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Ah typical. My parents go away and ask me to sit downstairs so I can hear the doorbell, as they're still expecting packages to arrive. I decide to go outside for ten minutes to let the dog out of her pen, and of course someone decides to drop by in those minutes.


Not a package delivery man, but someone who brought us flowers and chocolates (they left it at the back door). Of course now I have no idea who brought these, which is quite annoying. Gonna have to listen to my parents going "And you should've stayed in the house blablabla.". >.>;

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Damn it you have my address! G'bye kidneys!


Broadcast Yourself

(wanted to include the video but it doesn't exist, goddamnit!)*


Anyway my mother just phoned asking if I want to do any more days at her work. Currently doing 26th, (27th seeing father's side of the family) 28th and 1st. Agreed to also do 30th and 2nd. Part of me feels I should do more as I have the whole of January off but there's only so much tea-making I can do. Plus I need to do this ruttin' portfolio.


Speaking of...done two drawings today. Hmm.


Also it would appear my father doesn't want to see me Xmas day. Cunt.



Elvis Costello

Mary J. Blige

Clay Aiken

Sheryl Crow

Adam Levine

Adam Horovitz

Mike D

Sara Bareilles

Wyclef Jean

Norah Jones

Talib Kweli

Michael McDonald

Rhett Miller

Steve Earle


Robert Randolph

Rachael Yamagata

Cyndi Lauper


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Totally got cocktail sausages and bacon, a stuffed turkey joint, stuffing mix, yorkshire puds, red onions, parsnips, CRACKERS (even though I'm dining alone... ahem), a selection tin of biscuits and a bottle of MARTINI!


I also have some pork chops and beef rib cutlet things for alternative crazy feast.


Tomorrow I gotta get the timing down for everything but it's not looking too tricky as most of it is frozen. One problem is I have no potatoes. I'm sure housemates will have some somewhere (or I can de-branch the couple sitting in my cupboard and risk it...).


Stayed up 'til 7am watching Sons of Anarchy via xbocks on a lazyboy chair. Such a mega good show. Then woke at 1am today to take housemate's books back to library for brownie points (he's black, y'see... lol!) andd... yeah. Chips n' dips and St. Helier's cider for the rest of the day. Next two days I'm looking at 9-6.30 working hours so I need to try and maximize enjoyment while minimalising pain of tomorrow. FAT CHANCE!


I have a total of four xmas cards this year!

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Bah, I hate colds, not because of the coughing, the sore throat, not even the continous sneezing, but because my lips and nose feel like they've had several layers burnt off. Owwie :(


Went to town with the mother today to buy christmas cards and she stocked up on vit c tablets, lemsip and whatnot, had lunch and came home. Poor dad is home soon hopefully. He's working all the way til christmas eve :( don't think my dad has ever worked christmas eve in my whole life!


Anyway, lying in bed looking for a laptop to buy, gave up on the idea of a gaming laptop, not because of the price, but just generally I'm too impatient, but it does mean I still have to wait til boxing day just incase they happen to be cheaper in sales, grr. Impatient.

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I've been sat on the sofa reading "Junk" for most the afternoon, easily my favourite book. Though considering how much I read, the TV guide could easily be my favourite book. After making a sausage casserole, I've moved onto watching more Dexter. It's such a contrast watching Dexter and then Glee, which I'm doing a lot at the moment considering I've fallen in love with them both.

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@ Moogle, word.


My friend....is....oh god. Lol. Some of you will love this.


So you know Vauchian Dolzski? Well some chick messaged me yesterday asking if I was really Vauchain (which of course I am) and I said "No, he's my cousin" blah, and she was like "How come you have same birthday" and I came up with the most plausible excuse I could. I said he's an idiot and shit on computers, so I set-it-up for him and told him to change the details.


Etc. So I said I'd get a photo of us together or something to prove it (which is fine)


And to add to legitimacy I asked my friend to post on his wall saying "Thanks for last night buddy, are you up for coming down mine in February some time?"


