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with my exam - i thought i failed within the first 5 minutes - and again 10 minutes later.... i only got 2 minors... its not actually as fear-inducin as everyone says... i wasnt that nervous at all :D... and it certainly was as bad as i was lead to believe!!!!


r plates down in 3 months :)


Went into the 1 vs 100 Live event on XBL earlier. Was in the crowd right to the end, then got selected for the Mob. The 1 got a question on Art wrong, with my guess being right. Won 600 points or a XBLA game out of it. Not bad for a first entry.


Oh god, I've turned into one of those nerdy guys who pops mad boners over video game characters. (Bayonetta)


Seriously, she turns fucking naked in an attack called a "Climax" attack, which destroys the enemy using a demon made from her hair?


I am in love.

Oh god, I've turned into one of those nerdy guys who pops mad boners over video game characters. (Bayonetta)


Seriously, she turns fucking naked in an attack called a "Climax" attack, which destroys the enemy using a demon made from her hair?


I am in love.





Like that's... a new thing?


I knew about the 'climax' attack because I believe I saw it in the demo, and I knew of her big ass tittays. But fuck it, I'm buying Bayonetta tomorrow. JSA FTW! :grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:



...then again, it's not really ftw. :blank:

Haha sounds like a plan!1 How many lessons you had? Are you planning a test anytime soon? (I think I did like near on 50 lessons before i passed =P)


ALSO! That means i'm freed from being your chauffeur. Score.


I've had 7 so far, the instructer says I'm doing great, just have to perfect my manuovers and I should be ready by the end of next month all going well she says.


Also some chauffeur you are i'm still waiting for you to report in for duty lol :heh:

I've had 7 so far, the instructer says I'm doing great, just have to perfect my manuovers and I should be ready by the end of next month all going well she says.


Also some chauffeur you are i'm still waiting for you to report in for duty lol :heh:


Oh wow that's pretty good, I was nowhere near test ready at 7 lessons :grin:


You gonna retire the bike now then?

Oh wow that's pretty good, I was nowhere near test ready at 7 lessons :grin:


You gonna retire the bike now then?


I retired the bike over a month ago lol, it's fucked like, plus it was too bloody cold with all that snow and ice, I'm getting a lift into work now with a guy for work since you would not drive me :heh:


Quite frankly I'm a little pissed off. Was all set to move house and effectively swap with a friend next year for student accomodation. She was moving here, because there's been a couple of conflicts over there and her boyfriend lives with me currently. I want to go over there for whatever reason, and the house have said they would rather have me now even though we all still friends.


All of a sudden she doesn't want to. Bringing up weird reasons. One was about it being a step moving in with her boyfriend but I was like -_- why change your mind when you were okay with it a few weeks ago.


I don't really want to live here, nor do my parents want me to, but if I leave I just think there will be problems. Damn.


Has anyone else seen this, "My fine is £XXX" thing on Facebook?


A bunch of people have it and it's one of those viral things.


But annoyingly they won't say what it is... even thought it's meant to be viral.


I had that!


"an email thing going round... how many bad, well interesting things you do! and it all adds up to a fine!"


Was someone's answer on mine. :)


Also! the colour bra someone is wearing... I don't care!


Can someone post this "crime" list in a spoiler or PM me.


I wanna know so I can make a joke about it on Facebook.


Mostly to annoy people who've done it.


Also! the colour bra someone is wearing... I don't care!


Then why do you keep asking me what colour mine are?


Don't be a hypocrite Coolness, I don't have much respect for those kind of people.






if you've done it, you owe that fine.

You don't have to confess your answers, just the amount of your fine.

NOTE fines to be added once, not for how ever many times you have done it.

Smoked weed -- £10

Did acid or pills -- £5... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More

Ever had sex at church -- £25

Woke up in the morning and did not know the person who was next to you -- £40

Had sex with someone on MySpace/Facebook/Bebo etc -- £25

Had sex for money -- £100

Ever had sex with a Puerto Rican -- £20

Vandalized something -- £20

Had sex on your parents' bed -- £10

Beat up someone -- £20

Been jumped -- £10

Cross dressed -- £10

Given money to stripper -- £25

Been in love with a stripper -- £20

Kissed someone who's name you didn't know -- £0.10

Hit on some one of the same sex while at work -- £15

Ever drive and drank -- £20

Ever got drunk at work, or went to work while still drunk -- £50

Used toys while having sex -- £30

Got drunk, passed out and don't remember the night before -- £20

Went skinny dipping -- £5

Had sex in a pool -- £20

Kissed someone of the same sex -- £10

Had sex with someone of the same sex -- £20

Cheated on your significant other -- £10

Masturbated -- £10

Cheated on your significant other with their relative or close friend -- £20

Done oral -- £5

Got oral -- £5

Done / got oral in a vehicle while it was moving -- £25

Stole something -- £10

Had sex with someone in jail -- £25

Made a nasty home video or took pictures -- £15

Had a threesome -- £50

Had sex in public -- £20

Been in the same room while someone was having sex --£25

Stole something worth over more than a hundred quid-- £20

Had sex with someone 10 years older -- £20

Had sex with someone under the age accepted by rule of thumb (half your age plus 7) -- £25

Been in love with two people or more at the same time-- £50

Said you love someone but didn't mean it -- £25

Went streaking -- £5

Went streaking in broad daylight -- £15

Been arrested -- £5

Spent time in jail -- £15

Pissed in the pool -- £0.50

Played spin the bottle -- £5

Done something you regret -- £20

Had sex with your best friend -- £20

Had sex with someone you work with at work -- £25

Had anal sex -- £80

Lied to your mate -- £5

Lied to your mate about the sex being good -- £25


Tally it up and put it on ur status as: "My Fine Is..." copy and paste, then repost as a new bulletin.


