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:( *Hug-gasm*


Thanks! :D What is a hug-gasm? It's been arousing worrying me all day!


Is it like a








It's hilarious and generally awesome.


Cold Comfort Farm is all kinds awesome :grin: I love Stella Gibbons style!


You doing it for Coursework?


I'm currently doing that for coursework. I've read the whole book just got to keep sending drafts in now! :) Anywho enjoy it!

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Cold Comfort Farm is all kinds awesome :grin: I love Stella Gibbons style!


You doing it for Coursework?


I'm currently doing that for coursework. I've read the whole book just got to keep sending drafts in now! :) Anywho enjoy it!


No idea what you mean by coursework...we're doing it in class. Catcher In The Rye is the book I'm doing as my complementary study.

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Fooking snow. Staying at a girl's, pretty much broke up with her, still on friendly terms, its sort of a 2 week separation period. Left to get train back to uni only to find they have been cancelled and so I said I needed to stay another night (hopefully only 1). Not good. Fricking snow.

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My day started with me stressing about not being able to get to work. Then after phoning the bosses and finding out they couldn't I went back to bed for a bit and watched GMTV.


Then I got up and went out most of the day playing in the snow. Have not seen snow like it where I live since I was like 10... Was great :)


I'm now dreading the fact that I will probably have to make my way into work tomorrow no matter what :(

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Fooking snow. Staying at a girl's, pretty much broke up with her, still on friendly terms, its sort of a 2 week separation period. Left to get train back to uni only to find they have been cancelled and so I said I needed to stay another night (hopefully only 1). Not good. Fricking snow.


Ouch mate :(, hopefully it is only one day...

Thankfully here up north it ain't snowing much...


My day was kinda cool today, despite the fact I felt ill, just revised for chemistry, and caught up with friends.

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It's the only one I've tried. They seem fine to me. Just a bit strange. I'd prefer to just eat duck.


Exactly, it's a really odd flavor. As is the squirrel thing, which is obviously just done for the "Oh, squirrel?! I HAVE to try these" effect.


The fish and chip ones...taste nothing like fish and chips. I don't get why they're trying all these odd flavours. Keep it simple!

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Start of a new snowy semester. Had a Drama (the subject not the genre) based module which is theory...but theory for dama students. So everything was stuff I learnt about six years ago. So going to swap it, probably for Film Reviewing because its about the only option left even if I don't really want to do it. Ah well, got to watch Life on Mars.

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Aye, If i was the guy he was screaming at, i'd have told him to fuck off long ago. Pompous, over-payed jackass.


JonSt, you're a nice guy 'n all but professionally we are FUCKING OVER. :mad:

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Apart from Jayseven thinking I've stolen his ID card, I'm fine. Not to mention jayseven it was Nomi who switched all your wallet around as a joke.


Sigh. Now I've got that off my fucking chest. I'm fine, yes good. Snow was awesome, sister and boyfriend are back together, parents had the day off. Yay. Headache ensues and I want to bash my head against a wall repeatedly until I find some sense come out of it.

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Aye, If i was the guy he was screaming at, i'd have told him to fuck off long ago. Pompous, over-payed jackass.


Not to mention his accent cannot make up its mind if its English or American.



I've just been looking at Thai brides for the last half an hour.

I'm also WELL into Eternal Sonata. (in mindset, not story :()

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JonSt, you're a nice guy 'n all but professionally we are FUCKING OVER. :mad:


That's fucking fine with me, not like I can't get some other Brit/American hybrid to spout my lines of drivel.


You can stop smashing my lights now.

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phone got me out of bed early, but i missed the call by a second, number was withheld so its out of my hands.


went back to bed, decided it should go down and get some job hunting done. just then my dad walks in an works from home most of the day. that was annoying.


been playing LBP and penny arcade adventures, almost ready to build my first lbp level.


oh, and rented zack and wiki from love film, its pretty fun, though a little to simple so far. feel like im playing with my 2 year old cousins toys. fun, but i need a cover story if some one sees me.

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Lalala SNOW! I woke up a bit late to enjoy a daysworth, instead I went with nami and shorty to the park over the road, and experienced total numbness in my fingers after several dozen shoddy attempts at throwing snowballs. Nami rolled snow into a massive cube, which shorty later helped turn into a pear

, and I got bored and suggested we kick the 'snowman' to pieces, after a crappy snow angel attempt.


Aside from that? Not done nuffink today.

Apart from Jayseven thinking I've stolen his ID card, I'm fine. Not to mention jayseven it was Nomi who switched all your wallet around as a joke.


Cheers :) I've still not found my ID. I'll give her a bell!

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No idea what you mean by coursework...we're doing it in class. Catcher In The Rye is the book I'm doing as my complementary study.


Ah ok! :) You don't have to do coursework! :D Lucky you. I hate the stuff.


Anyway whatever you are doing with the book it is good. "You can also wear it as a hat"!


I'm reading Catcher In The Rye at the moment but just for fun, I got given it for christmas!

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