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Another week now? God I would be so lost if that happened to me.


Also I had a dream that 60.68 million people on earth had died because there was red mist beginning to cover the earth and anyone who go in it/breathed it died. Then I was on a tram with wildo as the driver and we went through a wall, then 2 of my teeth came out only to be replaced with new ones. Then dog/polar bear hybrids started attacking and I grabbed a sword and went to fight them. I remember India was wiped out and it was growing in the UK but the mist stopped before where me and wildo went through the wall. I think my mum had died cause she wasn't there, I think my dad was there and my sister seen me and my sword ready to go out and fight. Then it ended with me walking up to the monsters.


It was a fun dream. I'm sure there was more N-Ers but can't remember it all. Also someone got sucked out the tram through a 1cm gap in the door. It was gory.


Those are some interesting dreams. Mine are usually a lot more normal than that :( What do you do before bed to have those sorts of dreams?

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Guest Stefkov
Another week now? God I would be so lost if that happened to me.


Also I had a dream that 60.68 million people on earth had died because there was red mist beginning to cover the earth and anyone who go in it/breathed it died. Then I was on a tram with wildo as the driver and we went through a wall, then 2 of my teeth came out only to be replaced with new ones. Then dog/polar bear hybrids started attacking and I grabbed a sword and went to fight them. I remember India was wiped out and it was growing in the UK but the mist stopped before where me and wildo went through the wall. I think my mum had died cause she wasn't there, I think my dad was there and my sister seen me and my sword ready to go out and fight. Then it ended with me walking up to the monsters.


It was a fun dream. I'm sure there was more N-Ers but can't remember it all. Also someone got sucked out the tram through a 1cm gap in the door. It was gory.

That sounds epic.


Today worked 10 till 5. Very boring. Having to sit and listen to a guy saying Pink Diesel is the same as Red Diesel and that they use that Diesel instead of gas. How much 500 litres is worth and how big this other guys tank is.

God I wish I never grow old if I'll end up talking about that on a Saturday afternoon.

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Kinda shit. I've done fuck all and i'm stuck on the last boss of DMC4.


Also, i thought maybe this pain in the side of my jaw would have gone by today, since it felt better, but it really hurts when i drink anything.


My teeth don't hurt, but the right side of my mouth, right at the bottom (like in between the gum and the bone) really stings.

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Work wasn't too bad, luckily managed to get someone to cover my shift tomorrow so next time I'm in is a week on sunday woo ^.^


I'm hinting at asking lee whether I can stay at his next week...probably won't happen, but we'll see, considering he's at his mates birthday tonight =[ bum.

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Another week now? God I would be so lost if that happened to me.


Also I had a dream that 60.68 million people on earth had died because there was red mist beginning to cover the earth and anyone who go in it/breathed it died. Then I was on a tram with wildo as the driver and we went through a wall, then 2 of my teeth came out only to be replaced with new ones. Then dog/polar bear hybrids started attacking and I grabbed a sword and went to fight them. I remember India was wiped out and it was growing in the UK but the mist stopped before where me and wildo went through the wall. I think my mum had died cause she wasn't there, I think my dad was there and my sister seen me and my sword ready to go out and fight. Then it ended with me walking up to the monsters.


It was a fun dream. I'm sure there was more N-Ers but can't remember it all. Also someone got sucked out the tram through a 1cm gap in the door. It was gory.


Its has been month without a computer.

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I spent a week in Tenerife. :) I got back in the early hours of this morning, but I had a great time even though the hotel had no Wi-Fi. I went scuba diving and snorkelling on Thursday, which was fantastic (a picture of me in a wetsuit will follow soon). The only downside is I have sunburn and my lips have swollen so badly with coldsores that I look like an Orc who's been run through an industrial mincer twice.


Just got up a hour ago, played abit of dmc4 and finding out that i need to wait another week for my computer to get fixed.


Damn it, I thought it was bad when I couldn't get a connection over the past seven days. :(


Another week now? God I would be so lost if that happened to me.


Also I had a dream that 60.68 million people on earth had died because there was red mist beginning to cover the earth and anyone who go in it/breathed it died. Then I was on a tram with wildo as the driver and we went through a wall, then 2 of my teeth came out only to be replaced with new ones. Then dog/polar bear hybrids started attacking and I grabbed a sword and went to fight them. I remember India was wiped out and it was growing in the UK but the mist stopped before where me and wildo went through the wall. I think my mum had died cause she wasn't there, I think my dad was there and my sister seen me and my sword ready to go out and fight. Then it ended with me walking up to the monsters.


It was a fun dream. I'm sure there was more N-Ers but can't remember it all. Also someone got sucked out the tram through a 1cm gap in the door. It was gory.


Will you marry me?

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I woke up a couple of weeks ago and couldn't hear a thing out of my right ear. Scary.


the first time i dreamed that i was deaf and nobody except jamba knew sign language... but apparently that was because we'd been talking about it in the daytime (i didnt remember that though)

but since then i keep dreaming it. maybe my head is sinking too far into the pillow and my ears get confused?? ::shrug:

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Guest Stefkov

The past few nights when I've gone to bed I get a really loud ringing in my ears while I'm trying to get to sleep. It keeps me awake. At those times I'd do anything to be deaf just to stop the insistent ringing. Dreaming of being deaf would be pretty fun. When else will you experience total silence.


