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Who do you trust?

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Guest bluey

to a certain extent i trust almost everyone very willingly ~ some more than others, it just depends how you act i suppose. i remember when i first met jamba he was surprisingly honest with his opinions (i seem to remember him being in full-on rant mode about some of the old biddies in my uni course~:grin: ) so i trusted him completely right from the start... (which kinda paid off, i guess ^____^)


tho now i'm living on my own i'm being more careful about who i give that trust to... i gotta be smart!!

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I trust some people more than i trust other people. I trust my parents/sister/family more than i trust my friends. And there are only 3 friends who i trust more than the others. Last person who i told many things to and to hold secret came clean to someone who shouldn't have known and caused a mega rift between everyone which isn't quite 100% fixed yet but it is getting there.


Out of all my mates, it is only Ashley, David and Jemma i trust the most and the least likely person i trust is Linzi because of her history.

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I trust my mum completely. If I ever have a really big problem, I'll talk to her. Out of a few of my really close mates, there's only one I fully trust, but I've now been awesome mates with her for 6 years so it's taken a while to get to that stage.


But I end up trusting people all to easily, and never think of the consequences of telling them something until after I've actually told them.

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I trust my step-mum and my dad, it goes without saying, they both brought me up after my mum died, I owe them alot.


Plus my sister, she's a complete bitch most of the time, but if I need her she's there.


There's one other I trust, even though both of us know I shouldn't, but after so many years and going through so many things I trust them alot.

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I've always been very trusting.


Well you must be if you're willing to have a dildo shoved up your ass...


Hmmm...i'm quite blessed in the sense that i have A LOT of friends who I can talk to quite openly. I mean, if i have a problem, there are always people ready to help me and give me advice and such.

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I don't trust anyone at all apart from my best mate whom I trust pretty much completely, or at least as far as it's possible to trust another human being. We (half) joke that we should get married. I also seem to trust people on this site, more than people I know in RL. Perhaps thats because I know that anything I say here can't bite me on the ass =P

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I don't trust anyone at all apart from my best mate whom I trust pretty much completely, or at least as far as it's possible to trust another human being. We (half) joke that we should get married. I also seem to trust people on this site, more than people I know in RL. Perhaps thats because I know that anything I say here can't bite me on the ass =P

Until your future employers find your account. :wink:


Anyway, I'm not really whether or not I trust anyone. There are plenty of people I definitely don't trust, and a far smaller group of people for whom I wouldn't really be able to decide.

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Trust is such a pain. People who go on about it are the ones who need seeing to. Think about it, when you say you can't trust someone its because you want something from them. Its all me, me, me for those guys. It's simple, don't ask for anything and you will trust everyone.

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I'm with Moogle and I mix it up with a bit of what Iun said.


I don't feel any distrust towards anyone really because I just don't see the world in those terms. Everyone has their own priorities and agendas and I don't mean that in a sinister way. I'm level with anyone I meet for the first time and I have a very high standard of giving everyone the benefit of the doubt. I'm not naive (gotta learn to spell that word sometime :() but I just don't see the point in distrusting anyone.


People are actually very simple creatures and 99.9% of the time, people do things for a reason or as a result of circumstances. I trust that fact and my intuition and then I don't have to think about trusting people.

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I believe in Jesus Christ and the thing is that when you believe in Jesus is that He´s the only person who everyone in this world can trust completely. Even you. You just have to believe that He has died for your sins and He cleanses you from all sin and promises to give you everlasting life.


And really if you can´t trust anyone in this world completely He´s the only one who you can trust. You just have to believe in Him.


And if you´re not sure about Him you can always pray that He would come into your life and make sure that you can trust Him and He certainly will do it if you just pray Him and if you want Him to come into your life.

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I believe in Jesus Christ and the thing is that when you believe in Jesus is that He´s the only person who everyone in this world can trust completely. Even you. You just have to believe that He has died for your sins and He cleanses you from all sin and promises to give you everlasting life.


And really if you can´t trust anyone in this world completely He´s the only one who you can trust. You just have to believe in Him.


And if you´re not sure about Him you can always pray that He would come into your life and make sure that you can trust Him and He certainly will do it if you just pray Him and if you want Him to come into your life.


Ask him why all of the ***** in society get everything they want?

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I also find it hard to trust people. I think trust is something that has to be earned, someones shows that he is trustworthy by his actions. Normally everyone starts at a rating of trustworthy= -1; not exactly easy to get a girlfriend being that paranoid :/


Actually once people think they know me, they only begin to know the real me. At first I only give out trivial details about myself and see how they react to them and then more and more follows.


When I really trust someone I give out almost all the information about myself, however usually I give different kind of personal information to different people, so no one truly knows everything about me.



And this is the most personal information the internet will ever have of me. :P

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