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thanks again everyone :)

im thinking of happy memories of my mum as if i think too much about it, it gets too hard :(

neighbor brought around a shepherds pie which i thought was just plain weird (i thought they only did that in tv shows?) then again it does look quite yummy so i cant complain


.. phones been ringing off the hook all night but a girl i had a falling out with phoned to say sorry and i burst into tears on the phone to her cause it was just such a nice gesture so a bunch of my friends are coming on tuesday (day of the funeral) and im so greatful for their support and as always to my darling nando (greg) as i couldnt have gone through this last year and a half without him as its been so tough


i mean granny died in october and now my mum so its just been a hard old couple of years :(

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I come back to the internet to find things are not going well for some people.


Buttons, I am so very sorry for your loss. I wish there was something I could say, but in the end nothing would make this any better. I hope you know that if you ever need to talk to someone, everyone here on NE would be ready for it.


Dante, I hope your dad will be okay. I don't know if he can be cured (I don't know much about his illness), but at least maybe they can take away the pain he is going through and let him still have some quality years to live through. I really hope he gets better.


Letty, same for you. I hope your friend gets through all this, and that when she does she will be free from all her pain and all her illness. It makes me sad to hear she has been going through so much already, and she deserves to get better fast. I hope all goes well for her.



Big hugs to all of you.

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I guess there really isn't anything anyone who hasn't been there can say.


I have a friend in my year whose mother passed away of illness recently. I'm absolutely terrified to ask her about it or even mention it, because I know there's no way I could understand.


Dante, I suppose the only advice worth giving is to stay positive throughout. I know I'd be feeling pretty helpless if I were in your shoes, and I'm not sure if I would be able to pick myself up and think about something else. But remember you can always use this forum as a sort of metaphorical dartboard to get anything off your chest.

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Dante, I hope your dad will be okay. I don't know if he can be cured (I don't know much about his illness), but at least maybe they can take away the pain he is going through and let him still have some quality years to live through. I really hope he gets better.


Big hugs to all of you.


Thanks Eenuh.

I wonder how MBAM is doing today. :hmm::sad:

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Today has been productive (except for sleeping but I always fail at that). Said goodbye to my friend this morning before she left (well, she came into my room and I gave her a kiss goodbye...it was 8 and I was still half asleep). Shame to see her go, been feeling a bit lost all day.


But I have finished all my assignments. Need to read through two and just break them up into more coherant paragraphs, will do that tomorrow morning. Then shall print and be done with the second year! (other than work experience...).


Contacted all the agencies about tenancy agreements. And I have facebooked my friend about working at a folk festival she works at, spoke to another about getting a job at the pub I used to work at, spoke to another about getting a job at Maplins as he starts as assistant manager tomorrow and shall sign up for temping too. As well as that wedding I'm doing. Going to whore myself for June and July and a bit of August and then enjoy myself.


But now im knackered so going to watch How I Met Your Mother for the rest of the night probably.

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Guest Stefkov

I've been at Bolton shooting ducks these past 4 hours. Good times.

To all those with bad news: I'm sorry to hear, just hang in there.

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Aww, man, I've just discovered that there was a Jesus thread that I missed... :(


Gotta love ranting on catholics/extremists that thinks their god is the answer to everything and so loving and caring...


Was it that forumer that beings with an e? Emikal or something?

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