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Not particularly happy this morning, found out yesterday evening that my brake light still isn't fixed. Even though I took it in saturday, which shows the idiots didn't bother checking it.


So we've had to ring up again this morning and see what the fuck they will do about it, but it means I have to drive around again today with a broken brake light, only so much of people flashing you and pointing you can take, pssh, although I went to manchester and back yesterday and not one person pointed so I thought everything was ok and mum didn't notice because I was following her.


Must take these dvd's back to blockbuster and I'll get a maccies also just because I can. It's amazing I've not gained weight with all this non-walking business. Although for me it's quite tiring driving a car.

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Decided: Being in Birmingham for longer than a weekend depresses me. Been here since thursday and all i wanna do is go back home to manchester.


GAH!! It's weird to not feel at home in your real home.


Might start scouting out tickets back to manchester on the interwebs.


Oooo i have stuff to do today at last, sorry to people i've been a bit rude to on msn this morning :(


visiting cousins, shopping, maybe go for a drink later on.


Well it's beats doing nothing right?!

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Guhhhh, work is boringggg. Still two hours to go, but not a single fax seems to be coming in. I just have to pretend to be working now as there is nothing else for me to do. These two hours will be looooooooong. -______-;


I did go shopping in the morning with my sister, right before going to work. Had less than an hour but managed to find a couple of nice things. Didn't have enough money for it all though (clothes be expensive yo!), so my sister had to go back after droppnig me off at work. Arrived a bit too late, but it doesn't really matter anyway (and no one really cares).

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actually i'm pretty sure I don't know what you look like either so it's not that. Just didn't know...d'oh!


lol.. i hardly act it either :heh:


well my age is in my profile n my image has been in the gallery thing a few times : peace:

well.. back to revision

stupid danish filmmakers making crappy films with handheld cameras.. i hate dogme films

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Gah! I was selling tickets for a concert on eBay because I can't go anymore. The first guy hadn't paid after 36 hours and because the concert is in a weeks time I offered someone a second chance offer so I would still have time to relist and this guy doesn't seem to want them. Going to have to relist them I think. Concert is on the 18th, only going to have time for a 3-day auction I think which sucks.

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Im sure you've done great Buttons. Even if it is about Dogme 95 :p


Day has been okay. Sky were useless. Checked bank balance which is always a pain. Sorted myself out for tomorrow which currently stands at;


Train to Worcs at 10.48

Walk to Uni and sort out stuff there until 12.

House viewing at 12.30

Another house viewing at 1.30

Doctors at 2.30

Another house viewing at 3.30

'Date' at 7

Train home at 10.17


May cancel the date. Its doubtful to go anywhere sexual, and hes moving back to uni next month so its pretty much a dead end. But we'll see.


And unfortunatly I have to go from the centre of town to uni which is about a 20 minute walk in one direction, then head west for a fair while, then back into centre of town, then to doctors which is in the opposite direction (and uphill!) then back into centre of town. Going to be a long but productive day. Got a list of questions to ask, directions to each. Just need to prep my camera (as my housemate is in London so obviously can't see them) and I'm all set to go.


Got work later with two girls who are nice enough but BFF so they stand around chatting. A friend I haven't seen for a while said he may pop up tonight so im not being lumped with potwashing!

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was g onna take my dog dogs out for a walk but then i heard thunder so as one of them is petrified of loud noises i shall wait till it gets quieter.


tho it looks like its going to rain later/. but i like rain so its not all bad.



hmm. i feel very very sleepy. i dont think i slept well last night. i cant figure out if my dream last night was a very very vivid dream or me day dreaming n not actually sleeping (if thatmakes sense)

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Guhhhh, work is boringggg. Still two hours to go, but not a single fax seems to be coming in. I just have to pretend to be working now as there is nothing else for me to do. These two hours will be looooooooong. -______-;


I did go shopping in the morning with my sister, right before going to work. Had less than an hour but managed to find a couple of nice things. Didn't have enough money for it all though (clothes be expensive yo!), so my sister had to go back after droppnig me off at work. Arrived a bit too late, but it doesn't really matter anyway (and no one really cares).


Where do you work lol?? A job where no one cares if you're tardy or not is cool, how boring it may be...

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Where do you work lol?? A job where no one cares if you're tardy or not is cool, how boring it may be...


Well I don't really have a starting hour, I have what they call "gliding hours" (glijdende uren). Which just means I work when there is work to do, or something. Would be useless starting at an hour when no faxes are in yet and all that (and that kinda changes from day to day).


And I did get a comment from someone about being a bit late, saying they thought I wouldn't come anymore. Though I think they meant it as a joke... maybe.


Anyway yay, home! =D

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There is a Spider up on my ceiling, It's been there for days sitting, waiting. I killed his brother and it wants revenge, it seeks my blood. It's only a matter of time before it launches its attack. I have to prepare!


I stare up at the ceiling and wonder what it's thinking, I've been asleep it had time to get me then. What is he waiting for?


Anyway aside from this spider still on my ceiling after 3 days I have had a good day. Worked in the Charity shop which was fun. People have so much rubbish. @____@


and then the rest of the day I sorted out a few things like my CV, planning an Open Day to make the most if it for when we go on Friday and packing up my DS!


Now I'm going to watch some Prison Break as I'm suddenly in the mood to watch it again. :D


was g onna take my dog dogs out for a walk but then i heard thunder so as one of them is petrified of loud noises i shall wait till it gets quieter.


tho it looks like its going to rain later/. but i like rain so its not all bad.



hmm. i feel very very sleepy. i dont think i slept well last night. i cant figure out if my dream last night was a very very vivid dream or me day dreaming n not actually sleeping (if thatmakes sense)


That makes perfect sense! I get that all the time. Even on Saturday Night I got that. I wasn't sure whether I went to sleep or not but when I woke up (or didn't wake up) I didn't realise that the dream hadn't been real for a while :p

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Guest Stefkov

Today I went on a hunt to find some new quilt covers. It's awesome having an idea of what you want in your head and you can't find it anywhere. Yeah 3 hours wasted.

I just bought a load of parts to build myself a PC and now I'm addicted to Danketsu from the Beautiful Katamari soundtrack.

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