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I woke up with a really sore throat which was a bit of a downer. Luckily I didn't have to put up with it for too long as my saviours Headache and Temperature came around to take its place. You're the best, guys!


On the upside I received so many socks for Christmas I can probably construct a burrow to hibernate in/hole to die in; delete as per your glass measurement.

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Totally just earned £120 and basically didn't do much work at all.


Now time for cider and Dexter!


Good thing about working bank holidays. I got double time and the day in lieu (which im cashing in tomorrow), and I did sweet feck all!


Work 0 - 1 Jon.

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Hello to everyone and hope ye all had a good Christmas. It's been a while.


Dying of the flu after a Christmas which was spent at homeavec la famille. Good times. Looking forward to New Year's now.


Today was spent playing Mario Bros Wii, then a ginormous game of Monopoly. Brilliant.

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I technically/intentionally skived work last night. I thought I had the night off anyways, but had a feeling I might be wrong, and I was going to be visiting some familyings. Got a call from them and a voice message since I ignored them ["Thanks for letting us know you weren't coming in" wah wah] Tried to ring them back and they didn't answer. Meanies.


Also been having a problem with my mobile, for some reason it won't let me send text messages. I'm on Orange, is anyone else having problems?

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Dell customer service is awful. My mum ordered a laptop last night, expecting a fast delivery (on a laptop using their fast track service, which means fast delivery). Because delivery will take longer than expected she wanted to change the delivery address to a work address. This apparently isn't possible.


What we have to do is wait for them to try to deliver twice (even though we won't be in) and then we can phone up to change the delivery address.


Oddly, they say we would be charged to cancel the order. I know full well that we can get a full refund if we send it back (unopened) within 7 days of receiving it for any reason whatsoever.

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Dell customer service is awful. My mum ordered a laptop last night, expecting a fast delivery (on a laptop using their fast track service, which means fast delivery). Because delivery will take longer than expected she wanted to change the delivery address to a work address. This apparently isn't possible.


What we have to do is wait for them to try to deliver twice (even though we won't be in) and then we can phone up to change the delivery address.


Oddly, they say we would be charged to cancel the order. I know full well that we can get a full refund if we send it back (unopened) within 7 days of receiving it for any reason whatsoever.


What company is delivering it? Contact them and get it redirected to whatever address you need.

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Also been having a problem with my mobile, for some reason it won't let me send text messages. I'm on Orange, is anyone else having problems?

Orange are bullshitting me. I was talking to a representitive for 20 mins, and out of that I think there were 3 minutes of original questions before the repeatings came in.


Still no solution though, said he's passing on my problem to technical shizzle, should get aome "advice" within 48 hours.

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Dell and orange always have bad customer service, I'm honestly surprised any of you are shocked at this.


Been out most of the day with the mum, trying to buy stuff, honestly went in one shop (river island) and there wasn't anything that wasn't sale, but this is a bad thing given people just fight over it all. What a day x_X


I did buy batman xbox360 though, happy days ^_^

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Orange are bullshitting me. I was talking to a representitive for 20 mins, and out of that I think there were 3 minutes of original questions before the repeatings came in.


Still no solution though, said he's passing on my problem to technical shizzle, should get aome "advice" within 48 hours.


Sounds more like a hardware problem, or a specific screw up with your number. What phone are you using?

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I've reached a point where I'm more or less done with the whole novelty of winter and lounging indoors - I'm gagging to go for a jog or a bike ride but it's dark, cold and there's a solid half inch of ice over everything. Roll on Spring 2010.


GAGGLE!.. i had the same thought. as did / nando /.


Roll on Spring/Summer 2010!!!! (except for the football....)

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Car exhaust hanging off. Le sigh.


Hanging off implies it's still attached somehow. I don't see a problem.



With cars all you need is 2 tools: WD40 and duct tape. If it moves and it shouldn't, use duct tape. If it doesn't move and it should, use WD40.

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Car exhaust hanging off. Le sigh.


Yay for walking! :heh:


Slightly more seriously; this is why I dislike cars. Frequent unexpected expenses.


Slept til 11! ELEVEN! Latest I've slept (to the best of my knowledge) in years. But I've not really had a proper nights sleep for a week and am ill. Had a load of weird random dreams. One involved me walking along with the girl formerly known as hot colleague when suddenly an ex-crush pulled up in her car and I was torn (lying naked on the floor). I blame Jayseven (long story as to why).


Umm drew some stuff I suppose. Started speaking to some people from the course I want to do (one of whom is called Jenny Lewis :o!) and they gave me some advice. Shiny.

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She was the Morgan I mentioned in my text.


For everyone else we had a textual conversation that went something like this;


James: Just finished Dexter season 2, why did you not consider Ashley Morgan?

Me: Because I used to have a crush on someone with the surname Morgan and it'd be weird.


And it went on further but I don't want to highlight James' stupidity that he displayed in said further conversation :p


Anyway yeah the Morgan in question was the old crush that pulled up in her car in my dream.

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Hanging off implies it's still attached somehow. I don't see a problem.


With cars all you need is 2 tools: WD40 and duct tape. If it moves and it shouldn't, use duct tape. If it doesn't move and it should, use WD40.

It's hanging off and scraping the ground, the engine is making a deep disturbing noise so there may be a leak. I don't have any duct tape.
Yay for walking! :heh:


Slightly more seriously; this is why I dislike cars. Frequent unexpected expenses.

I'm sure I mentioned this before but it's 18 miles down a dual carriage way and a motorway to work. And the phrase "don't knock it til you've tried it" springs to mind! Ever had any driving lessons?


Sorry, I'm quite bitter about this. I need a new car.

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I'm sure I mentioned this before but it's 18 miles down a dual carriage way and a motorway to work. And the phrase "don't knock it til you've tried it" springs to mind! Ever had any driving lessons?


Sorry, I'm quite bitter about this. I need a new car.


There's inevitably other methods. If I can walk 5 miles (to and from train stations/uni) and get a train to work taking up to 2 hours then surely you can :heh:


And yeah, had 11 lessons then booked a holiday to New York. Holidays > driving :p


I'm sure I'll pick it up again (or, restart it essentially as its been 6 years) once I finally get a 'proper' job which will be about 2012...or just stay in London.

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