... and the whole "EEEEHHHHH?!" thing that you hear in anime? yeah... they actually do that all the time O_o and ... soooo do i. and bowing. BOWING! just a little lowering of the head, mind... but i still freakin BOW to express gratitude or apologise now.


but hey!! something that's always gunna be more annoying than me picking up the jappy jap is me picking up my friends american and aussie accents!! i'ma come home with a really weird twang to my accent.

*MUST!!! THINK!!! OF!!! BLIGHTY!!!!!!* :grin:




and sit back and think of england, it's a victorian sex line.


I hate Britain

I hate people who don't give governments a chance

I hate people with a disinterest in politics or don't want to give it a go because it sounds dull, yeh well your fucking subject sounds the shits doesn't it!

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I hate people who keep on complaining about something, even after the moment has passed AAAAGES ago.


And stupid people, we can never have enough hate for them.




Ohh how the world annoys me. :D

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People who fucking walk slow!!!!


What's the point?! We're all getting from a-b, if you're not in a rush don't stand in the middle of the pavement in a big line so no one can get past you fecking idiots!






Who bring their Kids shopping with them on some of the busiest days of the year! Why bring you're brood of five 1-12 year old kids out with you, and you're big ass buggys, when all you want to do is go to Primark and bring down the general decore of the place. Why inflict you're offspring on us when it's not our fault you didn't use a condom!




Weird thing is i love kids, just not when i'm shopping.

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Loads of people say about people walking slow.. but, you all yourselves walk at different speeds, so would probably get angry at each other, too?


Most likely, but i'm a notoriously fast walker, even when i'm with people, but only when i'm in a crowd like market st on a saturday or want to get somewhere. Still i avoid walking in big lines or slowly generally.

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Guest Stefkov

People who don't tell you the whole truth about a certain situation just to sway you to their side, when the whole truth actually turns you against them. Retribution shall be sweet.

Also idiots who play on Rock Band in Gamestation, who say they've played Guitar Hero but upon watching them you actually wonder why he's stood there, in that shop, with the guitar strap around his neck, trying to play a song on Easy and failing miserably. I mean I even joined in on the drums. I got so annoyed at his shitness that I 'kindly' told him to try the drums, flung on the guitar and completed a song with him failing twice.

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