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Guest Jordan

Orgy sounds fun... I mean... Sucks to be hungry.


As for being hot, it can't be that bad. Like... 25C? If you're wearing something tight that can't be helping either. Woop tea break in 58 mins.

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Orgy sounds fun... I mean... Sucks to be hungry.


As for being hot, it can't be that bad. Like... 25C? If you're wearing something tight that can't be helping either. Woop tea break in 58 mins.


It's supposed to be between 24-27°C here. Thing is I biked all the way here so I'm a bit sweaty to begin with (though nothing bad), and the small windows in this hot classroom are closed. Which makes it warmer and more uncomfortable in here than it should be.


And darn you for having food before me. D:


*pretends to pay attention to her teacher*

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Stinking cold. Again. Temperature is about 27 outside and 30 inside but I feel like I'm walking in a block of ice. Purchased a new book, had a foot massage (thoroughly recommended) went shoe shopping, had a pizza and now I'm waiting to go see Iron Man again later.


It would be so much better if I wasn't staring at a 14 hour working day tomorrow, but them's the breaks.

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Epic phail. Was going to do massive amounts on my game, but we're amazingly busy due to ; 3 people on holiday, and 5 people "sick"





And as if it didnt suck enough my lunch is a "Lunch and Learn" with a different department. Its going to be mingling...I HATE MINGLING. Dont think I know anyone else going to it, and I also dont know where the room is. This sucks...no...this sux!

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Well I managed to get a tiny bit of work done this morning...no where near as much as I should so I'll be doing some more later, get 3+ assignments finished and hopefully in for tomorrow, plus trying and convince euan to let me bump my grade...oh fun..


Other than that I bought a book from town and my new piercing is doing well yay!


edit: oh and saw my ex...he hasn't changed one bit in two years...very odd.

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I just woke up!


Today will /hopefully/ consist of english revision. If I can stay away from Beautiful Katamari....


And I just remembered Im getting my EMA backdraft of £140 today! Sweeet.

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Guest Jordan

We, the staff don't know your passwords.


Either theres been a vunerablity in vBulletin or this happend back in the CE days, but someones got a dump of all the users and corrosponding passwords.


He is constantly hacking staff accounts and i'm having to handle it...

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s'weird how some people stay the same like that. easy to loose touch with people with nothing new going on.


Well technically he's an absolute cock and I've not seen him since he left college last year, it's not even a different haircut or anything. He looked abit shocked when he saw me


edit: saw before jordan, changed it.

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And as if it didnt suck enough my lunch is a "Lunch and Learn" with a different department. Its going to be mingling...I HATE MINGLING. Dont think I know anyone else going to it, and I also dont know where the room is. This sucks...no...this sux!


Well that actually wasnt so bad. I was with people I knew, and I saw/met two people I speak to on the phone in a different department very often.


And one of them is super hot (As I suspected from her voice)

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Ugh, for our lunch break, we were going to come together with our group and prepare our presentation for Friday (which we heard about yesterday). But of course, one of the people doesn't show up. When we saw her later in class, she said "Oh I didn't know, my computer broke."

She is full of stupid excuses. So now we have one day (or an hour or two really) left to prepare something no one in my group really knows anything about. -___-;


On my way home, I was on my bicycle and some guy/man in a van honked at me and lifted his hand (the "hey" signal). I have no idea if I was supposed to know him (couldn't really see his face) or if he did this because I have boobs. D:





And there's a wasp that won't leave me alone here. *moan*

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Guest bluey
Does that excuse fly with fondling at a club? :X :P


it's never worked for me.


so far!! never give up! never surrender!


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On my way home, I was on my bicycle and some guy/man in a van honked at me and lifted his hand (the "hey" signal). I have no idea if I was supposed to know him (couldn't really see his face) or if he did this because I have boobs. D:


And there's a wasp that won't leave me alone here. *moan*


It's probably the latter, and for both problems, try one of these!




Mmm...excessive violence...

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Maybe, like coolness, he was just suddenly struck with the notion of hands, and simply could not prevent his outburst?


Haha! :D


I just woke up!


Today will /hopefully/ consist of english revision. If I can stay away from Beautiful Katamari....


And I just remembered Im getting my EMA backdraft of £140 today! Sweeet.


If you don't go to school do you not get EMA for that day of whole week? :)


Does your payment work daily or weekly or monthly?


Awesome backdraft! :yay: I got the bonus of a £100 a few months back! that quickly went! :heh:


My day has been good last day before study leave today!


Tomorrow I'm doing some epic Psychology Revision. Tonight is going to be more relaxed and I haven't decided whether I'm going to dosome or not yet. :)

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Currently had a good week, started off ok and now preparing to go out tonight for my duty at my local club.


Weekend went ok i guess, got pissed as per usual on both Friday and Saturday nights, relaxed on Sunday and played pool for the team. Even though we lost, we still had a great time.


And as the weather is so nice at the moment, lunchtimes are now spent walking about Chepstow enjoying the views and the sights of the local scenery.

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Ugh, I wanted to finally start working on my 3D assignment, but the program won't start. Keeps crashing whenever I try to start it. =(


*doesn't know what to do now* >.<;


Today is a pretty crappy day.

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Ugh, I wanted to finally start working on my 3D assignment, but the program won't start. Keeps crashing whenever I try to start it. =(


*doesn't know what to do now* >.<;


Today is a pretty crappy day.


heh I know what you mean when you bike ride! I have a 20 minute up hill ride to training every other day and it isnt a pleasent site when I reach the top >.<


Today I applied to work in a coffee shop! Filled in an application and on it was two weird questions one of which was


1) What is your favourite tea?

2) If you were travelling in a car at the speed of light and you switched on your head lights. What they do anything?



I have no idea what they are meant to find out from the two questions but I answered them with A2 level physics :P question 2 that is Xd

1 was seared salad with mixed seafood and green tea.

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