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Spent the latter half of this afternoon and basically all of this evening (even now) listening to new music. Good times. I'm exploring some new bands and I've found some really good ones as well so I'm pretty chuffed. Listening to music has been quite a pick up today. Wasn't all that happy this morning or all of this week so at least I'm on the up. And plus I have a tub of Ben and Jerry's Phish Food sitting in the freezer waiting for me to consume. :P

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In D.T I smashed open the Happy Meal Toy I'm doing a product study on. Took ages, as some of it was moulded together, and I was scared outright snapping int apart would send shards of sharp plastic into my eye or something.


Obviously nothing happened.


Then in the library I sneakily watched an episode of Buffy (actually really funny) on my friends iPod, hiding behind my schoolbag, and lying on the desk.


Instead of PSD, we had a "school service". (BLEURGH) The preacher guy was young and quite normal, kinda cool, so I just feel sorry for him, since he's so tarnished by his mad religious-ness.


I've decided I'm never singing hymns again unless they're interesting, or I like the lyrics. My favourite is The Battle Hymn Of The Republic, only one I can think of.


In English we did more Hamlet, and I was Rosencrantz, a joke. Then my teacher asked in anyone had seen the musical "Hair", and I shot my and up and I said I had the DVD of it. He replied "Of course you would!", and everyone laughed. I'm famous for having massive/joke/crazed hair/being an insane hippy-wannabe.


In art, the teacher was off taking the other set up to Skye, so we made our own way into town to go and see the awesome Janet Cardiff/George Bures exhbition, which I'd previously seen a lot of in Barcelona. The Killing Machine is still an awe-inspiring piece of installation art though.


Bought 2 albums, went home, hung around with chairdriver for a while, then went to Pizza Hut for an impromptu family dinner. :)

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I've been bloody bitten by a bug or something RAWR >_< Its itchhyy.


I keep getting bitten at work, last summer I counted the bites on my legs (60!!) My psoriasis alone is enough to drive me insane with itchy, not to mention being covered in bites.


Must be infested in the office, a few other people have said they've been bitten. Added on top of the leaky roof (get the bins at the ready to catch the dripping water) the mould growing up the side of my wall, and the dampness causing my arthritis to flare.


Now thats what I call job satisfaction!

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Then in the library I sneakily watched an episode of Buffy (actually really funny) on my friends iPod, hiding behind my schoolbag, and lying on the desk.


Which reminds me, need to get some more Scrubs and stuff on my iPod for when we're made to watch boring films...


Today has been good. Slept in for a while. Went and got my haircut. Got new bedding (new uni year, new bedding. Has to be done.) Done not much this afternoon other than engage in textual relations. Arranged some plans for next weekend :D


Oh and Calvin and Hobbes turned up today. :)

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well my day had been good, just lazy, went for a couple of pints with my dad, then came home, had steak for tea, but mine was over cooked, the baked potato and salad that accompanied were both very boirng, all in all not a good tea. was just wasting time then a friend from uni informs me a lecturer of mine has died.


he was a real nice guy. quiet, not shy just quiet. very clever, he had an air of steven fry to him. he was in his 40s-50s, and always made the classes he taught laugh with buffy the vampire slayer analogies for litteraly every thing in psychology. the subject he taught was dull, he knew it, and would dryly stick in a few jokes. it was always fuuny to see people who hadnt been listening jump and a murmer of laughter around the room.


what i guess will always be my meory of him is just him saying "hi chris" as i walked past him in the corridor. he didnt need to know my name, the smallest group i was ever in with him was around 100 people, yet he learned my name cos he was just that type of guy.

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Castle Crashers is awesome, but I don't know whether to buy the full version or not - it seems expensive! :hmm:

Get it!! - or get someone else to pay for it like me and J7 do :grin: Played it loads today and it's so much fun, reminded me alot of golden axe actually, except colourful and quite random sometimes, buy it, buy it, buy it now!!!

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well my day had been good, just lazy, went for a couple of pints with my dad, then came home, had steak for tea, but mine was over cooked, the baked potato and salad that accompanied were both very boirng, all in all not a good tea. was just wasting time then a friend from uni informs me a lecturer of mine has died.


he was a real nice guy. quiet, not shy just quiet. very clever, he had an air of steven fry to him. he was in his 40s-50s, and always made the classes he taught laugh with buffy the vampire slayer analogies for litteraly every thing in psychology. the subject he taught was dull, he knew it, and would dryly stick in a few jokes. it was always fuuny to see people who hadnt been listening jump and a murmer of laughter around the room.


what i guess will always be my meory of him is just him saying "hi chris" as i walked past him in the corridor. he didnt need to know my name, the smallest group i was ever in with him was around 100 people, yet he learned my name cos he was just that type of guy.


