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How about a play on your name, Night of the Wolf, as they've been turned into children? I, personally, wouldn't try to make it sound Hallowe'en-y even though it may be. For Whom The Bells Toll?


@ J7 - dropping the numbers would be pointless. The numbers are as significant as the name (I've had it for years on different Forums). If I dropped the numbers then it would just be a spelling mistake with reference to a Korean company. With the numbers, it's a reference to a little handheld by said company which was all the rage when I came up with it.

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Hallow'een (hallowe'en? can't be arsed to check

Hallowe'en I think, as a v has been elided. Apparently the "-ing" is allowed to vanish without an apostrophe, I suppose because "even" was in use at the time.


Edit: Oh yeah, my day. Woke up before 12 without an alarm clock, which is a first for this term. Had a cool supervision (Inuktitut phonology and the like), then a lecture, which I got soaked walking to, but then rain is awesome, so I'll forgive it. Should probably do some more reading around about now.


Edit 2: Yep, seems even was used in place of evening, so says OED. e.g. 1600 A.Y.L. II. iv. 69 "Peace I say; good euen to your friend." There's a quotation from 1843, albeit for "e'en", but it's obsolete now. (1843 A. BETHUNE Sc. Fireside Stor. 279 "Daylight, done at four o'clock, Yields to the lang dark e'en.")

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I have ideas for my whole game (main menu, characters, even the damn levels!) but no name for it..gah, normally I'm great at thinking up loads of names! Now I can't think of any..


witch way out?


i may have seen a dead guy today. on the way to the gym i passed some old guy lying on a park bench, possibly asleep. i was going to stop but had no phone and dont know first aid, plus, the way he was lying, it looked more like he was taking a nap. i decided the best thing to do would be tell the gym staff, it was their ground after all. an ambulance went to him as i went on so i left em too it.


on a plus note my t-shirts are getting tight around arms/chest/shoulders, yay gym! sadly i cant afford anything new.

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Went to school. I nearly always nearly fall asleep in business. It's just so boring.


Then went for a driving lesson. Went ok. Driving instructor got said I didn't look out of the window enough when reversing.


Just been and played football in the rain. I played well if I say so myself. Fucking nackered now. And I have a headache.


Oh and yesterday morning I shaved my pubes off. This morning I woke up to a rash. It's been pissing me off all day. Hopefully it will be gone by wednesday. I'm sure you all wanted to know that.

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Thanks everyone.


Poor kitty :(


How old was he/she? I hope they had a decent life. I was devasted when my cat died. He was 18 though so he had a good run, but he was part of the familly and we all still miss him. He's now buried in the familly garden :'(

She was only 10, still very healthy and everything. We picked her up from the street as a kitten, all dirty and neglected.

I'll miss her so much, she was the one to be the most affectionate out of our 4 cats. And also the buddy of our dog. =(


Sorry to hear that Eenuh! Not nice to see especially when its your own cat =[

Was really horrible to see, especially as she'd been laying there all night already... I hope I won't get nightmares of this.


Eenuh; Sorry to hear about your kitty. Any idea who did it?

Don't really know, though my neighbour talked to him when it happened or something. Apparently he just couldn't stop anymore. And the neighbour didn't know it was our cat. I'm just glad they didn't leave her in the middle of the road or something.

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Oh and yesterday morning I shaved my pubes off. This morning I woke up to a rash. It's been pissing me off all day. Hopefully it will be gone by wednesday. I'm sure you all wanted to know that.


Never got a rash, but it's damm itchy when it grows back. The first couple of days are like walking around with 1,000 needles inbetween your legs.

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I have ideas for my whole game (main menu, characters, even the damn levels!) but no name for it..gah, normally I'm great at thinking up loads of names! Now I can't think of any..


You could come up with something obvious and then look in a thesaurus to replace the words. Some major IPs have been named that way, notably Donkey Kong.

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Wow..it's really not your day is it? >_<

Not really no. =(


You might wanna brace yourself for 1 more less-normal thing. Stuff like this normally happens in 3's

Well, even though this was planned (though only a week ago), my grandpa had surgery on his knee today. He's doing fine right now ('cause of the painkillers), but since he's been quite depressed after grandma died last year, I'm afraid he'll get worse because he'll be immobile for weeks now and can't do anything. =/

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Sorry to hear about your, and the stabbing too. WTF?? What is happening to this country? More and more of this crazy stuff keeps happening in Belgium, it's bizzare and worrying.


I just had a couple of cups of some goddamn good nihonshu, and I'm quite tipsy. Despite this, I'll read a bit in Life, the Universe and Everything, and then head to bed. 'Night.

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Karma evidently doesn't exist Eenuh, this shit shouldn't be happening to you. :( What happened with your uncle anyway, was it a robbery or just a random attack?


I need movie ideas. Hit me.


If you haven't seen it, Galaxy Quest - possibly the most criminally underrated film in history.

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Wow, just found out my uncle got stabbed with a knife yesterday... Luckily it was in his arm but what the fuck?

Why can't things just be normal for a while?!


I know things seem pretty crappy right now, but I do believe that good things eventually do come for good people. And, you're amazing, so happiness will find a way of finding its way to you. I hope you have a better day tomorrow. Just remember, there's always a better day. :)

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