.....And he did that. Including the quotation marks.




LOL. Fool!

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I did some exercise today whooo! I got to try out a free session of something called Aquamotion. It's doing exercises in water (deep so you can't stand, but you're wearing something that makes you float) while holding onto an iron bar. It was verrrrry tiring; I felt hot and exhausted afterwards haha.


Might actually sign up to go do it weekly, but I'm not sure yet. It would cost me €148 for 20 times (plus €20 to sign up as a new member, but mom said she'd pay that part). I probably should do it for my health, but then I think about my money and don't know what to doooo.

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I did some exercise today whooo! I got to try out a free session of something called Aquamotion. It's doing exercises in water (deep so you can't stand, but you're wearing something that makes you float) while holding onto an iron bar. It was verrrrry tiring; I felt hot and exhausted afterwards haha.


Might actually sign up to go do it weekly, but I'm not sure yet. It would cost me €148 for 20 times (plus €20 to sign up as a new member, but mom said she'd pay that part). I probably should do it for my health, but then I think about my money and don't know what to doooo.


oh wow that sounds fun! We have similar over here but its basically just standing in a shallow pool (aqua-aerobics)


I say go for eeeet. You might meet some new people!

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oh wow that sounds fun! We have similar over here but its basically just standing in a shallow pool (aqua-aerobics)


I say go for eeeet. You might meet some new people!


Well I went with my mom, sister, two aunts and a cousin. =P

There's only room for 8 people at a time heh. Not sure I'll really meet people there as it's a small place. But I'd mostly go for the exercise haha.


It was quite fun, though will take a while to get used to. There's a small tv screen that shows what exercise you have to do at that moment (but it uses stick figures so it's really hard to follow haha), and you can join in at any time as it just cycles through them.


Think I might do it. Not getting any exercise right now so I really need to start doing -something-.

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Well I went with my mom, sister, two aunts and a cousin. =P

There's only room for 8 people at a time heh. Not sure I'll really meet people there as it's a small place. But I'd mostly go for the exercise haha.


It was quite fun, though will take a while to get used to. There's a small tv screen that shows what exercise you have to do at that moment (but it uses stick figures so it's really hard to follow haha), and you can join in at any time as it just cycles through them.


Think I might do it. Not getting any exercise right now so I really need to start doing -something-.


Yeah should hopefully get your leg recovering faster too (improved blood flow and all that!)


I need to join a gym, but im completely bollox with classes - i cant do half of the exercises because of my limited range so I think i'll just jump on a bike or rowing machine for half an hour :P New years resolution! (very conveniently there is a leisure centre beside my work, a bit too convenient if you ask me :P)




On a completely different note - I think I'm going a bit deaf, can't hear what i'm trying to focus on when there's any background noise near me. Like if someone was tapping their fingers beside me, I can't hear anything except that. Its really quite annoying! Another doctors trip it is... maybe after the snow is gone :hmm:

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I'm getting a tad annoyed with Firefox and Facebook. Basically, after a while Firefox nearly freeze's if i have Facebook open. I have contacted FB to see if they can resolve this issue. Anyone got any clues???.


In other news, not much has happened today. Chilled out, had a nice curry earlier from the Balti and now chilling again.

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Jimbob; I have a similar thing. Whenever someone starts talking to me on facebook chat it halts any navigation on any tab. Each time they say a line it also stops me from typing in another tab, which means I can't browse the forums while using FB :/

I have something similar happening. I find if I click in the convo window, then click back to whatever I was typing, for example this post, I'd be able to again.

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Heard a shout out for Letty on Radio1 earlier!


Made me smile!


I assume it was her... there can't be many Letty's texting in from the Shetlands!


That's awesome!


I'm thinking about sleeping as I have my first early shift for quite a few days. I was enjoying not having to get up until 9:00. :sad: Other than that my life is a bit of a none event. I spend a bit of time trying to calm my girlfriend down from getting stressed about planning the wedding.

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