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Kirby's Epic Yarn


Game - deal of the day


'Available while stocks last or until we can buy some up from elsewhere.'


Is it in store aswell..? I was very interested but it's 'Out of Stock' online :hmm:


EDIT It's back in stock :bouncy:


I picked one up for £17.49 using some reward card points :hehe: Brilliant deal :yay:

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Random question, but do many of you guys buy from CEX Online?


if you have, what condition do your items come in? do games come with instruction manuals? are the games in cases?


alot of Cube games I really want to get, that are cheaper there than eBay or Amazon, but don't know how reliable they will be and in what condition i'll receive the game.

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Random question, but do many of you guys buy from CEX Online?


if you have, what condition do your items come in? do games come with instruction manuals? are the games in cases?


alot of Cube games I really want to get, that are cheaper there than eBay or Amazon, but don't know how reliable they will be and in what condition i'll receive the game.


I haven't ordered online from them but I do know that they will come in cases along with their sleeve art but they may not come with manuals as they accept games for trade without them. So it's really the luck of the draw if you get everything with the game.


As for condition, I'm not sure. They should be in decent condition but I'm basing this off of the few times I've bought in store, but I've never bought Cube games and just because of the age, I'd say it's perhaps a little more likely that they'll have some scratches. As far as I know, they won't sell on anything that is badly scratched or at least they say they won't on their site.

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I ordered online before. Discs were in , good knick, got instructions, etc, only one of the games was a Promotional Copy, something CEX seems to be overloaded with. Didn't bother me, but may for some others.


One of them had a slightly dented cover - the plastic cover had been pushed in where the disc-eject mechanism sits at the centre of teh back of teh box... if you get me. Generally they sell online with the same condition you find in-store, and from what my local branch is like, you have to allow a certain scope of scruffiness. One of the games I ordered had the leftovers on it from a sticker on the cover.


But yeah - their discs are rarely scratched. if you try and sell them a scratched disc they'll knock a quid off the price they'll pay you to cover disc repair. If you find that anything you've bought from there is too scratched to play on then generally they'll 'repair' it in-store for free, with provision of a receipt, within somesortoftimeprobably30daysbutIthinkit'sayearactuallyforDVDs.... Yeah. They're generally the cheapest around, and I really like their website because it clearly shows you their buy/sell/trade prices.


To finish; if you're especially worried about the aesthetics of the case then I recommend you find a store to peruse, but of course if you're after a specific game then online is your best bet :)

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thanks Ganepark32 and Jay,


As mentioned there are a few Gamecube games I really want to pick up, the biggy being Twilight Princess ( I Have it on Wii, but really want to play through it again on Cube).


on eBay it's going for at least £40 in most cases, the rare occasion the bidding doesn't go over £40 I miss it :(


where as CEX has it for £33, which I'm willing to pay.


Unfortunately I haven't come across Fire Emblem Gamecube on there yet.

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The Wii version of DeBlob 2 is £10.98 at Game.co.uk


The DS version is also on sale, at £9.98. Played this recently and really enjoyed it. Short (3-4 hours of gameplay) and sweet platformer which was a lot of fun to play.


Some other highlights :-


Sonic Colours on Wii £13.98

Goldeneye on Wii £15.98

Guitar Hero Warriors of Rock with Wireless Guitar on Wii £23.98

Kirby's Epic Yarn £19.99

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