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I know a bunch of guys who rate chicks using golf scoring.

Not a bad idea. Most people normally just use a marks out of ten, The Full Monty comes to mind as a cinematic example.


I attempted sleep after watching my normal night of CSI: Miami, Law and Order: SVU, with a CSI: NY in the middle which I don't normally care about. But I can't! So I've come on here, started watching some Garth Marenghi's Darkplace. I've also noticed my name's gone green.

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Not a bad idea. Most people normally just use a marks out of ten, The Full Monty comes to mind as a cinematic example.


I attempted sleep after watching my normal night of CSI: Miami, Law and Order: SVU, with a CSI: NY in the middle which I don't normally care about. But I can't! So I've come on here, started watching some Garth Marenghi's Darkplace. I've also noticed my name's gone green.


Now that I see it, your name wouldn't look right if it wasn't green. Grats! Shabba!

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Seriously....the cleaners at this place are so so shit. They basically completely ransack (sp) the desk, monitor at a completely weird angle, decorations flung everywhere, headset in Antiga somewhere, phone on its side (practically) yet...the desk hasnt actually been "cleaned"


Im at a new desk so theres this blatant ....grimey bit and its not even been touched. Hate...world...destroy....everything. :)

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Shit, I just woke up to a huge spider on the wall no more than a metre from my face. I'm actually quite proud of myself as I managed to hoover his ass up, a few years ago I wouldn't have dared do that.


So thats put a dampener on my day already, as I was planningo n being really lazy and sleeping in really late. I'm wide awake now though.

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I bet that spider is still alive running around the inside of your hoover... It'll want revenge.


I hoovered my bedroom a bit to make sure it died. If it survived the hundred spins around the outside, colliding with the walls of the hoover and the marble I accidentally got, I think it deserves to live.

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Shit, I just woke up to a huge spider on the wall no more than a metre from my face. I'm actually quite proud of myself as I managed to hoover his ass up, a few years ago I wouldn't have dared do that.


So thats put a dampener on my day already, as I was planningo n being really lazy and sleeping in really late. I'm wide awake now though.


This reminds me of a spider situation with myself the other night.


I had driven back from Birmingham and got in about 1am, as I went up the stairs I noticed the king of the spiders on the 2nd from the top step. I HATE spiders they really freak me out. I slowly crept back downstairs got a glass and a card to trap the spider and returned to find it (thankfully) still in the same postion. I covered it with the glass put as I slid the card under it escaped and started to do the crazy spider run in every direction dance. (SHIT-I thought) It kept hiding in the corner of the stairs. Finally I was able to catch it (took about 15/20mins) and for it's rebelling like nature instead of a doorstep release it was thrown from the upstairs window.



I also rang to try and get an appointment at the doctors today (my ear has been hurting since the assault) and was told tomorrow would be the earliest. Later on I'm going to get a haircut ready for London this weekend.

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So i was in Police HQ last night and my mother was on call as the custody officer that night. A guy that was trying to get from Glasgow to Manchester was arrested at the train station for causing disorder and he was brought in.

My mum signed him in and he was saying how he was going to manchester to see the Rangers match. So he asked how far it was from Dumfries to the english border. My mum then said.....800 miles

How that woman passed the police exam is beyond me. Being half blind really doesn't help either. I guess they need all the help they can get, being the smallesed force in the country and all.


So last night i was reading the ultimate history of video games. Quite interesting stuff. Talking about how Warner Bros. bought Atari and how everyone was pissed. The creation of Donkey Kong and Mario. Spent about half the night reading through that.

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My mum signed him in and he was saying how he was going to manchester to see the Rangers match. So he asked how far it was from Dumfries to the english border. My mum then said.....800 miles

In fairness, when your job is dealing with drunks all night you might be forgiven the odd slip of the tongue. She probably meant to say 80, or was being sarcastic or somesuch other occurrence.


I hit Oxford Street today. Really hurt my knuckles....


Lol! I was in H&M then the fire alarm went off, so I went and stood outside, then the firemen came in a fire engine and it was exciting.


*spins around*



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Choose wisely when you get to Lazenby.


As for Timothy Dalton, it has to be License to Kill.


Ha Ha, very funny EEVIL.


As for the Dalton movie, even though i only got 2 to choose from License to Kill so happens to be my favorite of the two he starred in, so it may very well be this that i choose.


I really hope you pick Goldeneye...:)


Its going to be tough choosing a Brosnan Bond movie, Goldeneye, Tomorrow Never Dies and The World is not Enough are three movies that i quite like. Die Another Day isn't the best, and i wasn't going to pick this one anyway.

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It has to be Goldeneye. No contest.


My day has been pretty good so far. Sony sent me a LBP sackboy as a thank you for my work (he's sitting on my computer being punched in the head by fire suit Mario at the moment haha), i got LEGO Batman keyrings and a lanyard from Warner, and i'm still playing Tomb Raider Underworld which is cool, so i'm a happy bunny all round!

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me mam is sick so had to have her around the house all day.


wouldnt mind if she hadnt got me to hoover half the house for no dissernable reason. then i went to the gym, once again outlasted two sets of strangers on the tredmill (one goes on after the outher, in essence i did more running then the two of them) which made me happy. arms were a struggle today, though now my strongest muscles seem to be my abbs. which is good i guess, might have a 6 pack in time for christmas.


got home and me mam says i wasnt out long. working out for over an hour apparently isnt enough for her. old bugger.

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So last night i was reading the ultimate history of video games. Quite interesting stuff. Talking about how Warner Bros. bought Atari and how everyone was pissed. The creation of Donkey Kong and Mario. Spent about half the night reading through that.


Is that this one?


I have that also, bought it for my dissertation last year. Barely read it though.

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fish I don't think guessing the girls bra sizes is another version of "the game", you can't replace the game!


Shit I just lost it again.


Also i take offence to the fact that you mentioned they were from Essex meaning Essex only people play that game. I've played the game and I'm from Essex but still! Discrimination! :p


ANYWAY, I actually came on here to talk about my day,


Got up early at 7 which I haven't done for a lonnnnnnnnnng time. Had work for 2 measely hours from 8-10, a lecture at 10-12 and then helping teach primary school kids from 1-3:30. Good fun :) I feel happy because I was earning, learning, and helping. :)

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fish I don't think guessing the girls bra sizes is another version of "the game", you can't replace the game!


Shit I just lost it again.


Also i take offence to the fact that you mentioned they were from Essex meaning Essex only people play that game. I've played the game and I'm from Essex but still! Discrimination! :p


ANYWAY, I actually came on here to talk about my day,


Got up early at 7 which I haven't done for a lonnnnnnnnnng time. Had work for 2 measely hours from 8-10, a lecture at 10-12 and then helping teach primary school kids from 1-3:30. Good fun :) I feel happy because I was earning, learning, and helping. :)


Mr Ellmeister, which school are you teaching at in my lovely hometown? (If you don't mind sharing it on the forum that is!).

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I have a job interview next week :)


Staff / Student Liaison with the University of Sheffield .


Really hope I get this one. I can't be doing with this apathy and boredom any longer.


Gah, I feel the same, I am so ridiculously bored being at home, also the fact that I only have £32 left in my bank account doesn't help!


I've applied for 3 more jobs today, although like most I apply for I probably wont even get a rejection letter. Are companies really SO busy that they can't send a letter saying "your application has been unsuccesful", I put time and effort into applying for their crappy job, they least they could do is recognise that fact!


Also still constantly thinking about the ex... fun times!



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