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Things that are most excellent!


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I have Wednesday off



(which I'll be spending all day doing uni work. What? Did you expect something more upbeat from me?)


Oh and I spoke to my housemate today :D (the one who is at home for xmas and has been ski-ing for a week...its not like I dont talk to the people I see on a daily basis)

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What armies?


For the tabletop? Space Marines, boring I know, but I've always considered space faring knights of the realm to be most excellent. I have friends who also have an army or two knocking around (Eldar, Necrons, Orks, Tyranids) so on the few occasions we get to meet up and play, we have a most excellent time. As I say though, I enjoy the whole franchise. Mechs and orks and demons are all most excellent. The Dawn of War games are also most excellent.

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For the tabletop? Space Marines, boring I know, but I've always considered space faring knights of the realm to be most excellent. I have friends who also have an army or two knocking around (Eldar, Necrons, Orks, Tyranids) so on the few occasions we get to meet up and play, we have a most excellent time. As I say though, I enjoy the whole franchise. Mechs and orks and demons are all most excellent. The Dawn of War games are also most excellent.

I had an Eldar army, back in the day...

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not feeling completely terrified by the prospect of moving to japan (i'm probably about 30% terrified now ^_^), ghibli movies, clearing my room out for a jumble sale and finding to my delight that i have much LESS stuff left than i thought i would (got rid of nearly ALL my wardrobe yesterday O__o) completing case 3 on phoenix wright 2, making cookies, and £11* monthly mobile phone bills are most excellent ^__^


*it's only 'cause i was chatting up the phone shop guy when i bought the contract ... :grin:

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Talking of Phoenx Wright 2, earlier today I found a piece of paper where I'd written out an entire timeline for the last case, for deductive purposes. It was back in Easter that I did this, so that was fun to find.


O____O aweso... i mean! MOST EXCELLENT!

i demand scannage and postage!! ^__^

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