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Today has been a good day.


Got the day off school as I was going on a "trip" to see a movie with my Modern Studies class, basically 3 hours of horsing around with my mates in the cinema.


Then came back to mine and played a bit of Rock Band and Boom Blox.


And just now I got a phone call offering me a job :smile: Part time stuff at a Nike Factory outlet. First job I actually applied to aswell :smile:


Today has been too good though, I'm suspicious. I bet Germany go out of the Euro's tonight, and I don't get my essay finished that's due in for tomorrow, just to dampen it.

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Guest Stefkov
its coming from hong kong via regular airmail.

I got a package from HK like in 10 days. I used to think it took longer but it's surprisngly quick.

Yay, I've just sent off my student finance form, woo!

Which reminds me I got my accomodation stuff back confirming I've got a place I guess. Now, if I don't get the loans I'm a bit screwed.

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Congratulations on passsing Strider! :yay:


My day consisted of more films (yay!) and a bit of work. :) Not a bad day, I had a really tasty sandwich for lunch.


Also had a talk about personal statements!


Tonight I have to finish reading a curious incident of a dog in the nightime as I have to discuss it at the first literacy society meeting tomorrow. :D


Complete with Wine and for me Orange Juice. :p

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Nah i don't have one yet. I've been searching on Auto Trader, although i'm off to get the local adverts paper soon. I was looking at a Rover 200/25 or VW Polo, fairy cheap and don't look too bad.


Congrats. And before you buy any car make sure you get a few quotes. Cars like polos, saxos, fiestas etc. are really bad for the insurance.

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Went on a trip to MMU today. It was only this morning that I found out we weren't actually going to Manchester but to the MMU campus in crewe.


A few of them struggled to understand my accent, but then one of the student advisors came up to us and said, "Are you wanting to go on a tar?"


At first I wondered what the fuck he was on about until i realised he meant "tour".

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I finally got paid for the job I did last month. £320 in my account, yay for me. :yay:


I also need a bit of help:


I was setting up my account on Play.com just now, and I was filling in my details, but the window kept saying I was entering an "incorrect debit card number". I don't fecking get it.


Am I typing in the wrong number? Because what looks to me like the card number, which on my debit card is at the bottom inbetween the code number and issue number, with the words "card number" underneath, is the number I've been typing in. Is this right, or not?

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I finally got paid for the job I did last month. £320 in my account, yay for me. :yay:


I also need a bit of help:


I was setting up my account on Play.com just now, and I was filling in my details, but the window kept saying I was entering an "incorrect debit card number". I don't fecking get it.


Am I typing in the wrong number? Because what looks to me like the card number, which on my debit card is at the bottom inbetween the code number and issue number, with the words "card number" underneath, is the number I've been typing in. Is this right, or not?


i think its the massively long number you type in :)



i remember having that problem

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Went on a trip to MMU today. It was only this morning that I found out we weren't actually going to Manchester but to the MMU campus in crewe.


A few of them struggled to understand my accent, but then one of the student advisors came up to us and said, "Are you wanting to go on a tar?"


At first I wondered what the fuck he was on about until i realised he meant "tour".


HAHAHA, should have said I would have gone and met you, my college is in crewe.


You'll find mmu manchester kicks crewe's arse, so don't worry :awesome:

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HAHAHA, should have said I would have gone and met you, my college is in crewe.


You'll find mmu manchester kicks crewe's arse, so don't worry :awesome:


If I do go to uni it will probably Nottingham Trent. Not because I want to go to Nottingham (far from it) but they are the only ones that offer the course I want. I was just looking round universities to get a general feel. I'm going to loughborough tomorrow and lincoln on the 8th July.

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Normal day here.


Was getting bus home and someone that looks mightily like our own Jayseven was walking barefooted in the middle of town... Strange.


I don't think the barefooted craze will be taking over just yet :heh:


Having lunch takeout in work tomorrow, and my lovely work colleague offered to make me the most awesome of awesome chocolate cakes for me ^__^birthday gets!


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Today has been a good day.


Got the day off school as I was going on a "trip" to see a movie with my Modern Studies class, basically 3 hours of horsing around with my mates in the cinema.


Then came back to mine and played a bit of Rock Band and Boom Blox.


And just now I got a phone call offering me a job :smile: Part time stuff at a Nike Factory outlet. First job I actually applied to aswell :smile:


Today has been too good though, I'm suspicious. I bet Germany go out of the Euro's tonight, and I don't get my essay finished that's due in for tomorrow, just to dampen it.


Hahaha, knew it. Went out after this post and promptly fell and buggered my leg. I almost typed "I injure myself in some way" aswell on the list but couldn't be bothered. Now I won't get the essay finished too.


At least Germany went through.

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Can someone give that WallE free gift on Facebook?! I want it!!! :cry:


*throws toys out of the pram*


I want one back :P


Was dreading work but it wasn't too bad. 3-10.35. Went fairly quickly. Plus I got £8.83 in tips, and nobody ever tips where I work so that was nice. And it was all me, as it was between 3-6 when I was the only wait staff.


And I got home and my nan had made home-made cakes (well she made them this morning and I woke up to the smell of them :D) so I've had two slices of victoria and two slices of chocolate sponge. Not healthy before bed but tasty!

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Urghhhhhh. I keep waking up early every day. Woke up at 6 again today. Even though my body needs sleep because I'm ill, the pain keeps waking me up. Apart from my very sore throat, the stuffed nose and accompanying headache, I now also seem to have a very painful right ear. -___-;


Was gonna go to the doctor with my sister today to get myself (and my blood) checked out, but my sister wanted to go alone for private matters. Since it is her appointment (and it's basically the last one on the list of the doctor), I'm not sure I can still go to day. *in painnnn*


Was kinda gonna go shopping somewhere with my favourite cousin, but I'm not sure my body will allow me to. ='(

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Urghhhhhh. I keep waking up early every day. Woke up at 6 again today.


For the past 3/4 days i've woke up at 6am too, in the exact same position everyday which really annoys me. I blame it on my stomach, it still things i have things to do which it needs to wake me up early about.

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Ugh I hate everything.


Im sitting here at work, tried to get time off yesterday, couldnt because too many people have booked it off already, Im sitting here taking shit loads of calls, and theres other people just talking, Ive got like the best attendance in the entire contact centre. Half the office have had more sick days than me in the past month than I have the past 2 and a bit years (which pisses me off when I cant get some time off I request...I understand why I cant but it still doesnt seem fair that Im one of the hardest working in number of calls, attendance, adherance etc) and I effectively get punished because Im a good person.


Getting lip when I get home because I cant get said time off, which is of course my fault. Phailly phail.


WOOOOHHOOOOO Im not sacked! Oh wait, that probably would have been better.


My pay rise or pay amount is not getting reveiwed for a year, so my pay rise of £300 this year for my highest number of called answers each month for nearly 2 years running, excellent adherance and attendance and good quality including a perfect call is worth £300 over 2 years which is after tax £10 per month. and I also wont be getting a bonus next year assuming I dont quit because of this.


So in short, no pay rise for a year, no bonus next year which means if Im still here my next bonus would be April pay packet 2010. When Iron Man 2 comes out.


Wow, fuck HBOS.


Seriously, how much fucking work I put in, and I post of video of me and friends having fun and they fuck me in the arse for all the hard work Ive put in. They can seriously go fuck themselves epicly hard.

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