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Finally finished my computing coursework. Finally!


And, tomorrow I only have one lesson, and the teacher won't be there so I only have to go in to hand in coursework. W00T.


Been playing Windwaker today, decided I'm gonna make myself complete it (if I do it'll only be the second game I've played all the way through)

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God dammit. I've been doing my washing this evening and not having a dryer or even an outside washing line is a pain in the backside. Fraking airing cupboard is fit to burst and it's impossible to get anything dry in less then three days.


Can't wait until next year, I'll have both then.

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Clothes fire?


In all seriousness though, how about the oven? As long as you don't put the heat up too far or put your clothes in a pizza oven, everything should come out fine.


Not a bad idea for emergency items actually. Maybe I'd better clean the oven first though, unless I want shirts that smell faintly like reheated curry lard.

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2:33 am and I'm still working on this paper. Finally printing it, even though people didn't send me all the information I needed (someone didn't send their pictures until 00:30, guh).


Will have to wake up early to still finish that powerpoint presentation as well. Today sucks. Tomorrow will suck too. -_____-;

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My day has been crap.... spend most of it studying to keep my mind of my hand because there more I think about the more worried I get.

Got a doctor´s appointment tomorrow so he can have a look at it and I´m just plainly worred that it´s bad...

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Fucking hell. Last weeks I bought 7 pairs of socks. I've worn them once and now they've ended up in my dad's drawer. So now I have no socks. How can you not recognise your own socks? Stupid retards.


Anyway my mum is going to worksop today so I told her that she's got to buy me 7 more pairs.

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Fucking hell. Last weeks I bought 7 pairs of socks. I've worn them once and now they've ended up in my dad's drawer. So now I have no socks. How can you not recognise your own socks? Stupid retards.


Anyway my mum is going to worksop today so I told her that she's got to buy me 7 more pairs.


Your dad won't return the 7 pairs of socks?


During my day, I was very productive through school and at home until about 8pm. Since then I've been wasting my time...

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So an old mosque burned down in my area yesterday (you might see it on Northern news). Apparently 7 fire engines were needed and 20 homes evacuated. Somehow I didn't notice at all o_o


Yeah I heard about this last night - apparantly it started around 6:30pm. I was out by then. Goddamit.


Yah - pub meet with a bunch of strangers from the juggling society last night - was good! There was origami, pipes, cookies, swahili... not much juggling though. Maybe next time.


Slowly working my way up to getting ready for a train journey to liverpool in about two hours.

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So an old mosque burned down in my area yesterday (you might see it on Northern news). Apparently 7 fire engines were needed and 20 homes evacuated. Somehow I didn't notice at all o_o


Where abouts in Sheffield was it? The BBC news article doesn't say.

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Yesterday was good. Met a friend for coffee in town. Got the bits and pieces for my costume. Then spent a few hours getting it all together, making all the stuff. The final costume did look pretty damn special (it be here and just because they are awesome; shoes)


The night out was pretty good. Clubs were overly busy as usual, and people kept poking and proding at my costume (and one guy even said "Wow. You must be single." Then my friend and her boyfriend got in a fight so I accompanied her home and a few hours later he turned up so at 3am I was giving relationship (well, drunk angry girl) advice to Hulk.


Barely slept as people kept ringing/texting. Went to a course review this morning and got biscuits. Did board-work. Watched 30 Rock and going to watch Scrubs. Lazy day methinks.

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I'm currently stuck in a little computer room (D&T block) trying to get my coursework on Malcolm x and Martin Luther King Jr done. It's in for...well now. I need help. It was on a D, so I added in more qoutes, linked more to the question and changed the intro to include a qoute on The Promised Land etc.


I've got no idea what to do, and I can't add in many more words because I'm already over what there should be. Anyone know of some good "Biblical" qoutes that would suit? *clock ticks*


Other than that I'm good. Party tonight, going out for a coffee after college with some mates to celebrate them getting head boy and girl. Should be a laugh. I've then got to go and rent 30 days of night and pop down to the off licence to grab some well earned booze.

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So an old mosque burned down in my area yesterday (you might see it on Northern news). Apparently 7 fire engines were needed and 20 homes evacuated. Somehow I didn't notice at all o_o


You think that's bad..


A few years ago, a house 3-4 doors away was on fire and there were 3 fire engines and everything outside...I was so busy playing Sonic 3 & Knuckles with a friend we didn't even notice all the mayhem going outside my window..*sigh*

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God dammit. I've been doing my washing this evening and not having a dryer or even an outside washing line is a pain in the backside. Fraking airing cupboard is fit to burst and it's impossible to get anything dry in less then three days.


Can't wait until next year, I'll have both then.


Buy something like this from Wilkinsons/Argos/some other cheap shop? We use one and it does well.

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Guest Stefkov

Today I made a hat modelled by my friend here.

That being the...third hat I've made this year. I also took a fake arm and shoved it in my sleeve. Tapped a girl on the shoulder and thus scaring the shit out of her.

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