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Well, i was suspicious as she was spending alot of time with some guy, then today on of my best friends was being like, you deserve better etc, and i was like wtf why? Then he was saying that someone who works with this other guy is having sexual relations with my girlfriend, the person who works with the other guy doesnt know my friend knows me or that I am even with her. So they have no reason to lie. So yah, tis pretty messed up. Someone should warn teh ladiez as I will probally single by tomorrow.



She totally was being a whore, massive lolz. she inserted his penuz into her lady lumpz. I got her to admit it, we just broke up, less lulz. oh well.

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Work, wasn't too bad, felt like crap against all the girls in work and want this weight gone, it's not like anybodies noticed it's just I notice it.


Fortunetly some really nice woman I served gave me a massive compliment for no reason, it put a smile on my face, it was the first time since I was going out with marc (about april) that I've heard a compliment.

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mums just told me she cant wait for me to go to uni so she doesnt have to look at me


joy of joys


Yeah, I get that as well. I have a part time job but I basically do more than the full time people just because don't want to spend any time at home. I get a constant barrage of comments, usually for no apparent reason.

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Read Rime of The Ancient Mariner today for my interview on Wednesday. Mwahaha, now I can talk about how it's exactly like Crime and Punishment, which should make me sound suitable clever/ pretentious. Win.

oooOOoh :P ain't you the bookworm ;) I'd recommend another poem to read after reading that one but I can't properly remember it, or be arsed to get my book... "The sailor who had served the slave trade", I think, by..... Robert Southey? I think? It's not too long (comparitively, what is?) and it draws heavily from Ancient Mariner in one of many contemporary poems against the slave trade.


That is, if I've not gotten my wires crossed.


MY last few days in several paragraphs of bludgeoned excitement; Went on a massive BISH-crawl and gathered bunches of them rapidly. Walking around with helium-filled balloons is one of the coolest things in the world. went to a mate's house to watch a movie, and sat and drank lots of gin. THe movies were utter rubbish, but the mate's new french-canadian housemates were veery nice :) Stumbled home around... some sort of time.


Next day; hungover lightly, so did nothing, save eat cereal iirc. Started playing Devil May Cry 4 a wee bit. Squeezed a few more BISHes in here and there, and now I am sat drinking wine, awaiting the visage of an N-E halo-online bash. I shall be hurling plenty of abuse to all that appear, and none shall hear due to my lack of microphonage! mwahaha!


... Yeah. 9am-4pm tomorrow. Not read or touched anything. HTATEITALLLLl.

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Guest Stefkov

I woke up with half an hour to go till the Manchester Derby, only to see United lose a game which would have been nice to win.

Then I played Devil May Cry all day.

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Day has been good so far


Got up at 10am for a AGM meeting at my local club. Still felt tipsy from the night before, didn't go to bed til 4am and stopped drinking at 3:30am. Had a few drinks and played pool until 2pm then went for a long walk round town with my mate. Came home and been online since 7pm.

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My day consisted of waking up at 1pm after a heavy night of drinking and dancing last night and not getting in till 4am.


Watched football all day then went round my mates house to look into booking Las Vegas for over the new year period.


hmmm now sleep as im up at 5am for work.


My poor body clock.

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