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Finally found out why sheffield hallam hadn't got back to me...-.-


Apprently, they sent me a letter over two months ago asking me to come to an interview for 21st december and thought that because I didn't reply back that I wasn't going..


we've been asking for over a week what is going on and the women told us that luckily there is still places left. So she's sent another letter out today.


So I could have basically ended up not getting on that course because they thought ''oh well she hasn't replied'' not thinking that maybe I might not have recieved the letter because it was christmas! Argh so fucking annoyed, so now I have to try and convince my ex or my parents to come with me so I can go for an interview and finally find out if I prefer it to manchester...it would have been so much easier if it wasn't for the fact I'm now waiting for a second letter...



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Guest Stefkov
So far, verrry weird. I now have glasses and it's weird adjusting to them. But, I can see! :yay:

I took off my glasses today when I was walking. I was looking down at the ground and it was really wierd. I seemed higher than usual, the floor looked further away. I got a bit disorientated, had to put them back on.


Essays handed in. It hasn't sunk into me yet.

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The policewoman turned up a few minutes ago, she had to say the whole "Something which you later rely on in court" or whatever and then ask me if I wanted to say anything else. I said "No" and she was about to interview me. I told her to get out my house. By law, she doesn't have to interview me after I say "No" about saying anything else, she's just being difficult. I don't think she realised I knew this, and she looked shocked.


Haggis is pleased. The solicitor still says there's bugger all chance of this being taken further. *High fives for everyone*





Yay! I got a D for my pyschology mock! Thats good, I didn't revise at all, and missed out 2 questions (the page shut together so I didn't see them). Woo.

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I took off my glasses today when I was walking. I was looking down at the ground and it was really wierd. I seemed higher than usual, the floor looked further away. I got a bit disorientated, had to put them back on.



Happened to me earlier as I was walking home with them on. It was weird..

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Yup, AS Biology. So, by reading the textbook a few times, I should beable to get the basics covered? Right! I'm seeing one of the science teachers in college tomorrow, they can give me a book. They told me they'd give me one, but haven't bothered. I've got a big folder I got (bought the course online) but it's not that helpful. Thanks for the tip.:)

That should be more than just basics - in fact everything you need to know. If you know and understand the material, all you have left to learn are synoptic skills and exam technique, both of which can be learnt by doing past papers.


Anyway, today was very average for me... I went to some lectures, had some lunch and had a supervision. Still got some chemistry to do...

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Thats cruel :D.


Double edged sword... but i'd prefer to be playing Dragon Quest than trouble shooting and answering questions on cost management software.


Tbh, Dragon Quest IV for the sixth time isn't that fun. I seriously reckon I am the number one expert of DQ IV in the UK....The game is driving me a bit nuts...doing the same thing again and again!...I can hardly complain, I get payed for this for some strange reason. :indeed:


I love your job too. Did you do English at college/uni?


What type of DS is it, colour etc? Is it just a standard one?


I did English A-level, got an A of course! :heh:

I just work on a normal Black DS Lite with a flash card in it.


You're all fuckers.


I don't remember posting that....but I was probably thinking it! :D


I'm going to murder you and wear your foreskin as a hat.




I'm going to see if I can get to work on FFVII: Crisis Core for the PSP but it starts before my current project ends so its not too likely...saying that, I'm so far ahead o schedule on the current DQ IV I might get a bit of leeway.


Its a bit weird, I'm the youngest in the office by a good four years. I freaked the other member (Yup, there are only two of us) of the UK localisation team the other day by pretending not to know what a VHS tape was. :p


I also have uber flexible hours so tomorrow I'm going to take the day off!! :D Actually I have stuff to do at Uni.

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Today I hung around my house for a bit, then went to town. I met Sarka on the bus too! Exciting stuff.


I then went for lunch with some friends, and I had a banana toastie :D

Then I went around some charity shops and bought clothes. Im cheap!


Work, where my assisstent manager, aka. Greg. was in a good/happy mood! We had a crisp packet fight.


Now Im at Jordan's, and I made myself a lovely tea :)

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I'm cold, thanks to that my hands feel like dead weights that don't want to move, not to mention type.


I've been having panic attack symptoms since 3pm. =(


Frustrating thing is i don't know why for sure.. ALmost sure it's a medication reaction...Sigh.


I get pain attacks as well but that normal for me.


Anyway my day has been alright.

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My day has been ok, now but earlier it wound me up so much. My boss decided to intimidate, offend and blame me for things someone else and herself had done wrong, which miffed me off.


Now at home, decided to drink a few bevvies and munch on some nachos whilst watching Rambo: First Blood

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My day improved when I discovered a new Hooverphonic album — President of The LSD Golf Club — came out at the end of the last year. It then got slightly worse when I failed to find anywhere to buy a physical copy; it's only been released in Holland and Belgium at the moment, with a general release some time in March.


My sister has foolishly left some Ben and Jerry's Half Baked ice cream in the freezer. The temptation is almost palpable.

