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Oh i can top that


My teacher just broke my code, making it unusable, now my coursework can't send emails,




My old programming tutor broke my coding a few times, and i somehow forced him to fix it with spurts of anger and rage in my voice. Why should i fix a problem i never caused.


Anyway, nearly had the crap beaten out of me last night from 2 lads who thought they were hard as. Makes me wonder, my mate says he would help me if the lads actually did anything, but i looked over and saw him running for his life leaving me to face the music. At least they said to me, "you are brave to face up to us but we really want him, so f**k off before i kill ya". They did get my mate in the end, and ran like cowards when i returned to see if he was ok, which he was after some paracetamol and water.


Today, work is ok going a little slow because there is naff all to do today.

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now watching a 3 hour wwe raw (king of the ring special)


I always stay up late to watch that live. If I didn't I wouldn't be able to properly watch it all.


On topic:


I made history yesterday. For the first time ever, I reported a post. On another forum, mind. Bloody spammer. :nono:

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Todays been alright, driving lesson was ok and then decided I couldn't be arsed going to manchester so tried to get the bus to crewe instead.


Only it was 45minutes later than it should have been, -.-, there was a funeral near a busy road so it was delaying all the traffic, it made upset going past it because it was a grandparent and it made me think of my nan.


Went shopping, came back and now I'm on oddworld when I should be doing college work. Whoopie!

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Guest Stefkov

Went to Bury and bought some film for the camera I borrowed. HP5 ISO 400 or something.

Took some moneh out to pay back my dad and some other things so I could have two £50 notes....*drools*

Went to college and did work. Made a ^ ^ eye mask. And then a ¬ ¬ eye mask. Putting it behind my glasses and it was funneh. Didn't take a pic, I'll make them again.

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Bluey, your pm just made my day. Wow, thats some rather awesome writing skills you have there. I'm impressed.: peace:




Slept till 2 today, woke up still feeling terrible. My mum came up stairs and I just started to cry again, so I didn't go into college. I'm feeling better now though, so I'll be going into college. :)


I have a geog trip tomorrow, you can't fathom how much I'm not looking forward to going. I'd rather eat my own foot.

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Afternoon was good. Watched American Pie and made notes. Went and join my friends outside lay in the grass. Phoned my friend and received a few bits of good news;


1) Her brother wants me to be his wedding photographer. Now I just need to decide on a price.

2) Their daughter's dedication is going to be late July and they still want me to be a godfather :D

3) Her husband is finally leaving Game. Hes been there for four years (and used to work at our branch) but has been screwed over by them for so long. Now hes got a better paying job in the town he lives in (Game moved him about thirty miles away) and that made me really happy.

4) Apparently the regional manager has realised I wasn't just throwing a tantrum, and the bitch (new manager) is useless and wants rid of her.


Lecture was average. Wasn't paying attention. Friend has come round so I cooked us dinner. We chatted. Compared people we fucked. Played No More Heroes.

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Guest bluey
*gives Jay a yo-yo*


*insane jealousy*


ahem! i'm feeling a bit better today than i have done for the past few days... still feeling coldy, but much less flu-y!! :grin: i have to go shopping later... all i have right now are apples (MASSIVE apples... every time i buy a bag it makes me think of 28 days later "thank god for GM crops!" O__o) and half a bag of spaghetti... with no sauce (u______u) woe is meee!!!


so 'till my housemate gets back and i can convince her to come to the supermarket with me (i think all i have to do is remind her that "that's where they keep all the pocky...") i'ma sit here, letting the antibiotics work and watching lupin the 3rd... and drinking lots of water!! and eating giant apples!! :yay:

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I swear if I have to go to the techies at college to reset my area on the computers once more I'll scream.


They also take 10minutes to load to the login screen, pitiful for an apprently top college.


Other than that I figured out how much work I need to do in two weeks and it's scaring me eeeep.

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Guest Jordan
I swear if I have to go to the techies at college to reset my area on the computers once more I'll scream.


They also take 10minutes to load to the login screen, pitiful for an apprently top college.


Other than that I figured out how much work I need to do in two weeks and it's scaring me eeeep.


You've probably got Celeron's purposfully downclocked and a few kilobytes of ram...

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Just got back from the dentist, so the right side of my face is all paralysed. Have to go back two more times, boooh. I should probably ask her if there is something I could do (other than the brushing and flossing) to prevent my teeth from going bad...



School was blah. Someone didn't turn up for our groupwork, so we couldn't discuss it. Which is a problem cause our presentation is next week and we haven't been able to start yet. Only free time I have is tomorrow afternoon; I hope she shows up. Why do I always end up with the people who just can't bother to do anything though? >.<;


Ah well, the sun is shining so I'll go sit outside and do some work. Or something.


Shitty, shitty day, I really hate myself.

I'm going to go get blind drunk and with any luck end up dead in a gutter somewhere.


Aww, please don't. What's wrong? =(

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Played mind games last night, and won. Told someone i will be at the club for a few drinks and to meet me there. I never told her what club i would be at and for how long i'd be there for and what i would drink, so i went to a different club shocked a mate because he thought i'd be at the Labour club and not the Severn View.


Had consistant phone calls from her asking where i am with me saying i'm in the club watching the chelsea game (both clubs had the game on). She gave up at 10pm.


Today, well it is St Georges Day and what better way to celebrate than to go to work because the government won't make it a public holiday, damn them. At least i can celebrate at night with a Newcastle Brown or a John Smiths. Most likely get beaten up as i will be wearing my England shirt in a Welsh club.

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Played mind games last night, and won. Told someone i will be at the club for a few drinks and to meet me there. I never told her what club i would be at and for how long i'd be there for and what i would drink, so i went to a different club shocked a mate because he thought i'd be at the Labour club and not the Severn View.


Had consistant phone calls from her asking where i am with me saying i'm in the club watching the chelsea game (both clubs had the game on). She gave up at 10pm.


Today, well it is St Georges Day and what better way to celebrate than to go to work because the government won't make it a public holiday, damn them. At least i can celebrate at night with a Newcastle Brown or a John Smiths. Most likely get beaten up as i will be wearing my England shirt in a Welsh club.


You sound like such a nice person :) Why would you do that sort of thing?


My day has been average.

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