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Fucking hate girls. Thats all I have to say about today.


On the contrary, I love breasts. I mean, Girrrrls.


Today has been pretty cool. Been rocking out with the Eenooomonster, and we went shopping around le town for her birthday present. In the end, I ended up getting her a box full of incense, and de Blob for de Wii. Hehe.


To top it off; we also came home and her family had ordered pizza. I've devoured a four-cheese one, and only left a bit of the crust. Whilst Ine only had about a quarter, so it's clear to see who the loser is. HER. Yeeees. Haha.


Also, we had a yummy appletaaaart in a cafe-type shop place. With whipped cream and pineapple. Mmmmm *rubs tummy*


Funny story. I was popping to the loo, because I needed to go, and some bloke was in the cubicle. So, what do you do in that situation? You wait outside, and pretend to do other stuff. Three times I pretended to blow my nose, just so he didn't think I was waiting for him to leave...which I was.


In the end, he came out, and I think he was probably smoking in there or something. There was an ashtray right next to the loo, and I had to sit there right next to it, which wasn't all that fun. I couldn't concentrate at all.


So, that's why I was so long. Sorry, Ine.

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The fascinating trials and tribulations of a man waiting to poop :D


Oh, man. You should've been there, it's one of those situations where you're not sure what you should be doing. At one point I think I was temptedings to start a rave, or something.


*Waiting for the loo*



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My day was pretty average, but got gradually worse about an hour ago up until now. I worry too much, or at least I hope it's just me worrying too much.


What's up?




My days been...meh. But Gossip Girl is about to come on (2 minutes and counting...) which should cause a meteoric rise in my enjoyment of the day. Hopefully.

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I fear the worst from Jordan's day considering the removal of his signature message. Agh :/


Me and Letty had a talk. But after another talk, we decided everythings okay.


But i'm removing my <3's... Simply because after the last 2 (nearly 3) years they're getting a little annoying. Honest.

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My days been shit. Someone punched me in the process of pushing me out of the way and now one of the discs in my spine is swollen. I'm waiting for the trapped nerves to come like they always do =(


I wish my family had just a little bit of consideration sometimes..


Awk, that sounds sucky. I hope the person who pushed you falls down the stairs. Into a vat of acid. With sharks in it. And a lion. One with light sabers for teeth.

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I just said it out loud, bit major drama right there^ If there was some way to reasonably represent the social interactions that occur online in a more realistic, dynamic setting, then I would TOTALLY make a book about this forum's drama points.


I just woke up ^_^

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I have an essay 'due' tomorrow, but my tutor's promised me a two-week extension. Technically I've had over a week to actually do the FUCKING work but I've wasted it all away. She wants to meet me after the lecture tomorrow, but I'll either not go, or go and dazzle her into submission with my look-how-little-work-I've-done rays, blinding her every faith inher student's abilities to actually do the fucking work.


Oh, pah. She knows how shite we are. Just not me, individually. Perhaps she's heard of my awesome reputation as a Puller Out Of The Bagger In Minutes Lastest, reigning champ; 2005-2008.


"It's hard to have regrets when you don't have a future to care for" ~me.

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haha genius

How can you say that?! She's taken Alexander Armstrong's catchphrase and remixed it badly.



But i'm removing my <3's... Simply because after the last 2 (nearly 3) years they're getting a little annoying. Honest.

You finally cottoned on! pr0.


In drama news, my brother is still being a prick. He decided that he didn't want to go to work because he wasn't feeling well [his stomach had a boo boo], yet after getting out of bed at about 11:30, managed to feel well enough to phone his mate at 12:15 and be out the house to visit him within 10 mins.


Ill my arse.


Then had the cheek to phone mum and say "I'm round Natalie's [step sister], can I have a bottle of wine?", which mum refuses. He responds saying he could've just taken one [which he normally does], as if she's meant to be grateful for his honesty. More shoutings later which I don't know the details to. I assume it's the normal you're selfish, being an arse, wanking over your mates, etc etc.


Finally, things threatened might actually happen. I'm hoping he gets kicked out, so my theory about him being a pussy who's scared to look after himself is proven.

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