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Mafia Game #5 - N-Europe Forum War!


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Night 1 is now over


A new thread appeared in the General Chit Chat, titled:


"Have you ever been stood up? How did you feel? Were you angry?"


Jordan, being the inquistive member he was, clicked on the thread, and began to type a story about one of his first dates.


Meanwhile, Fierce_LiNk sent a PM to Letty.


"Why are you supporting Jordan? He's an admin, everyone knows they are corrupt!"


Letty knew this member didn't trust any of the mods anymore, and she sent a PM to Jordan asking him what to do.


Jordan was so busy writing his funny story, that he didn't see he had one new message in his inbox.


Letty decided to reply to Fierce_LiNk:


"They are not corrupt!"


Fierce_LiNk replied:


"Sorry Letty. I thought you were cool. Hopefully this will help N-Europe in the long run."


Fierce_LiNk, recently given admin powers, sighed as he banned the girl.

Owario has been banned. He was Letty, N-Europe's resident Juliet. (Member / Female / Lover / Powerless)


Jordan finished his story, and opened his inbox. Opening the message from Letty, he said WTF? when he saw there was a black line through her name.


"Fuck this forum. This is the last time I'm putting up with shit."


Looking at the recent history of the site, he saw who had banned his girlfriend.


He smiled at sweet revenge when he banned Fierce_LiNk, and then left the forum, never to come back.

darksnowman has been banned. He was Fierce_LiNk, the member who had been given admin powers, and was also a bit of a legend. (Member / Vigilante)


rokhed00 has left the forum. He was Jordan, N-Europe's resident Romeo. (Member / Staff / Lover / Doctor)




In the LGBT thread, two members were having a discussion about whether it was nature or nuture.


Suddenly, coming back to his old haunt, someone posted:




"You're back!?!" said the first member, who sported a Paramore signature.


"I thought you were banned." said the second.


"I was, but I'm back for the lulz. LICK TITTIES OR GTFO!"




A member with a red name had been sent to ban Ant-Shimmin, who had somehow come back onto the forum.


However, he received a PM from another banned member, and reading it he decided to give Ant-Shimmin another chance.




"She'd probably be a lot less angry at everyone if she had all the essential vitamins, ie. if she ate meat." ReZourceman posted "Only total n00bz don't eat meat."


The girl got really angry reading this, and within an hour she was at ReZourceman's house, with petrol and a lighter.


Grabbing Claire, ReZourceman jumped out his bedroom window, narrowly being burnt alive by the flames that engulfed his house.

LazyBoy's computer has been burnt, and he won't be able to return to the forum until he finds a new computer. He was ReZourceman, doing it for the lulz. (Member / GTFO! / Mafia player / HCR / Roleblocker)




Eagerly clicking on the "Mafia Game #6 Sign-ups" thread, Jayseven began reading it, only to frown when he read a comment by a member he thought was banned.


"sounds like a complete pile of shite"


Seeing as he had enjoyed the previous games, he posted in defence of the game.


Several minutes later, his computer crashed.


Gizmo's computer has been sent a virus. He was Jayseven, an N-Europe member with good deductive skills. (Member / Mafia player / Cop)




A member collated all the info he had received from the people that had answered his poll, and felt he had a better idea of the workings of N-Europe.



"Take some time off."

One player has been silenced. They cannot post during day 2, and they will not be included when calculating the vote majority)



An admin decided to take a snoop around in people's PMs, to try to get more info. He came across one member who he had forgotten existed because he barely ever posts, and sent him a PM.


Litte did the admin know, a silent member was watching who he was PMing.





There are 33 players in the game. (17 is a majority)




Brian Mcoy


Coolness Bears











My Buttons are magic!














The fish





Day 2 begins now

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so darksnowman 'killed' owario, then rokhed00 'killed' darksnowman, then himself? Harsh!


I think rokhed will be a bit annoyed, he said this would be his last game if he came out of it early :(


I was thinking that. I hope he doesn't make it his last.

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