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My day improved when I discovered a new Hooverphonic album — President of The LSD Golf Club — came out at the end of the last year. It then got slightly worse when I failed to find anywhere to buy a physical copy; it's only been released in Holland and Belgium at the moment, with a general release some time in March.


My sister has foolishly left some Ben and Jerry's Half Baked ice cream in the freezer. The temptation is almost palpable.


I bought that album for my mom as a Christmas present. I think she only listened to it once, which was on the night she got it (we put it on during dinner). I think I should just add it to my collection so it'll actually get listened to.

Anyway I could probably find the album for you, but it'd probably be cheaper to just wait for it to released over there I guess.


My day was meh. After arriving in school and finding out the teacher was sick, I spent the next five hours there just sitting around and working a bit on my Flash movie. Went out for a nice meal with my friends (tagliatelle with fresh salmon in a white wine sauce with spices), then went to a 1.5 hour long lecture kinda thing from a graphic designer. Bit long, but he was funny from time to time.

Got home at 9:15 pm and spent the rest of the night doing nothing (tv + internet).


I'm kinda worried about the daily headaches I've been having though, which has been going on for a week now (though not a constant headache, but I get at least one every day it seems). =/

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Anyway I could probably find the album for you, but it'd probably be cheaper to just wait for it to released over there I guess.

I wouldn't want to trouble you. At least I've been ignorant to its existence until the month before release; I'll just have to don a wooden leg and eye patch until then.


I'm kinda worried about the daily headaches I've been having though, which has been going on for a week now (though not a constant headache, but I get at least one every day it seems). =/

Are you getting plenty of fluids and sleeping okay? Most headaches can be chalked up to a lack of either.

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I wouldn't want to trouble you. At least I've been ignorant to its existence until the month before release; I'll just have to don a wooden leg and eye patch until then.

Wouldn't be that much of a problem to do, but I guess waiting is the safer/cheaper option. =3


Are you getting plenty of fluids and sleeping okay? Most headaches can be chalked up to a lack of either.

I normally drink about 1.5 liters of water per day, though it might've been a bit less lately. I also haven't been sleeping well; have trouble falling asleep and when I do sleep I seem to wake up often and I have very vivid dreams. I guess stress could be the main factor here or something.

But if I keep having it for a couple more days, I'll probably go see a doctor. Seems the safest thing to do. =O

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Wouldn't be that much of a problem to do, but I guess waiting is the safer/cheaper option. =3

Well, quite. I wouldn't want to risk you letter bombing me. Besides, I already owe you.


As for your headaches, I'm afraid the 'advice' I've given is really all I've got; my sleeping pattern would require a room full of MIT graduates to crack, and I'm the kind of idiot that refuses to take paracetamol when they get headaches. So yes, the doctor might be a good call if things persist. All I can offer is my hope that they don't.

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My day was good!


Nothing really happened but i created my own fun at school! :yay:


I listened to Muse while playing Mario Party on my DS! (I lost to Daisy) managed to get through the whole Album twice! :) but it didn't scrobble... nevermind ^___^


Tonight i got back into my old habit of eating too much amoung the suspects was two slices of toast! :awesome:


I have recently discovered Jam again which made the whole experience that much Tastier! :grin:


As for your headaches, I'm afraid the 'advice' I've given is really all I've got; my sleeping pattern would require a room full of MIT graduates to crack, and I'm the kind of idiot that refuses to take paracetamol when they get headaches. So yes, the doctor might be a good call if things persist. All I can offer is my hope that they don't.


Aimless i often don't like taking Paracetamol for some odd reason... :blank:


I hope your headaches get better Eenuh! :D If not then a Doctor is the best option!

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My day was good!


Nothing really happened but i created my own fun at school! :D


I listened to Muse while playing Mario Party on my DS! (I lost to Daisy) managed to get through the whole Album twice! :) but it didn't scrobble... nevermind ^___^


Tonight i got back into my old habit of eating too much amoung the suspects was two slices of toast! :awesome:


I have recently discovered Jam again which made the whole experience that much Tastier! :grin:


I sometimes wonder how you can be so chirpy all the time...Can I have some of whatever it is your on :P


Good you had a nice day. And muse is win. (which album?)

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I sometimes wonder how you can be so chirpy all the time...Can I have some of whatever it is your on :P


Good you had a nice day. And muse is win. (which album?)


Haha! :) I'm not sure either sometimes! :grin:


I'm not on anything! I'd be scared for humanity if i was! :heh:


Muse is awesome it was Black Holes and Revelations :D


..you listened to Muse.. and you were still happy?


..maybe it was the toast and jam.. which I am now craving.. thanks coolness :heh:


Get yourself on Mario Strikers for a laugh.. I haven't played in ages : peace:


I was playing Mario Party as well at the time! Which counters any effects MUse amy of had on me!


Hehe, Sorry about the Toast /nando/ you'll thank me once you have eaten it! : peace: :heh:


I'm up for a game! I'll be on in a minute. I'm not at all tired tonight. :awesome:

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