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If you were an actor/actress.....

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What genre of movie would you most like to star in?


and what do you think your role would be?


I would like to be in a cheesy Summer Blockbuster action movie. :grin:


With massive explosions, fast cars, rugged good looking hero and an over the top villian with the most ridiculous scheme. :D


I reckon my role in the movie would be the useless sidekick who says some of the most pointless but unintentionally funny lines in the movie. :)


Or in a movie called THE LAST MEXICAN with me as the mexican. :p


(I'm from paraguay...It's close enough :heh:)

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What genre of movie would you most like to star in?


Comedy, because it's all I can do.


Maybe action/comedy, because I can look like a proper wuss while trying to fire a gun.


and what do you think your role would be?


The geeky one who, somehow, gets the girl at the end. Or any fit girl...


I'd only appear in British films, because I wouldn't have to drop my lovely Brummie accent.


If I'd have to star in a Yank film, and drop my accent because I'm playing a posh spaz (because I'm British), I wouldn't do it. I'd just blabber at everyone and deliver my dialogue like Ozzy Osbourne until I got sacked and escorted off the set by two burly security gards named Theodore and Kenneth. And Hugh Grant would be my replacement.

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A superhero movie, as a minor character.


Like, If I was to be in the upcoming Avengers Movie (well, it's in 4 years or something), I'd want to be a member of the Avengers, but have 1 line or something.


I could be Justice. Or a joke cynical british version of Bucky in Captain America.

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I'd be either comedy or high-budget summer blockbuster action, as a dead-pan support character or the evil genius, albeit one with an almost plausible plan. However, regardless of the logic and sense of the plan, I'd still have an underground/underwater/volcano secret base, for funsies.


EDIT: Or a space station! Mustn't forget the space station...

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I'd probably appear in lots of in Hong Kong kung fu and Bollywood period dramas, usually as either the English villain or token white guy. My work would mostly involve challenging poor local villagers to cricket matches over tax disputes, sneering, and getting kicked in the face.

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What genre of movie would you most like to star in?


Practical comedy would suit me well as I don't mind making a fool of myself, but an action adventure movie would be great.


and what do you think your role would be?


The loser/geek/nerd/noob who win's people over towards the end :heh:

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What genre of movie would you most like to star in?


Sci fi horror film set in an enclosed space, with a deadly alien. Possibly a film like 'The Thing'.


and what do you think your role would be?


The black guy who inevitably dies first, even though I made the smart choice of trying to get AWAY from the danger.

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Guest bluey

i'd be lke stan lee in all the spiderman movies ~ just an extra that makes one silly comment then wanders off :grin:


i walked into a classroom yesterday and one of my students said "OOH!! you look like lenee zellwigger!"

.."you mean RRRRRenee zellwigger??" O___o



"n...no i dont!!"

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I´d like to act in a psychological thriller movie about a mass murderer

and I´d probably act as the guy obsessive about the murderer and knows everything about in an attempt to crack the case or as the murderer.

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I'd go for a chick flick/girly one.







I jest, probably an action/adventure/comedy, mainly cause it's the only genre I like.


Come on you know you'd suit a chick flick :heh:


Probably be in some weird freaky horror movie who dies second to last or something, (because that's just my luck really), or a comedy. Just to have both sides of the coin! :heh:

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