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I have to agree with you both Dyson and Nightwolf. I was hoping Uni would be something more than it is but it really has been disappointing. Well, studying Psychology has so far. Been more interested in my English module. I haven't hated it per se but some of it has just been pretty bad. I'm optimistic it'll pick up next semester. I bloody better anyway. I'm not the kind of person to leave something unfinished, which is why I stuck out college and studying for my degree in architectural technology, but I'm on the fence about staying or not.


Oh well. I think we expect too much of it, I certainly did but then I'm not doing the norm (staying in halls, going out every night).


And then at the end of three years where do you end up? Chris The Great? Dan Dare? Rummy? EEVILMURRAY? All unemployed losers (bar work doesn't count).




And then at the end of three years where do you end up? Chris The Great? Dan Dare? Rummy? EEVILMURRAY. All unemployed losers (bar work doesn't count).





Now now, thats not fair, myself and Jordan have very respectable jobs with (well...reasonable, and very good salaries) and we went to....Oh no...we didn't.




Uni was the biggest mistake of my life (or perhaps it was more that I chose a really difficult course). Two years completely wasted, and because of it my CV has a massive empty space.


Edit: On another note. Because of the amount of websites reporting that British ISPs are blocking a page on Wikipedia due to child porn (It's the album art from an old album), said album cover has been on my homepage for the past few days.


Urgh, bit annoyed. Apparently I've been getting messages from some weird company (like horoscopes stuff or whatever), except I never got them, yet they appear on the bill (and are quite expensive).

As far as I know I've never signed up with anything, and dad doesn't seem to want to believe me. Why would I lie about something like that? Seriously, I'm a pretty honest person and I don't see the point in telling lies about something like this.


This made me quite upset.


just got an email from my uni saying that x-factor are looking for people to help out int he final of x-factor (u know when they go to the hometown of the finalists and generally do stuff...lol)

some guy is from derry (name escapes me)... now im meant to be working in barratts that whole day but should i sent my cv? i dunno

this would be a mega opportunity if i could help out with the x-factor

even if ive never watched it

just got an email from my uni saying that x-factor are looking for people to help out int he final of x-factor (u know when they go to the hometown of the finalists and generally do stuff...lol)

some guy is from derry (name escapes me)... now im meant to be working in barratts that whole day but should i sent my cv? i dunno

this would be a mega opportunity if i could help out with the x-factor

even if ive never watched it


Go for it MBAM! What have you got to lose :)

The common misconception for people and uni, is that they seem to forget it's like going to school... again.


Is it wrong that I don't mind that? The longer I can hold off having complete control of my life, the better. I'm useless, and college gives me a template to live by, with fun in between.


I can't wait for Uni (Well, actually I can, but still I'm looking forward to it).

Is it wrong that I don't mind that? The longer I can hold off having complete control of my life, the better. I'm useless, and college gives me a template to live by, with fun in between.


I can't wait for Uni (Well, actually I can, but still I'm looking forward to it).


Where did you apply to in the end?


And yes, uni is fucking awesome, it's like the shallow end of the swimming pool of independant life.

Where did you apply to in the end?


And yes, uni is fucking awesome, it's like the shallow end of the swimming pool of independant life.


My ucas was sent yesterday. I'M SO HAPPY. *breathes*


Anglia Ruskin (I may apply to two courses there still, might change), Leeds, Coventry, UWE (Bristol) and then De monteford (But, I think I'm going to call them tomorrow and change it to either another at Anglia, or Sheffield).


I need Cambridge and Cambridge needs me. :heh:



My mate went for her interview at (the actual) Cambridge Uni on sunday. She was shitting herself, but apprently it went well. Out of 44, only 12 get in. God, I hope she makes it.


Uni can bug the shit out of you like it is to me right now. I blame the people mostly.


Other times it can make you jizz in your pants.


Like so.



OK, nothing much happened. Basically just did very little in my triple Design Tech., as the teachers are incompetent and were searching for a guy in my class who hilariously made up all this crap abou where his work was, and was running away from both DT teachers in various locations around the school.


Did nothing in my double free, basically. Silly, as I have lotso f work to do. Oh wait, I researched how big my role in the school production of Henry V is, (I'm gonna be Thomas Grey), and I have about 5 small paragraphs, which I'm happy with. But there's literally 40 roles, and everyone excepot the few main characters has to double as extras anyway. I love acting/plays.


Art did some extra bits on last night's life drawing, which i was ridiculously happy with. I never LOVE my life drawings, but I seriously do love this.


My (famously harsh) teacher even told me it was great. :)


Did literally nothing in Badminton, came home.

The common misconception for people and uni, is that they seem to forget it's like going to school... again.


Personally I don't think it is, the misconception is that uni means something, albiet that you won't get the dream job straight away if at all. But that you feel you are on the right course doing exactly what it describes.


Bullshit, thats the misconception. Just because it says games design or motor designing (my flat mate) doesn't mean you are going to be doing that.


I love sheffield, but sheffield hallam, maybe it's just my course, but it's all over the place.


edit: I'm sick of being fucking lied too.

Damn you jayseven! Damn you to hell! I have this one in for TOMORROW and I'm not nearly being urgent enough! Oh well!
What did I do! I encouraged you to work, remember!


Lucky you..


No, it's about how a game becomes a world, how you go from say gears of war to having a virtual world of gears. So currently I'm writing about with a game there will be a door or a sea you can't get pass or into, but with a world you can get through it and past it to find out what it is.


Bit confusing, but it makes sense in my head.


edit: I want to quit uni.

