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31 is no age...


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Yesterday was awful my half sister from my dads 1st marriage had a heart attack and stopped breathing in the middle of the friday night, thankfully her husband managed to help start her breathing whilst my 12 year old niece rang the ambulance. She had to have the defibulator after a 2nd heart attack She has hand stents put in her heart to help the valves but what will happen from now is anyones guess, she is/as in a coma, which should leave today when they take her off sedativesis they feel she is up to it. Then have to assess if she has suffered any brain damage.


Went to see her (she lives down in birmingham so was quite a trip) was so sad..hooked up to so many machines keeping her alive....a very hallowing experience and her husband and my niece are heroes.

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Good luck to her. You haven't said categorically or anything but she sounds really strong, plus with a husband and a daughter like that she couldn't ask for more. Proper heroes those two.


I'm a little confused though, did she have two in quick succession then?

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Good luck to her. You haven't said categorically or anything but she sounds really strong, plus with a husband and a daughter like that she couldn't ask for more. Proper heroes those two.


I'm a little confused though, did she have two in quick succession then?


Basically yes...one at home, then she was resuscitated then she had another upon arrival at the hospital. She has had the stents put in her heart to help the valves etc... and to prevent further attacks with any luck.


She is stable which is the most crucial thing so far.

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Thoughts are with you...


there's not a lot more to add to that. so glad o hear she's in a stable condition, good luck to her, and my thoughts to all her family, her husband and her brave little girl :heart:

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Damn man that sucks, glad to hear she pulled through though as from the title and a quick mouseover I thought the thread was going to wield far worse news. Good luck to her, sure she'll be fine now.


And you're right, 31 is far too early for such a thing.

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Went to see her (she lives down in birmingham so was quite a trip) was so sad..hooked up to so many machines keeping her alive....a very hallowing experience and her husband and my niece are heroes.


I can understand this, its an absolutely horrible feeling and really hits you.


I hope she makes it through okay, and my thoughts are with you.

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That really sucks man. The thing is though, considering what happened, the chances she has for living a normal life instead of just dying could be considered rather lucky :smile:


Hopefully she'll manage to fully recover.

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