I've sat down to do an essay and I find myself on here. I have no self control.

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Those are some interesting dreams. Mine are usually a lot more normal than that :( What do you do before bed to have those sorts of dreams?


well I was up late trying to fix PC, so frustrated maybe :heh:



day was going great - was meant to be going to gregs to have my dinner cooked for me :(


but a virus has hijacked my internet and my perfect evening



bah humbug

Happened to me last night/this morning. PC got system restored.Wasted a load of time.


Its has been month without a computer.


My god, i'd be bored. Only so much you can do.


shadow = sick in the head also..


Oi, next time i'll make sure you appear and throw you in the mist :heh:


I spent a week in Tenerife. :) I got back in the early hours of this morning, but I had a great time even though the hotel had no Wi-Fi. I went scuba diving and snorkelling on Thursday, which was fantastic (a picture of me in a wetsuit will follow soon). The only downside is I have sunburn and my lips have swollen so badly with coldsores that I look like an Orc who's been run through an industrial mincer twice.




Damn it, I thought it was bad when I couldn't get a connection over the past seven days. :(




Will you marry me?


I do :heart:

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Hmm, the bi-annual illustrators competition from our city is starting again soon, and I want to participate but I would need a story to illustrate. And I'm not good at writing stories. So nuuuuh. D:



And hahaha, Snakes on a Plane is on tv, it looks horrible. XD

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the first time i dreamed that i was deaf and nobody except jamba knew sign language... but apparently that was because we'd been talking about it in the daytime (i didnt remember that though)

but since then i keep dreaming it. maybe my head is sinking too far into the pillow and my ears get confused?? ::shrug:

Time to dispell myth #2967.


People who are "deaf" are not unable to hear, it just means that they can't hear as well as other people. So you get different degrees of deafness, and "true" deafness, i.e. where you can't hear at all, is extremely rare indeed. This means that most deaf people have some capacity for understanding language, both from the sounds they can pick up and from lip reading. People who are deaf from birth can only mimic what they actually hear, and this is why deaf speech can sound odd - for instance, it may be missing high frequency sounds such as the "f" and "s" consonants.


As most deaf people can understand language, they do not need to learn sign language. Indeed, if they were to learn sign language, then how would they become fluent if outside a signing community? - Parents, say, will at best be able to pidgin-sign. There are, however, some people who are unable to get by on spoken languages, and here it is always a good idea to teach them some language, because unless you learn a language (including sign language, which has all the characteristics of language, including but not limited to babbling in children) before the age of around 3, you will never be able to fully grasp the concept of language, and won't be able to learn any others. This has a collary: if you teach a child sign language before the age of 3, they will later have the ability to learn other languages such as English. This could become possible for them in the future if they have a cochlear implant, effectively a bionic ear where electrodes are implanted in the cochlea and transduct sound into electrical impulses which pass along the cochlear nerve.


Of course, becoming deafened is very different to being deaf from birth. In this former case, you will be able to fully understand langauge, and the chances are that you will be able to make use of devices such as hearing aids to interpret the the auditory world around you.


Anyway, got a bit sidetracked there... I'm supposed to be doing evolution essays, I suppose this is a form of procrastination.

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Another week now? God I would be so lost if that happened to me.


Also I had a dream that 60.68 million people on earth had died because there was red mist beginning to cover the earth and anyone who go in it/breathed it died. Then I was on a tram with wildo as the driver and we went through a wall, then 2 of my teeth came out only to be replaced with new ones. Then dog/polar bear hybrids started attacking and I grabbed a sword and went to fight them. I remember India was wiped out and it was growing in the UK but the mist stopped before where me and wildo went through the wall. I think my mum had died cause she wasn't there, I think my dad was there and my sister seen me and my sword ready to go out and fight. Then it ended with me walking up to the monsters.


It was a fun dream. I'm sure there was more N-Ers but can't remember it all. Also someone got sucked out the tram through a 1cm gap in the door. It was gory.


I remember when I woke up this morning, I was confused as to how my dream could be so retarded. Well it wasn't retarded, but the fact I could be so retarded not to realise it as a dream, however I can't remember it at all now. I remember some silly circumstances that should have made it obvious, then I came up with a theory that when we're asleep it's only our minds and it can't engage the emotion so we find it hard to tell what's real or not, or something. I was quite proud of myself at the time, but I've forgotten most of that too.

In other news, still not done any work, but I don't feel as bad as I did yesterday about it.

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The past few nights when I've gone to bed I get a really loud ringing in my ears while I'm trying to get to sleep. It keeps me awake. At those times I'd do anything to be deaf just to stop the insistent ringing. Dreaming of being deaf would be pretty fun. When else will you experience total silence.


I've sat down to do an essay and I find myself on here. I have no self control.


That sounds like a bit of tinnitis. Bit of a nuisance, i can suffer it myself sometimes =(

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Work was good because the manager wasn't in so we had fun. Always nice. Got a new PC for cheap but spent all night sorting that out. Done a bit of uni work. Written my notice (third time lucky eh?). Gonna do a bit more uni work, iron my shirt and then off to bed!

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Guest Stefkov

I've been listening to Shanadoo for an hour. My day is going absolutely fantastic!

I'm more awake now that I have been all day. Why aren't night times more fun.

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