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Urgh, today sucked so much I just want to forget about it.

School sucked. Took me an hour to get home by bus... while by car it would've been about ten minutes. No one was home, no idea where anyone was.

Mom and dad came home not too long ago (not together), and now mom was bitching at me because I was annoyed there wasn't anything for me to eat (they have some microwave meal for them which includes crappy meat) and I said I'd just eat bread. It's not my fault dad basically forgot to buy food to cook.


Just, rahhhh. I want to go to bed and not wake up for a couple of days.






Also, Columnar, sorry to hear about your job. :(


Altogether, I've worked for two companies that have gone into administration. Waiting for the third now, to see if I can get a hat-trick.

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Mini meet right now? Or when you get the bursary as I promise I shall be coming up soon. This week kinda schmupka'ed. Next is no good as its my birthday. Week after im in London on the Weds. Week after im in London on the Weds...then maybe?

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Been chilling at my mate's on the other side of london since saturday, got proper wasted saturday night, first time I've been that drunk in ages(yet I do believe I have a rather good memory of the night). Man, I couldn't walk straight and I was knocking shit over, plus I walked back to his on my own and got loss(he'd been a wuss and gone home early) I apparently took about 2 hours for a 20minute trip, and got back at the same time as some people who left about an hour after me, lolz. Came back home today, had a mini-nap then went aikido, yet for some reason I've had a bit of a downer on me! Weirdness. Now contemplating...do I download smallville to watch when I have a rented GTA to play AND fable 2....decisions decisions. One minute there's nothing to do, and then the next there's fucking everything and it's too hard to decide, bahhhh!


Done! :D

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Altogether, I've worked for two companies that have gone into administration. Waiting for the third now, to see if I can get a hat-trick.


I've had three. Sports Connection, First Sport and Swallow Hotels.

Thus I'm doing Careers Guidance at uni now...probably a safer area to be in. Especially at the moment! :smile:

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Went out to an LGBT night, not too bad, got an offer from a girl, not really my cup of teat, but never mind.


Then went spearmint rhino. Was actually pretty good, managed to get becka a dance, but couldn't really afford one myself! Haha oh dear.


Missing somebody abit too much unfortunetly. Been texting them for quite a while. Damnit >_>

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Despite reading an article saying there's about as much fat/something in a kebab than a glass and a half full or cooking oil, I keep having one when I finish work. Such as tonight.


Work was even deader than last night, I managed to get about 150 pages read out me book.


Now I got an email from some camps who are interested in calling me for a phone interviewings.

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If you're referring to what me and jay were talking about due to the close proximity of the listed people its not a mini meet, as much as it is F.R.I.E.N.D.S. and im like...the scientist that went to Russia. Pop up from time to time to try and sleep with one of them or something...Yeah something like that.

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I *think* I just finished my essay about Gossip Girl and it's effect on it's viewers/underage sex and such. I've never enjoyed writing an essay so much. I love it when I'm able to rant about things I actually find interesting. :D


I'll read yours/send mine tomorrow Ash, I think I best go and attempt sleep. First period in less than 9 hours. Ballsack.

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Feeling a lot happier than earlier today, wheeeee! Though I really should be going to bed I think, whoops! XD


Three more days until happy timessssss! =D


glad your feeling better, i know how much family can suck.


im getting on well with my mam right now. shes not been in a mood with me for days. which is rare.


still annoyed by everything my dad does, but in my defence, hes a prat. earlier, whicl on the wii fit he jumped. id told him several times not to, warning messages flash up on the screen and hes all "i thought it was saying you were ok to jump" thankfully, it dosent seem damaged, its my mams from work.


still, my parents love the wii fit. im gonna try and pick us one up, its worth the £70 just to see my mams sheer terror on the heading game.

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Despite reading an article saying there's about as much fat/something in a kebab than a glass and a half full or cooking oil, I keep having one when I finish work. Such as tonight.


That can't possibly be right. It's gotta be one of the healthiest fast foods around, assuming you don't have a health-destroying doner. It's grilled meat, vegetables and a pita bread. Where's the immense fat come from? C'maaan, you know you CAN'T IGNORE MY TECHNO.



Dyson, I fucking love your sig man.


Cheers buddy, Fresh of N-E fame made it for me quite some time ago and I have yet to tired of it. I love it. Though could do with a more permanent avatar, I keep switching between two animated Pikachu's..

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