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Thanks for the heads up Welshie. I was actually meaning to look for this in store in HMV- I'll try to remember and do that tomorrow, and if it ain't there I'll get it ordered. : peace:


I watched the first half hour and turned it off. The main people in it are all so painfully disgusting (as human beings) I couldn't be bothered to carry on.

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I watched the first half hour and turned it off. The main people in it are all so painfully disgusting (as human beings) I couldn't be bothered to carry on.


I think you might be missing the point of it; while the people in it are clearly quite nerdy and obsessed with arcading, the main character is on a mission and the plot has a lot of elements found in real films. Rivalry, villains, triumph, despair, and all-round fun times.


It's also fun to see how pathetic Billy Mitchell is. ;)

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