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Biggest Let Down Ever!


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PSO is amazing though, though it's so much better online.


But in the levels, you have to work through it to reach the boss :heh: One of my favorite games aswell.

I know, but for some reason I had to take on that piss annoying water snake thing twice, and I'm fairly sure I saved it.

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Uhh Wii in general after the first hour...


Twilight Princess...sucked

No More Heroes...I wanted to love the game, but it was horrendous imo.

DMC4...Loved the game, but my god you do the same thing twice in the same playthrough, then you have to beat the game like 4 times to get all the achievements.

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well mario & luigi partners in time was a let down, good but aint got shit on the origional.


mario part 8. god that was dull.


cant see where the no more heros hate is from, its a very fun, silly game.


i see the TP problem, its a bit slow but compaired to oot, it dosent do alot wrong. imo, people compaire it to a nostalgic veiw off oot. its a better game when compaired, but lacks the impact or the rose tinted vision.


mario galexy was a very slight let down, some of the missions were dog shit, but 99% were atleast good.


apollo justice hasnt got hold of me in the same way PW (specificaly 3) did. so a little let down.


outside of games, the transformers movie. i expected an awsome action packed blast down memory lane via kick arse ally. instead i got a trip to bad film town.

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Guest bluey

yeah... the wii.

specifically realizing that after finishing kororinpa and twilight princess, i had nothing to play on the wii.



- selling my wii before getting a chance to play mario galaxy, and

- being too far away to tea-leaf jamba's wii so i can play mario galaxy

are my 2nd and 3rd biggest let downs respectively. *is sad*



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Probably the Wii, bought it on release..then 6 months later realised it had gathered ALOT of dust. Sold it.


Buying it at launch was a big mistake, all the big titles got delayed, 3rd party developers were shifting out party game crap, and I'm not a fan of Zelda.

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I have two that I cannot decide between.


LEGO Star Wars 2 - DS - I made a vowe when I got my DS to never sell or trade in any DS game, so that I had a formidable onslaught of titles to play when I got bored/reminising. God this game was so fucking buggy, glitchy and horribly controlled that it made me break my vowe. Ugh.


Spectrobes - Had potential to be amazing. And aspects of it were. The whole fossil bit is soooo good and soooo cool, and it has physical cards which is an awesome Idea. About 1 hour and a half in I realised how awful the combat system was and it ruined the game. You do all this really awesome stuff building up to a really crap thing. Also think the graphics would look better cel-shaded. Sequel looks to be keeping the battle system, so that sucks.

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Super Smash Bros Melee


Ah, Melee was amazing for me. Probably one of the games I spent most hours on ever. I even got my sisters to play it with me from time to time (mainly coin battles for some reason).


Now Brawl on the other hand.... *runs away*

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Guest Jordan

Mario Galaxy - Fun but essentially nothing new. Peach can go save herself next time.



Mario Galaxy has been my favourite game in years, it wasn't a suprise that it was so good. Hell, I expected it to be good and man did it deliver. I don't think i've ever played a game when i've had a constant smile on my face. That is what makes Mario Galaxy pure fucking gold.

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Super Smash Bros Melee


you crazy bastard! :)


SSBM was one of the best games on GC for me. Spent many hours on the multiplayer with my bro and sis. Good times.


Another of my letdowns has to be the current PES games. They're still awesome for multiplayer but haven't progressed. Still got the same old cheesy music, crap menu's and graphics don't look anywhere near next gen standard.

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Enter The Matrix

Final Fantasy VIII


Twilight Princess (loved it in many ways but... it was too small a world and just didn't feel good enough to be the latest generation successor to OoT/MM/WW)

Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2

Blue Dragon


Naruto: Rise of a Ninja

Tony Hawk's American Wasteland

SSX On Tour

GTA San Andreas

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Guest Jordan
Enter The Matrix


That game was great... if you didn't mind its numerous gameplay flaws, graphical shit, bollocks characters, generic levels, terrible voice acting, square wheels on cars, gameplay that made you want to bleed from your eyes oh and the fact that it was about as fun as a piece of toast.

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You missed out that when you pressed "jump" standing still they performed the worst/lowest/most pathetic video game character jump since Yogi's Great Escape on the commodore 64. They basically swung their arms forward and stood on tiptoes. It didn't even deserve to be called a jump.

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oh and the fact that it was about as fun as a piece of toast.


Woah, easy there. I think you are being overly critical of toast, especially in comparison to Enter the Matrix.


I think the most disappointment I've had was from Harvest Moon-A Wonderful Life. I was looking forward to it for months, but when I got it something just wasn't right. It wasn't a bad game, I just felt it lacked something.

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- My sims on ds actually it's nothing like the others and very very boring..

- most recent sonic games, I feel like I've been smoking crack everytime I play one

- Agreed with shorty on american wasteland, I waited ages to get that game and it was a huge letdown.

- final fantasy 12 was THE biggest letdown I've had, the game was hyped for ages and I was really looking forward to it, I've been on the game for an hour and gave up, not played it since.

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