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SFIV is kicking my ass. Hard.


Plated 30+ ranked matches and I have won 1.


I then played my mate, who has 600+BP and is "good"/has many wins and won more than half of the matches. What?! Is going on.


I'm practically convinced I'm glitched or some kind of handicap wrong with my game.


Im sad.


But yeah. Got not a huge amount done today.

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Guest Captain Falcon

Well, after airing my issues on here the other day, only for them to be lost in the server switch along with my pic, everything seems to be A-Ok - thanks Jay and Raining.


Turns out her phone isn't working and she'd not be able to call me and a visit wasn't really an option - she lives in in London and me... well I reside in a string of private islands off of Port Town and the commute's a bit far.


It turns out she wasn't aware why I was upset with her, but she just knew that I was. Still, I know she was genuinely sorry and I'm fairly confident it's all behind us now, so I can back to planning my next trip to see her - it's been too long by my reckoning.


And even if absolutely nothing else happened this weekend, which it didn't, it wouldn't have mattered because that was enough.

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SFIV is kicking my ass. Hard.


Plated 30+ ranked matches and I have won 1.


I then played my mate, who has 600+BP and is "good"/has many wins and won more than half of the matches. What?! Is going on.


I'm practically convinced I'm glitched or some kind of handicap wrong with my game.


Im sad.


But yeah. Got not a huge amount done today.

Do you strap your 360 to the internets?

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Well, after airing my issues on here the other day, only for them to be lost in the server switch along with my pic, everything seems to be A-Ok - thanks Jay and Raining.


Turns out her phone isn't working and she'd not be able to call me and a visit wasn't really an option - she lives in in London and me... well I reside in a string of private islands off of Port Town and the commute's a bit far.


It turns out she wasn't aware why I was upset with her, but she just knew that I was. Still, I know she was genuinely sorry and I'm fairly confident it's all behind us now, so I can back to planning my next trip to see her - it's been too long by my reckoning.


And even if absolutely nothing else happened this weekend, which it didn't, it wouldn't have mattered because that was enough.


can't beat a bit of raining advice :awesome: hope it works out for you :smile:

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Guest Captain Falcon
can't beat a bit of raining advice :awesome: hope it works out for you :smile:


I'm a listener far more than I am a talker, so people often come to me for advice even on issues that I would have no knowledge or expertise in.


But when it comes to my problems, I'm always reluctant to talk about them and then not much better at following the advice of others once I've explained the situation and asked for some.


But you were right in just waiting it out so now I owe you one, and I won't forget it - I have an excellent memory so trust me on that. No matter what the situation, if I can help, I will.

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SFIV is kicking my ass. Hard.


Plated 30+ ranked matches and I have won 1.


I then played my mate, who has 600+BP and is "good"/has many wins and won more than half of the matches. What?! Is going on.


I'm practically convinced I'm glitched or some kind of handicap wrong with my game.


Im sad.


But yeah. Got not a huge amount done today.


Who do you play as? im up for a few games, mainly because I seem to get beaten by random people who are FAR worse than me online, eugh.


My day has been so unproductive, i've done very little other than play SFIV and watch Lost. God so far behind with Biology..

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My day consisted of work, with my boss once again displaying his complete hypocrisy. If I lean on the counter when not busy I get in trouble for not being hard at work, or not going to clean up or something while theres nobody in the queue. But he spent an hour talking to the assistant manager about the weather today in the middle of the shop floor, and when me and the assistant were cashing up he was sitting at the computer watching the football scores for 10minutes. He does bloody no work at all, and yet as soon as I lean against the shelf or fold my arms I'm not working hard enough. Eurgh!


Also, I have *counts* 8 different people to talk to tomorrow about things of varying importance, some appointments to sort out (need a haircut, need a suit fitting, need a dentist check up) and a 3 hour long exam. Isn't adolescence hard!

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Who do you play as? im up for a few games, mainly because I seem to get beaten by random people who are FAR worse than me online, eugh.


My day has been so unproductive, i've done very little other than play SFIV and watch Lost. God so far behind with Biology..


Akuma and Dan.


Add mez for whin. (Oh Im PS3 btw) ReZourceman.

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Plated 30+ ranked matches and I have won 1.


Plated 30+ ranked matches and I have won 1.
Plated 30+ ranked matches and I have won 1.
Plated 30+ ranked matches and I have won 1.


Plated 30+ ranked matches and I have won 1.











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I actually think my game is broken though, or handicapped....




....Oh god I sound even more pathetic.


Its mental though. Faced off against my mate and won 3/4 of all the matches, and he's got tonnes of wins.


As daft as this sounds, i feel nervous if i'm playing ranked games. As if something is on the line and i'm going to lose it.


And i have to take a deep breath before each round. :)

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Between perverted conversations with Ash, to another perverted convo with a mate on msn, I feel a little dirty. Someone hand me a bucket of cold water. :p


Also. I keep getting the urge to shout "TUNA FISH" and I have no funking clue why. Help me.


How dare you suggest I'm perverted. It was all you! :heh: although...it did lead to me posting in hot people thread.


Urgh I should have gone to bed an hour ago but I was doing that favour for Haggis (posting in the HPT). Exciting day of laundry and dissertation work awaits me tomorrow!


Also its so freaking hot in this room considering its february. Had my window open for an hour and im still warm and I cant sleep with it open because its a main road come 6am.

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Also its so freaking hot in this room considering its february. Had my window open for an hour and im still warm and I cant sleep with it open because its a main road come 6am.


House has been bloody hot all day, with my sister being ill and feeling hot and cold all the time (I did sing Katy Perry at her) the heating has been on all day. Had to sit in my room for most of it with the window open...

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How dare you suggest I'm perverted. It was all you! :heh: although...it did lead to me posting in hot people thread.


Urgh I should have gone to bed an hour ago but I was doing that favour for Haggis (posting in the HPT). Exciting day of laundry and dissertation work awaits me tomorrow!


Lol, I feel bad now! *bitch slaps himself*.

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Does it sound weird that I've been putting off coming back to N-E since the site went down because I havn't wanted to have had to catch up with everything?


Had a great weekend. Got some mates down from Portsmouth and had a jolly good time. Bit of a hazy weekend to be fair, my first real feeling of being stoned on Saturday during the day. Then out to Sound Circus later that evening for rockage!


Today? Why, Street Fighter IV and pub quiz of course. Hurrah!

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Does it sound weird that I've been putting off coming back to N-E since the site went down because I havn't wanted to have had to catch up with everything?


Had a great weekend. Got some mates down from Portsmouth and had a jolly good time. Bit of a hazy weekend to be fair, my first real feeling of being stoned on Saturday during the day. Then out to Sound Circus later that evening for rockage!


Today? Why, Street Fighter IV and pub quiz of course. Hurrah!


What's even stranger is that you ignored me quoting Bauer at you earlier today. :shakehead

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