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Our google says; Renton, Eureka7.


Bluey, I am dissapointed in you.


ahh J I'M disappointed in YOU. :heh:


...and also me. i freakin love eureka7 i totally shoulda known that :nono:





i traveled from banbury to ealing today by rail replacement bus (*seethes*) and tube and nearly threw up TWICE!!


1) the girl sat next to me on the bus cracked open a bag of prawn cocktail crisps halfway through the journey. this coupled with the crazy high heating (i can only assume the bus driver was Hawaiian...!) made me feel a bit... queasy.


2) some chinese dude on the tube had a HALF HAND!!!!!!

i noticed his middle finger was missing ... then he grabbed hold of the bar above the door at the point where there's a divide connecting the bar to the train... he put his thumb and index finger on one side and his ring and little finger on the other and his WHOLE FUCKING HAND SPLIT IN HALF!!!!!!!!!



i nearly fainted. :cry:

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So I got an xbox and all i've done all day is play xbox.


It's now snowing crazy heavy here, Haven't seen snow like this since i was a kid. I'm hoping I'll get snowed in and dont have to go to work tomorrow and yes that means I can play xbox all day hehe.

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So I got an xbox and all i've done all day is play xbox.


It's now snowing crazy heavy here, Haven't seen snow like this since i was a kid. I'm hoping I'll get snowed in and dont have to go to work tomorrow and yes that means I can play xbox all day hehe.


Snowing here also, it was pretty heavy earlier but seems to have calmed down now.

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Wooooooooooooooo snow. Just got back from Lincoln and the journey was quite exciting, couldn't see the road a fair few times. Apparently it's going to snow all night and tomorrow too, which hopefully means no school *Crosses fingers*


Other than that i have been playing WoW all day and got to level 73.

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Just e-to-the-jayyed over my p-to-the-ants over the Transformers TWOROTFLOLWTFBBQZ trailer.


Been chilling/reading comics/watching movies/now about to watch LOST after I compare Birds Eye battered, Youngs Breadcrumbed, and mystery brand that was in the box with birds eye but isnt birds eye fish fingers.


Not a huge fan of fish fingers so not expecting much.

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*rocks in the corner*



you think thats freaky? i saw a framer on telly, hed lost his hands, so he had his arms split in two (down the two bones) and a bit of jiggery pokery witht he muscles, he had horrible pincer things, they gripped tools, he used then to drive! it was good for him, but made me feel sick. cant find pics or a video

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My week has been ups and downs of my own mental state. I was feeling down Monday to Wednesday! :)I'd been thinking to much way into the future and back again and it scared me!


Uni most probably on the forefront of my mind. That and the lack of friends which occasionally gets me down. (I may have cried a little but I'm never going to admit that. :p)


ANYWHO enough of that! :smile:


I picked myself up on Thursday and managed to get work done as I was getting behind and then on Friday My friend and his Parents came round for a barrel of laughs! :grin: We were so loud we kept the next door neighbours awake until about 1 in the morning!


Articulate is the best and worst game to play with drunk people. It can be painfully slow but the answers put across with lower inhibitions are hilarious. So that was a good evening, fun had by all. Then on Saturday I was awoken by my newphew and Suddenly it was 1:30. It was really fun looking after him but ever so exhausting, in fact in the afternoon I took a quiet nap. (Not through choice however!)


Also got the Naruto Manga UP TO DATE! which is epic.


Today I did a lot of work, watched a film and sorted out my Itunes as it was a right mess! all in all not a bad day. For once I had a real pudding for dessert, twas delicious! :D

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Woo it's the Superbowl. Rooting for the Steelers this year I think.

The former part of my day involved trying to think of an idea for an animation for one of my modules. I believe I have an alright idea. I've already started my modeling for it so no turning back now.

These next 8 weeks are gonna be kuraizee.

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Yay. American Football. I cannot think of anything as boring as that.


Anyway, just started Fallout 3... Someone at work has a legal serial for it, which I shall be using. Bahaha...

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Apparently lectures/seminars tomorrow maybe cancelled, as the people can't get up to here, reasonable but half my work for the week is tomorrow so lol.


also, my friend was complaining about the lack of single men in the uni, i claimed we were a dying breed, and she looks at me and goes "or gay"



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RIGHT. Forgot that I'd said I would go to a pub quiz tonight, so rushed to get there only to find the quiz was, like, an HOUR late for starting.


I have nothing else to say except NIGHTWOLF -- You clearly stole my licence. How dare you. Give it back, ta!


And now, for the House s2 finale...

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Love it. Can't love you though. Not after what you said the other day.


My week has been ups and downs of my own mental state. I was feeling down Monday to Wednesday! :)I'd been thinking to much way into the future and back again and it scared me!


Uni most probably on the forefront of my mind. That and the lack of friends which occasionally gets me down. (I may have cried a little but I'm never going to admit that. :p)


:( *Hug-gasm*


WHOOO! Ready for the day and week of work ahead! Wooop wooop woooop. Fell over on the way to work was lol, today will just chill and cant be bothered to process thoughts....

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