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Yeah northern Ireland isn't quite used to all the flooding :heh:


I live right beside a river (Galgorm to all ye locals) and I went out today and took a snap of the disaster. Never ever had flooding this bad.



river doesnt usually come past the fence on the right, and runs down through the trees on the left.

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Oh rokhed :( , friends are such wankers these days! Have a massive hug *hugs*


Thanks. :blush:


Aw rok, I'm so sorry to hear that. it's pure shit when mates do these things to each other. You can always talk to us when you need a rant :)


I know, it's good I've got somewhere I can vent my feelings without worrying about it getting back to people.

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did u hear that the belfast motorway is flooded and the belfast underpass is under 15ft of water? amazing


I was just saying to myself a couple of nights ago while staring at the endless rain that at least we can say this summer was an improvement, in as much no body actually drowned in their own home. Then I turned on the telly to find a picture of car submerged underwater on the Belfast motorway. I'm going to stop saying things, just in case.

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Guest Stefkov

Last night was painful. I got to work for about 12pm on Saturday, I didn't leave until 3am on Sunday.

14 hours. 14 friggin hours staying on my feet and trying to hear people order drinks over Rick Astley blaring out the speakers.

And now my pc won't boot. I knew I shouldn't have installed this thing.

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well, weekend of stress is over. two family parties were an effort, considering i dont like my family alot.


lots of stress from sharing a bedroom, lots of chores and house work.


take a break for a well earned pear kopperberg, but unfortunatly, my body decides to be alergic to it. an hour curled up on the bathroom floor is a decided low point of my day, then exhema attacks my back, im beign driven fucking crazy

my dad starts shouting my name in a silly voice, which usualy get me annoyed, more so when i say i cant help right now and he keeps calling. i get him a dvd like he wants, make an icepack and just sit by my self fo half an hour. feel to sick to eat the pizzas that have been ordered, deciding to save em for later. all of it gets eaten, none for me, anouther nite of no sleep, before waking upo and finding out i cant get out ot the second family party, which sucks. badly. go to stupid party, have boring time, come home, water plants, sigh with relife that its all over.


just hoping my dad gets a bit better by next week, if he dosent ive gotta give up my holiday to cornwall.

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sounds a bit savage that, Chris. Take some time to relax! That's if you can...



im doing as much relaxing as i can. hopefully me mams arm will heal and she wont need me as much, plus, less then a week before i get to go surfing (hopfully) and i can see that being a good destress.


might just take this week slow, make sure i do enough to help but not enough to stress me out.

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So like I went to the wake today, and they were talking about how he died.. Apparently he was laughing at something his daughter said, leaned back to adjust the recliner chair, and just fell forward. So he died happy. =)


They all passed around this awesome picture that was taken of him, smiling like the nutter he always was. One of those wakes that I will remember as being a very happy one.

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I'm so happy!


I finally managed to get in a good game of tennis today after waiting so long for the goddamn courts to re-open. Me and my mate used to play every summer for so long and not to sound cocky or anything - but we rock...hard.


I played for my year at school when I could, but then we got to a stage of not doing sport anymore because of 6th form. Now I just need to start playing Badmington again, best sport ever.



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Woo, I've just found several people who are in the same building as me in my Uni accommodation, and they're all reasonably attractive girls. :awesome:


Now, as long as they're the standard for girls, and the guys are mainly not overly smug bastards, I'll be happy.

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Woo, I've just found several people who are in the same building as me in my Uni accommodation, and they're all reasonably attractive girls. :awesome:


And as night after night you lie awake, unwantedly aroused by the sound of each and every one of them getting their freak on with someone who isn't you, you begin to see the reason and good sense in ingesting a cyanide capsule and shaking your fist at the unknown bastard that has to clean your rigid, incontinent corpse up in the morning.


Yeah, I'm in pretty much the same situation :heh:

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Woke up at 10 and did the math; six hours until work. six hours at work.


So was mopey for a bit until I spoke to my nan who spoke to my brother this morning and I realised things could be worse. I may be waiting for a few weeks to pass but at least if I wish I can go out for a walk or go visit friends or such...


Anyway. Work was average shaped. Someone ordered food at the last minute and there was this huge debate "the kitchen clock and tab says its 9.05" vs "the one on the bar says it was just before nine!" I didn't much care, usually don't get out there til 10 anyway. But then the guy who ordered the food demanded his menu back (as we remove them after the kitchen closes) at 9.40 saying "I want to order a pudding" to which I told him we stop serving puddings at 9.20 and he said "But I've only just finished eating." One of those times I could be the sarcastic bastard I am back to him.


Anyway. Post-work not much. Just watched a bit of Frasier and done some reading and I should head to bed. Although got a nice little thing now whereby my iTunes will start playing music to wake me up in the morning :D

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I've learned to windmill, and almost able to do miller's mess thanks to practicing the underarm throws.


JUGGLING! yeah baby, back from the weekend camping in a carpark. Was forecasted to rain severely all weekend but instead we got a small downpour saturday night and that was it. I had lots of absinthe, gin and cider, shared my chili vodka with half a dozen people or so, watched some astounding performances, heckled badly, ate worse and played some good chess.


Been a hectic week. Next job is to go find out how much I'll get charged for these most-likely-to-be-overdue books. Next weekend I'm going to a Psycho Buildings exhibit in london someplace, to hopefully get my mind out of the pit of thinking-about-ex-girlfriends-whenever-certain-dates-come-around! Oh, and will attempt to destroy you all at the BISH!

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So far? You guessed it...complete shit..(not that anyone close to me cares).


I've been attacked by my bro and called mental..i feel the most depressed i have ever felt and now i'm starting to feel ill. Also, i'm eating but seem to be losing weight now....can't be bothered to go to the doctors though..i don't want help, i've decided...


One of those days where i really don't give a shit anymore.


Overall though, i've decided i'm gonna go back to what i did a couple of months ago..and that is change the way i am..i'm no-longer going to care about no-one and i won't be helping em in anyway either..i've gotta start thinking about myself completely and not worrying about others..cause i've come across so many people who are 'as long as there happy, thats all that matters' it's unreal and i'm fed-up with it.


I did laugh i something though...supposadely my friend who spends alot on alcohol a week..cannot justify spending £27 on a train fare to go to a Sony Singstar VIP party with me where complimentry drinks are free all night supposadely..quite frankly...'fuck you'.


EDIT: and why did i write all this on this forum? I have no-idea..perhaps i used it as a release..

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Guest Jordan

Tonight, I shall game.



Do washing

Finish Fifa 2006 achievements

Finish Lost achievements

Play more SC4


Noob around



Sounds like a great night... but so far my day has been generic with a big old G. Theres a new PC in the office thats supposed to be mine... but its not sat on my desk.

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