Aw chris dude I'm really sorry to hear that :(

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Aw chris dude I'm really sorry to hear that :(


thanks, its a wierd feeling, i mean, im a bit sad, but mostly numb. he was one of my favorite lecturers, some one who actualy made me think and work, as well as laugh.


i feel bad for all the people about to start psychology at huddersfield uni. they will miss out on one of the best lecturers.


cancer is a bitch




stefkov, wesley, ive just finnished at huddersfield uni, if you want any advice on were to go, or best places to shop you can pm me. storthes hall is increadable, dont waste the opertunity to explore the woods, theres a field were me and my friends shared many happy bonfires.


also, Laycock A flat 1 room 1 was mine. i think the door will still have the dent i left in it. so many good memories there.

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I hate it when I start having paranoid thoughts, not least because they have an annoying tendency to be horribly accurate. I might be able to ignore them if they always came to nothing, but no such luck.


Sorry for turning out to be the world's biggest unjustified emo, by the way. It annoys me as well, so at least we're all in the same boat.

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thanks, its a wierd feeling, i mean, im a bit sad, but mostly numb. he was one of my favorite lecturers, some one who actualy made me think and work, as well as laugh.


i feel bad for all the people about to start psychology at huddersfield uni. they will miss out on one of the best lecturers.


cancer is a bitch



its always sad to hear about that kinda thing..

i wish i could be the kind of teacher who learnt all my student's names... :hmm: i still call one of my regular kids "ayumi"

and he still screams back "A-YU-MU!!"


...he'll remember me, but in a different way, i'm sure...


i'm feeling pretty crappy today... :sad:

i'm tired and my back hurts ~ but my housemate offered me a free massage yesterday so she's gunna fit me in on tuesday (she's a massage therapist!!)

i just feel a bit out of sync with everyone and everything atm...

but on the bright side!! monday is a public holiday here so i get a 3-day "weekend" ^^

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Work once more, what pisses me off is that the landlady says I'm finishing at 11, and then assumes I'm staying around after to help clean. I already wipe the tables and put the glasses in the washer throughout my whole shift. She wanted me to sweep today, so I make a half cock attempt it seems.

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ahh fuck it.

went to work, came home, deleted all the junk email from my inbox...


which left me with NOTHING.

i cant believe with all the emails i send to friends that no fucker bothers with even a quick reply?! wtf? am i stuck here? am i getting through to people? i feel like i'm trapped inside one of those big zorb ball thingies o__O!!


so PLEH to it all i'm going out to kareoke tonight!! it's the first saturday after payday so i can actually afford it.


..i feel like i'm taking to a giant brick wall. whats the fucking point?!

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Nah, you can rely on a giant brick wall; it's always there to offer support. You must be talking to a rotten wooden shack or something.


On the other hand, maybe people simply haven't had the chance to reply yet. It's only just the weekend, so if your friends are the type to cavort around town on a Friday they're probably not even conscious at this point. I don't know the people you've been messaging so I can only rationalise so much, but although it's easy to think the worst do try not to — your relative isolation is accentuating your negative thoughts, and a lot of people won't really appreciate that until they've been in your shoes themselves.


Now go and have a nice cup of tea.

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Nah, you can rely on a giant brick wall; it's always there to offer support. You must be talking to a rotten wooden shack or something.


On the other hand, maybe people simply haven't had the chance to reply yet. It's only just the weekend, so if your friends are the type to cavort around town on a Friday they're probably not even conscious at this point. I don't know the people you've been messaging so I can only rationalise so much, but although it's easy to think the worst do try not to — your relative isolation is accentuating your negative thoughts, and a lot of people won't really appreciate that until they've been in your shoes themselves.


Now go and have a nice cup of tea.


hmpf. so YOU'RE the one who stole all my common sense... :hmm:

yeah you're right.

although i shall be substituting tea for plum sake tonight, ne ^_^


(it's all-you-can-drink!!!!)



in other news i made a friend on my way to the bathroom!! he's a GIANT cricket O_O!!!

i shall name him jiminy.

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in other news i made a friend on my way to the bathroom!! he's a GIANT cricket O_O!!!

i shall name him jiminy.


Jimmeny Cricket!



I can't believe the swine at UPS don't deliver on Saturdays....


My day so far, consisting of me lying in bed for half an hour, has been slightly annoying.


Sorry. I feel as if I lied to you now :p


Only up out of bed, good day so far :)


lol love the contrast there.


Im off to take more stuff to my new flat. With my dad. That'll be one silent car ride...


Gonna go for a drink (I stressed a drink to her) with a girl from work when she finishes at 6. Gotta be up at 4am so I wanna come home and curl up in bed.

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^ lol. you know she'll manage to wrangle you in for more than a drink. It always happens.


Anyway, feels like I've been awake for ages. Got up not long after 8am and have done bugger all so far. Kinda waiting to see how the weather plays out before deciding whether or not to go out or not. Bloody weather forecast. "It's going to be improved weather for everyone this weekend." Then they show Scotland's weather and it's cloudy and raining. That's not improved. That's the norm.

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