... It's gone around before but just as a 'note'.


PROPER EDIT: Lol I wasn't editing anything the first time wtf


I think I'm going to go round collecting these fines. Someone needs to, otherwise it's not technically a fine.


Also, everyone who has 50p must have pissed in a pool. Dirty fuckers.


My fine is £0. I couldn't find the right amount for rape and paedophilia.


That's my status update and I want to see how many people will moan that I'm being sick or whatever.


Then I'll ask the difference between making a dark joke about a serious subject and turning something serious like privacy into a joke.


Or something that will annoy my friend.


Is it a good personality trait that I love nothing more than annoying my friends.


At uni. I often try and annoying people sat next to be by shaking them while screeching their name, etc. constantly.


I'm such an annoying person.


I sit alone a lot, actually...

Posted (edited)

Went out clubbing, and drank absolutely nothing (because I plan to wake up early tomorrow, catch breakfast and go to the gym). Had a surprisingly good time, despite being stone cold sober.


I met the most stunning one ever. A woman, who looked like a really attractive boy, wearing a pencil-dress that was obviously designer, because it looked love. Turns out she's a English Literature fellow of All Souls college (the one where you have to be invited to apply to, and you earn fuckloads of money by just being there, and is generally filled with all the greats of Oxford), and apparently the first Literature scholar selected in the past 10 years. Bisexual, lovely. So essential.


I love hearing great dance music too.


EDIT: My favourite thing!


All Souls' official name is: "The Warden and College of the Souls of all Faithful People Deceased in the University of Oxford"


I love "The Warden". Sits upon one of the seven known entrances to the underworld.

Edited by chairdriver
Automerged Doublepost

What's it like being at one of the most prestigious universities in the world, chair?


I find it oddly fascinating but at the same time (and no offence meant) have a bit of distaste for the whole affair.


It seems like a place for the rich and posh, and fills be with images of snobbery.


But then that's clearly wrong because you're there and - although at times you go off on weird tangents that do seem a bit high-in-the-sky - you're clearly cool.


And also Louis Theroux is the most humble and honest guy on TV and he's from either Oxford or Cambridge.


Sorry, I just realised this is the wrong thread for person conversations.


My day was okay.


I woke up, semi-naked, booted up my PC, looked at webpages on the WWW, took a warm shower, got dressed, went to my lecture, came home, ate some food and had a nap, got up and did work until now; with a short break of making orange flavoured choc-chip brownies.


Well being at Oxford is pretty much like being at Cambridge (only it's 200 years older and in an actual city rather than a town masquerading as one), and yeah, the whole rich/posh thing is mostly a misconception - ability at your subject is what matters, rather than other arbitrary factors. Sure, you get a few absurdly posh people, but they tend to hang around together and are usually nice enough, and when not, easily avoidable.


And my day was a bit nothingy. I'm trying to get an essay done on Old Japanese, but it's like trying to pin down an octupus.


I hate people that have such a view of such University's. Not that I'm at one, but Han (I mention her enough, so putting the whole "Best friend" thing seems pointless now) goes to Cambridge, and I've stayed there a couple of times now. Everybody is absolutely lovely, nothing like the "Stuck up" and "Snobbish" views people seem to so easily apply to such places. The only thing that got me was the whole dinner thing. I felt like I was in a Harry Potter film, only with shockingly abysmal food.


(Plus, Cambridge. :heart:)

What's it like being at one of the most prestigious universities in the world, chair?


In some frames of my mind it feels really normal and nothing special, but then you realise, where else do people sit and argue about Milton or some Philospher that I've never heard of, or discuss the similarities and difference between Swedish and Norwegian as if it were completely normal conversation?


And just the fact that you know everyone here is intelligent, when you would be thinking "Hmmm... I'd prefer this human being never existed.", you think "But *then*, they do stun in their respective field, and could potentially have interesting things to say to me / provide something to this world.". Postgrads especially, because you know they're too good. Almost intimidating, because you know anyone who isn't an undergrad is certain to be leagues more intelligent than you.


Mostly I take it all for granted, but often I find myself sitting, and thinking "I'm so lucky to be here, considering some people base their whole teenage life on getting into Oxbridge, and I didn't give a shit".


And then I feel a bit guilty, because I'm not good enough at maths to warrant my place here.


I find it oddly fascinating but at the same time (and no offence meant) have a bit of distaste for the whole affair.


I know what you mean. My mouth is filled with grime every time I think of the pointless traditions and rules (Like, if you look directly down into a well in one of the Christ Church quads, you get a £100 fine or something ridiculous like that). I hate old.


And I hate the idea of people having the opinion that they're better than the "townies" / "commoners".


It seems like a place for the rich and posh, and fills be with images of snobbery.


Yes, and no. There is alot of snobbery and poshness, but no more than there is at St. Andrew's, or Durham (obvs I can't really say that for sure, but I feel it in my bones / the stories I hear from my sister about St. A's are far worse than anything I've seen/heard at Oxford).


There is a lack of proper chavs / lower class people, but that's because generally they aren't educated well enough to get in because of the conditions of their upbringing.


But then that's clearly wrong because you're there and - although at times you go off on weird tangents that do seem a bit high-in-the-sky - you're clearly cool.


Thanks. :)


Well a few reason why that sort of stereotype creeps into my mind if hearing things like that you're not allowed to have a job if you go to Cambridge (I think it was Cambridge...).


Yeah, apparently.


Maybe I should research things before letting them dribble out of my useless mouth.


Is that one of the reasons I'm not Cambridge material?


That must be a really amazing place to be though... somewhere where you know that people are intelligent and actually have something to say.


There are so many people at my uni. that literally have nothing.


Nothing to add to any conversation, even in their chosen subject.


Terrifying really...

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