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Woke up too early (for my taste) after too little sleep. I'm nervous about talking to my Art History teacher about the Turkey thing (will probably have to do that during class). He's a bit of a scary looking man. =X


Of course one of the persons I wanted to hear an opinion of first never came online. =/

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my essay's on the role of repetition in the play. Yours?


We haven't been given the coursework title yet but it's to do with the Characterisation of Pozzo and his role in the play! and why it is important. :)



That is so Awesome! :awesome: :yay:


I had a good day! a bit boring but it was good nonetheless. :) I had a timed History essay to write in class which wasn't as hard as i thought it was going to be. I'm also now on the Final Boss in Zelda: Phantom Hourglass which i played in my Breaktimes. :D


Ps: Woo! My 2000th Post! :grin::bouncy:

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Happy 2000th post Coolness Bears!

I had a pretty good day, pretty normal.

Registered to give blood at college in two weeks time, should be an adventure, have never even had a blood test so don't know what to expect.


Then my day got silly.

I was doing my paper round and typically it started pouring with rain and then my bike got a flat tyre half way through it, so I had to walk the rest :( I got drenched :(

Not going to athletics training cos of the weather.

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Pretty boring/crappy day. It rained and i got soaked at dinner, lots of ICT work to do. And tomorrow i have a test in maths and if i fail you get taken off the course (No pressure then) And to top it off, i'm don't really get the stuff in which the tests about.

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Happy 2000th post Coolness Bears!

I had a pretty good day, pretty normal.

Registered to give blood at college in two weeks time, should be an adventure, have never even had a blood test so don't know what to expect.

It's pretty cool. You go in, read a bunch of materials, sign a waiver, they prick your finger and test your blood to see if it's got the t-virus in -- if not, you go and wait a bit, then they get you to lie down and talk to you all chatty and nice and stuff, then they stick a needle in AND TURN THE VACUUM ON.. er.. well they just ask you to squeeze your hand into a fist for a few mins. Weird feeling.


Took me like 3 mins to give a pint - pretty quick apparantly. It's fun to watch the blood packets rock back and forwards to stop the blod coagulating. Free biscuits/crisps/juice usually, too, which is always a plus. Oh, and you get to watch some people faint! Ace.


Then a few weeks later they send you a congratz letter and a blood-donor card which details your blood type. I'm o-, I think. Quite the commoner.

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It's pretty cool. You go in, read a bunch of materials, sign a waiver, they prick your finger and test your blood to see if it's got the t-virus in -- if not, you go and wait a bit, then they get you to lie down and talk to you all chatty and nice and stuff, then they stick a needle in AND TURN THE VACUUM ON.. er.. well they just ask you to squeeze your hand into a fist for a few mins. Weird feeling.


Took me like 3 mins to give a pint - pretty quick apparantly. It's fun to watch the blood packets rock back and forwards to stop the blod coagulating. Free biscuits/crisps/juice usually, too, which is always a plus. Oh, and you get to watch some people faint! Ace.


Then a few weeks later they send you a congratz letter and a blood-donor card which details your blood type. I'm o-, I think. Quite the commoner.


Thanks for the description jay, sounds quite exciting!

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My day has been slow, what with the maths challenge and being shattered.

However, my awesome new phone has been dispatched, so I'm rather happy!


Isn't materialism fun? :D


It really is, my day has been slow too. Butthe new laptop I ordered has just been dispatched aswell. Woo!


(also your new phone is majorly sexy. I need one!)

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It really is, my day has been slow too. Butthe new laptop I ordered has just been dispatched aswell. Woo!


(also your new phone is majorly sexy. I need one!)


If you're on pay as you go, ring up your provider and ask for you PAC number (so you can keep your number between networks). They'll ask you why you're moving, tell them you can get a deal elsewhere (the Vodafone £25 a month with free G600 is the one I spotted), and they should off you a better (non-advertised) deal themselves.


It worked for me!


Oh, and if my phone wasn't sexy enough, it has a 5.0 megapixel camera. :awesome:


That's 384.6174% the megapixels my current phone's camera has!

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My day has been slow, what with the maths challenge and being shattered.

However, my awesome new phone has been dispatched, so I'm rather happy!


Isn't materialism fun? :D


You did the maths challenge too? How'd it go? I think I did pretty well, might actually make the Olympiad this time.

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You did the maths challenge too? How'd it go? I think I did pretty well, might actually make the Olympiad this time.


yeh, i don't think anyone did THAT well...


i know that the 'geniuses' (further maths dudes/dudettes) left a couple questions out

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