Ah! Well the in-game context that suggests there's an entire world that goes beyond just what you see... In gears you have communication between your squad and a 'command' that you never get to see. This suggests that there are other squads being 'commanded' over as well. In gears 2 you find items like newspapers, letters, bits and bobs that talk about other parts of the world you don't see, other people you don't meet, events that you don't witness. This is all contextually creating an entire world that goes beyond your limited scope. Set pieces like Fenix starting in jail at the start of the first gears - entire buildings that in our reality serve a purpose that in teh game have a limited amount of screen time. We can imagine that perhaps a few years earlier the prison was full of prisoners.


Stuff like that?

I think so, I mean with a game you are restricted and you know it's a game, I mean you wouldn't call second life a game, you'd call it a virtual world, although it could ideally be made into a game (like the sims). It's just getting fustrating, I can't reference anything because I don't have anything to reference from, I don't even know what havard referencing is.
Harvard Referencing is a certain format of referencing where you are required to include specific elements of proof. A large chunk of uni is about learning this :P


Have you tried to look through litsearch? You should talk to Ashley as he may know some decent journals that can help.


You'd think that. I really don't understand why I worked so hard to be here, I was doing most of the at college..I just feel like I'm completely wasting my time being here and it's destroying, so fucking annoying to be here when the tutors don't even stick around to help and force subs on us instead..this isn't what I wanted to be doing..I understand the first year is abit for everybody...but it's not, it's for the animations benefit. I'm doing stock motion and after effects, the only useful thing I've done is a presentation on the game i'm making and even then the woman who teaches me flash currently has just nabbed it off the net and told us to copy it from the print outs! ARGHH.
University is rarely to be expected. The first year is for everyone - it's to ensure you're all up to a standard level at everything. If you're finding it's just animation that challenges you then you're up to scratch with everything else. When you have more choice over what you study, you appreciate things more - but independant learning is the key. Lecturers usually only have a few hours of office time where you can meet with them a week as they're overrun with their own work, but if they're just stealing their lessons off the internet then stay ahead of the game; steal them first, and don't go in. Voila!


Personally I don't think it is, the misconception is that uni means something, albiet that you won't get the dream job straight away if at all. But that you feel you are on the right course doing exactly what it describes.


Bullshit, thats the misconception. Just because it says games design or motor designing (my flat mate) doesn't mean you are going to be doing that.


I love sheffield, but sheffield hallam, maybe it's just my course, but it's all over the place.


edit: I'm sick of being fucking lied too.

University has always been about way more than the work. It's a relatively new concept that you go to uni to learn to be good at what you'll be doing for the rest of your life (quite a radical socialist prospect that, isn't it?) and really only scary because without doing that one thing, we're suddenly opened out to all the options in the world - and we're scared of that! Scared of the fact that we can do a whole range of things because we want limitations, guidance. Don't give up yet.


EDIT: Well that was one big nightwolf-sponsored post, wasn't it?


So the uni hate seems to be fairly unanimous. That's pretty wierd to me, I'm loving my course, and just the whole experience is brilliant. Although admittedly that could be because I spent the previous year doing absolutely fuck all with my life.

So the uni hate seems to be fairly unanimous. That's pretty wierd to me, I'm loving my course, and just the whole experience is brilliant. Although admittedly that could be because I spent the previous year doing absolutely fuck all with my life.


Gotta agree partially here - my uni year thus far has been a shitter in regards to work - you can try arguing that your course is tougher yada yada people, but learning both French and German AND then having to do European Studies on top of that is a funkin' nightmare! But it's interesting and I'd rather be doing this than just working. Nothing wrong with just going straight into work and it's clear that it works out very well for most of those that do. The way I see it, I get to learn something in depth over the course of 4 years and hopefully it'll be of use to me later on - if not, fuck it, at least I got drunk and met some nice people in the process of doing it! And uni life is good - don't go basing things purely on your first year my dearest uni n00bies, it's usually just an intro after all! Things will pick up (and then you'll probably start complaining about that!).

Gotta agree partially here - my uni year thus far has been a shitter in regards to work - you can try arguing that your course is tougher yada yada people, but learning both French and German AND then having to do European Studies on top of that is a funkin' nightmare! But it's interesting and I'd rather be doing this than just working. Nothing wrong with just going straight into work and it's clear that it works out very well for most of those that do. The way I see it, I get to learn something in depth over the course of 4 years and hopefully it'll be of use to me later on - if not, fuck it, at least I got drunk and met some nice people in the process of doing it! And uni life is good - don't go basing things purely on your first year my dearest uni n00bies, it's usually just an intro after all! Things will pick up (and then you'll probably start complaining about that!).


Nah, course not. But for me some it is hard (but not competing more explaining), it's more me complaining i'm getting fustrated with the classes and tutors. The only good thing I can think of is claymation. I like that. Infact I like most of my classes...they just feel off-topic and the tutors are well *points to above*


After being lied to my face, I got my whole website finished, so thats 3/9 tasks down. Get two more done by thursday and my essay finished by monday and thats 6/9 ^_^. Happy days.


Unlucky Nightwolf sounds like it was pretty bad. Cheer up!


Had a lecture today, cut short and I understood it all which was fun. Came back, did nothing except procrastinate, really should finish my last assignment.


Went to a seminar, was waiting outside beforehand and some girl was saying I should go on this law trip to celebrate finishing january exams. I told my friend later and he says it sounded like she was coming on to me a bit, I was like :shakehead doubt it!


Seminar was good, spoke up and learnt a bit.

Playing a bit of halo 3 again and working on my assignment a bit. Going out tonight! Will probably be drunk which isn't good. I'm quite happy tonight which is good :)

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