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Well, my day started off pretty terribly, and got gradually better - my left ear filled with fluid that wasn't emptying, which started to press really hard on my ear drum, so I couldn't sleep. Eventaully (5am ish) it calmed down so I slept... until half noon, thank God for Sundays. Ears were all fine when I woke up, so I did some work, but probably not enough. Ah well.

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I've had a pretty good day. Slept in late after a late night out last night... got in at 4:30ish (after clocks going back) got up feeling a bit rough but my man flu had calmed down a bit.


My girlfriend came round and we just chilled all day then I went to Camden Roundhouse to see Ray Davies who was amazing.


A good day.

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Guest Stefkov

Got up at half 8, thinking it was that time I got worried, but then I forgot I hadnt changed my clocks to go back.

So I had an extra hour to get ready for the day ahead. Had a shower, got ready and set off at about 10 to 9 to pick up a friend, and to go to Manchester Coach Station.

Skip to 10 o'clock, got on coach for an irritating 4 hour journey to London.

Watched the NFL game, watched the Cheerleaders. Had a giggle when leaving because the cheerleaders locker room had a big glass wall....which was on the outside so all the 'drunken' fans were being their usual selves when they see pretty half naked women.

Got on Coach at 8, and then spent another 4 ish hours in the most uncortable positions. The return journey has now fuelled a passion of hate for coaches, they are the worst means of transport ever created.

And just got home, that was my day. I'd post pics but I think I took like over 200, and at least 10 videos.

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This day was going fine until my house renting company phoned me.


My cheque bounced. I didn't realise that the next payment was so soon. And I don't get my loan until January.I can use some money from my other bank account, but I now have hardly any money from now till then.


Well, I'll see if the loan company can give me the payments early (Edit - No, they can't), if not then the need for a job has massively increased.

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Rokhed - I might join you.


Today I woke up to a text from my ex saying she's sent all my stuff to my home address (which is actually over 400 miles away and a bit annoying). I don't know if all my 'stuff' includes this dvd, or that cd, or a bunch of pogs, or my jacket, or my tshirts and jumpers. I don't know if I care... But I am annoyed that last night I dreamt I was going to send her the one thing I had of hers - a neckerchief. Now... BAH.





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Woke up at 12 (god I love having days off!), had a nice warm shower and then had crêpes for lunch (left over from dinner yesterday). =D

Read the newspaper (some gangster escaped in what sounds like a scene from some action movie, some German woman accidentally killed her son with a knife by running into him and a woman was dead in her house for 2 weeks and no one knew), which I usually don't get to do.


Cleaned my room! My room always looks so much bigger when I don't have the usual mess on my floor anymore. And it feels great to be able to walk around here without having to jump from one free spot to another. X3


Now I think I'll play some Zelda, then after that work on some school stuff. =O

*still has brownie to eat, yummm*

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Today's been pretty good considering it's a Uni day. Only have one lecture on a Monday, so got up at 10, showered etc and went up to the lecture for 11 which I knew would be boring so I brought my laptop (I go just incase he says something important). He told us that we had to do something for our tutorial (which is tomorrow) so I did all the work for that during the lecture. Came home, played some Pro Ev 2008. Went over to Aldi bought loads of shit for the grand total of £6, will keep me going for ages. Then I've just been doing work on my assignment for Technology. At first I thought it was going to be really hard to make 2000 words out of it but I should be able to do it easily now - got some good ideas about what to write. :)

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Serious question:

Have you jacked off alot recently or been winded in some way?


That'd probably do it.


I thought that might help, but it didn't do much :S


I've been having wierd stomach aches lately might be something to do with that. Or not.

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