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Don't get me wrong, she was an over the top vegan. We had so many non meat eating biased topics invented so quickly it was unreal. However, she wasn't doing much harm and was kind of badgered into becoming angry.


I still don't think I've laughed as much from a forum post as McPhee's though. Legendary.


*goes to read post again*

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As it is I'm going to move my interest onto something else, just because the impression I got was bad doesn't mean somebody else doesn't like her muchly.


Anyway, I really like this I kissed a girl song and it's stuck in my head...god damnit, I blame haggis. ^_^


Mum's also made me jelly because I bought stuff to eat for tea, much happier than this morning.

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To be fair, the boyfriend is on this forum, isn't it a bit disrespectful to be discussing the possible mental problems of his girlfriend?:wtf:

I don't really see why. We bitch about people all the time. The fact that someone who may give a shred of a shit may see them is irrelevant.

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Don't see no reason why Guy can't come back, this place seems to have gotten far too serious, i'm suprised at the amount of former 'popular' members that seem to have been banned. Perhaps certain people should lighten up?

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I'm off out for a while tonight, to the local wine bar. I'm a little worried though because one of the girls going likes me but I really don't feel the same way back. It's just a little awkward because apparently she thinks she might have a chance with me. I've never really had to tell anyone I don't feel the same way, so it feels as thought tonight might be really awkward. :(


Ohwell, should be a laugh anyhow. Todays been alright, went and played tennis for a bit with a mate in the morning which was pretty fun. Tennis is so awesome!:D

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I'm not going to lie, she wasn't as homicidal as shit as fair as I knew. To be fair, the boyfriend is on this forum, isn't it a bit disrespectful to be discussing the possible mental problems of his girlfriend?:wtf:


Yes you are right, but people on this forum aren't fair or smart (some of them).



Some people have difficulty distinguishing internet threatening and real life. For instance, I once bantered with a chav from Nuneaton and eventually it turned out that he was going to the shopping center to 'bang me out' (even though I'm from Cheshire. I ended up joining in with his style of rage, saying I'd kick the shit out of him etc. XD

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Yes you are right, but people on this forum aren't fair or smart (some of them).



Some people have difficulty distinguishing internet threatening and real life. For instance, I once bantered with a chav from Nuneaton and eventually it turned out that he was going to the shopping center to 'bang me out' (even though I'm from Cheshire. I ended up joining in with his style of rage, saying I'd kick the shit out of him etc. XD


I forgot you were near me! How you come with living in cheshire beats me but never mind.


Not that it has much to do with your post...but still :heh:

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Guest Captain Falcon
I'm off out for a while tonight, to the local wine bar. I'm a little worried though because one of the girls going likes me but I really don't feel the same way back. It's just a little awkward because apparently she thinks she might have a chance with me. I've never really had to tell anyone I don't feel the same way, so it feels as thought tonight might be really awkward. :(


If only we were all blessed with such problems? Try being other end of that scenario - I dare say she will find it far worse than you. Unless you've been encouraging it, you shouldn't feel bad at all and she should appreciate your honesty even if it takes her a while to get over you.

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I don't really get the dynasty hate, sure she was a little annoying.. but who cares, really? can we not just move on... ¬_¬



Don't you just love parents...


My mother hands me this letter, that was obviously posted like 4 or 5 days ago, first class, with an appt for me to get my meds.... LAST FREAKIN THURSDAY. Now I look like a complete ass for not going, and I knock off their schedule.. and its gonna take longer for me to feel better...




I feel absolutely lost and horrible, and this really just put the fucking cherry on the bastard cake.

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I don't really get the dynasty hate, sure she was a little annoying.. but who cares, really? can we not just move on... ¬_¬


Yeah, it was funny and all when it happened but the joke´s not funny any more.

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Oh I see! My bad, I had slight suspicions you were previously banned, forgiveness please! *bows*


If only demonmike was here


Everyone might aswell just come out and say it now....there must be a few people who dont know....surely?

srsly, everyone knows. All the admins do, all the users do. It's just SILLY. Wish I cared more, or something.


nice to see 3rd children back! I missed most of the awesomeness because I wasn't around for a while, but i do remember his efforts in the Write More of Your Story Each Day Extravaganza Thing, even if he doesn't.

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Guest bluey

heh.. *yawn* internet happenings are strange. i try not to let it bother me most of the time ~ sometimes it gets a bitmuch when kids are blatantly out to see how far they can push the whole "har har lulz black people are different from white people! christians are different from vegitarians! broccoli is better than brussel sprouts!!1"

i think in most cases y'all just need a good cup of tea and a hug.

chillax, bitches! :grin:


in other news: one of my friends bought her boyfriend to my b'day dinner ~ and he happens to be a games dev for sony... so i shall be having the free PSP games for jamba. ^___^

and in more awesome news: 8 days till i come home!!! :yay:

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Guest Captain Falcon
Am I the only one not in on this joke? ):


Neither am I - this being a fine example of the point in one of my earlier posts. (Don't bother looking for it it, just smile politely and nod in agreement - apparently it's how you fit in)

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my day just got a hell of a lot better, shia lebaouf (him from transformers) has been arrested for drink driving.


hope they throw the book at the smug little cunt.


A) Its "Shia LaBeouf"


B) Smug little cunt? Wheres the proof of that then? Hes very gracious and thankful for his current roles, and work coming his way etc, and he had a pretty rough child hood.


People need to fuck off the Shia hate. Completely unjustified, and it is.[/Rant]


Neither am I - this being a fine example of the point in one of my earlier posts. (Don't bother looking for it it, just smile politely and nod in agreement - apparently it's how you fit in)


I only found out when Jay casually mentioned it, and I was like WTF! :heh:


I think the member in question should just announce it...I dont wanna say like...

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