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I feel kinda ready for this exam tomorrow! all i've learnt in two years compressed into 2 hours! Should be interesting fo sho! My teacher must of planned for this to happen, i did a synoptic wheel of joy (patented). It's basically mentioning a bunch of key terms in each of teh 6 units, anyways, all i knew about each of the terms came rushing back to me, and all the facts and figures about them!


Crafty teachers

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Hahah i'm so very close to it!


My sisters best friend has had problems with her pregnancy, and its very likely she's had a miscarriage, she was told to expect the worst. They found no heartbeat on the scan :(


Sorry to hear about that. :(


That's all I wanted to say.

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Sorry to hear about that. :(


That's all I wanted to say.


Yeah I think she's pretty gutted. It was her first pregnancy, and kinda unexpected tbh. She wasn't sure how she felt about it in the beginning, but really came round to the idea. Then she went for her first scan and that happens :(

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I just played most of Return of The Jedi co-op in Lego Starwars. Man, wadda game. Wadda game.


It's so, so awesome, isn't it?


In Jabba's palace, did you build the radios? If not, go back, do so, and watch what the little pig-guard things do. :heh:

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Well tonight I had my first shave. (little Coolness is growing up! :p) as I got told to cut it off (it was getting a bit ridiculous) and now I look like a new man!!!


I look younger, which I'm not sure is a good thing or not? I already get mistaken for being 15 sometimes! :/


I managed to do it with out cutting myself which was a big shock but did manage to get aftershave caught in my throat....


Also This evening I watched Ergo Proxy and Heroes and made a new sig to show how much I love The World Ends with You. :D


I'm also not tired but I'll probably force myself to sleep soon. :) First I need a drink.

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It's so, so awesome, isn't it?


In Jabba's palace, did you build the radios? If not, go back, do so, and watch what the little pig-guard things do. :heh:



I love love love building the radios. Funny stuff. Plus it's ROCKIN'! :D

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Hahah i'm so very close to it!


My sisters best friend has had problems with her pregnancy, and its very likely she's had a miscarriage, she was told to expect the worst. They found no heartbeat on the scan :(


So sorry to hear that Raining. I've had cousins who lost their babies (one even at birth), and I know from them it's a really hard experience to go through. Hope she'll be okay. =(



My day just started as I just got up. Went to bed at 10:30pm (early for me) and woke up at 11:30am. Yay for sleep! Not sure what I'll do today, probably get bored or something. =P

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My sleeping habis ahs yet again changed. This time I went to sleep maybe 1.30am, got up at 10.30 wide awake. Normally i'm still tired when I get up, but this time I was like O.O


Bit odd. Got a job interview in 45 minutes, still need to get changed for it and I have a cut in my throat I think. Everytime I eat/drink/swallow(I regret saying that), it stings and hurts a bit. Can't think what caused it.


And finally I had a weird dream. I can fully remember it and what I felt, when I was in it, it's like I was actually there in that world instead of me watching it and I could of sworn at the time it was real and didn't feel fake at all. A different day so far anyway :heh:

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Just found out I lost about 1 kilo already in one week! =D

I'm sure I'll gain a bit again tomorrow from the ice cream yesterday (strange that it takes so long for weight to get added), and there's a big dinner thing for the neighbourhood on Saturday, but if I continue this diet then wheee, I can get back to my "normal" weight. Now 7 more kilos to go. XD

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Day's been abit crappy, I still can't get decent reception in my room compared to my old telly (luckily I know it's the signal and not the actual new tv because I moved it down downstairs and it was alot better...gah!), so I gave up, 2 and 4 seem decent enough!


Wii's still great though and my dvd player seems to play alot better which is also = <3


Other than that college was boring and I'm happy for the weekend ^_^

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Guest Jordan

Jeeze Rez, you're actually right. Thats fucking weird :D.


I have extremely flexible and strong fingers thanks to the amount of time i spend on computers :p.

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Today was a strange day. We were all sat in the common room, it was mostly empty due to people on a leeds uni trip. We were just all getting progressively pissed off at one of my mates. He's so bluddy annoying when it comes to decisions, and he then tries to blame stuff on everyone else. I just snapped and told him where to fuck off to if he wants to keep being like this.


I hardly ever snap like that, but I was just so bluddy annoyed. I've spent 2 weeks arranging this little get together, and then he just goes and what seems like trying to screw the whole thing up. I just left and went to my Soci lesson. Everything was fine when I came back though, we'd all gotten over it and it went back to normal. So Woo.




Got my new phone today, finally. I love it! :D




How fun is it texting a mate you know to be horribly drunk and asking them the funnest of questions knowing they'll ask truthfully? Very. She's just finished year 13 and went out with others for a night out tonight. She asked me to text her (she did the same last weekend to me). I'm laughing so much!

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Jeeze Rez, you're actually right. Thats fucking weird :D.


I have extremely flexible and strong fingers thanks to the amount of time i spend on computers :p.


Touch the muscle on it, its all hard and weird. I thought I was going crazy because my ring was gradually becoming harder and harder to get off my finger, and this explains it.




My day was okay. Its Friday, which is epic win. I plan to go to the comic shop tomorrow and show a friend at work it, as he asked and then chill'm'nill. No cinema-age as no decent films showing.

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Jesus...the muscle on my right middle finger is considerably larger than left (I assume due to it being the mouse scroll finger)


Thats crazy.


I think your right, but I use my index finger to scroll with personally ^^


Today I had a subway, and I got totally owned in eba multiplayer, kudos to darksnowman. :bowdown: I don't think subway is a very good place to play it though! XD

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First day of my break and I'm already bored.


Watched the Animal Crossing movie on youtube. Nothing really happens in it but it's cute and all. Even made me cry at a sad part but that's just me being my usual emotional self.


Played some Lost Winds. Played some Brawl but got bored (I -almost- regret importing that game). Now I'm sitting here and don't know what to do. D:

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First day of my break and I'm already bored.


Watched the Animal Crossing movie on youtube. Nothing really happens in it but it's cute and all. Even made me cry at a sad part but that's just me being my usual emotional self.


Played some Lost Winds. Played some Brawl but got bored (I -almost- regret importing that game). Now I'm sitting here and don't know what to do. D:


All the assignments/coursework done and dusted eenuh?

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All the assignments/coursework done and dusted eenuh?


Yep, had my last exam yesterday so school is over until September (or August depending on how my exams went). ^____^

Now all I have to do is wait for my results next week. *stress*


But man, July is going to be boringgggg. Normally I'd have stuff to do but this year I don't. And even though my friends say we'll go do stuff, I know we won't since we don't live close enough to meet up easily. =(

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