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Somebody actually likes living in England? Jesus christ..


Yeah I'm abit cynical about ye old england, shameful really..


I like living in my Ivory Tower, which is technically in England.


"The peasants are revolting"

"Aren't they just? Ah hah hah"

"Ah hah hah, Indeed. Drop the hot tar"

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My day has been awesome! :D


I've barely had any sleep because I just couldn't get to sleep last night. OH TEH NOES INSOMNIA.


*bites nails*


The morning started off with a new topic in Psychology! Clinical and Health. :) Beats psychology of happiness and although I was drawing an evil chinese man who sets himself on fire throughout the lecture I was very much engaged in what was happening!


Wait no this morning was about depression this afternoon was about clinical and health okay.


Then came the weekly test. Stats again I have no idea whether I did well or not. Last time I thought I did okay I got an F, such is life.


I went into town today. Got myself a KFC which has moved from exciting into depressing or I'm bored of the Zinger burger now. Also bought a Hannah Montana DS case as I didn't feel having pokemon hanging from my trousers was enough of an akward distraction. Suprisingly unweightiess. (that's a word. >_>)


Anyway! Now I has pokemans, the awesome face, Hannah Montana key ring + DS case hanging from my DEI CORTAGE. (which means body in my own language) :yay: (pics later, maybe)


Found a poker a chip as well which was kind of bizarre. ALso realised I nervously say au revoir when saying goodbye to people it just slips out.


I had an epic conversation in the middle of my uni post office/security lodge about knickers and how I fold them into origami. Managed to freak a few people out/make them laugh, they even joined in the playful banter which was intitally between my friend et moi. :D Great now I've got people thinking I wear womens underwear.


What else? I had this experiment I was doing and got my last 5 participants only problem was they had to walk into my mess of a room which is like trying to make your way through your cupboard into Narnia but at the end is just an overflowing bin!


I tidied up as well. It gets messy fast. I then watched some family guy but strangely didn't get round to the new one but I did have some Chinese Takeaway and Icecream with my friend while watching it so all in all a good day and evening whatever now timee for....



ONE PIECE! :bouncy:


...au revoir...

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I slept through my alarm, and was late for my lecture, but it was OK, because there's notes on the internet, so I can deal.


LOVED the second lecture. I'm just hit so hard and so fast and so consistently by great things. LOVE Dynamics. He showed us a computer program he had written which showed the paths of ball bearings being let go from the sides of cone at varying velocities. Some of the resulting patterns were breathtakingly beautiful.


Came back to college, had lunch, then WENT SWIMMING. The first real exercise I've done in AGGGEESSS. I did 18 lengths (of a 25m pool), and nearly died at the end. Felt really good about myself for the rest of the day.


I popped into Boswell's to look around, and it has the best toy department. I wanted Sylvanian Families, and Lego, and Playmobile, and I re-remembered my younger teenage years by flicking through a Warhammer book thing. I always wanted to do Warhammer properly, but never had the patience to paint/glue them well.



Had dinner. Went to the pub.


Then went to a talk at Wadham as part of Wadham's Queer Week. Was really interesting, about how the execution of the two Iranian gay teenagers was used dubiously by some American political groups as a vehicle for the war on terror, and how generally that political activism is not always the best answer in these type of situations, etc etc.


Then afterwards a group of us stood outside for 50 minutes (I don't know why, we could have stayed inside. IT WAS FREEZING), and discussed stuff that went way over my head, about philosophers etc. I always feel really out of my depth, because most of my friends are humanities people, and this group were all 3rd/4th years, so they all debate away about people I've never heard of, and I sit about feeling stupid.


Then we (me and couple (Rory and Alex) who have adopted me) started to discuss my election campaign - I'm running for the LGBTSoc Presidency for next year. They're self-proclaimed Helicopter parents, and are basically fixing it so I win. Lol. They're planning to make all their friends ask plant questions at the pre-election thingy where you make your speeches, which I'll have planned the answers to. They're writing my speech too - they're ridiculously funny and study Portuguese and French Literature (respectively), so it should be good/funny.


It feels really rude, but the tyranny of AMY BellAMY must end.



After that, I came back to college, stopping at "Hassan's" on the way, which is a really greasy chip-van and the most inglorious place in the world. But I was hungry, and it was 11 o'clock and everywhere else was closed. Lo'n'behold, I bump into Hannah at the van, a girl from my primary school who I haven't seen in 8 years. She's now a BIG woman. Like, in the woman's rowing team big. She's really drunk, I'm really sober. General recollections, then we parted ways.


Now I'm just about to go to bed.

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My day just got amazing. One of my photos has been voted into the 2010 Scirocco Register calendar for the second year running (different photos each year obviously). Details in the Photography thread. Due to the touching nature of my entry, they've also decided to give me a free copy of the calendar! Saves me having to buy one.


Plus I made another RedBubble sale. Good day.


Well done dewd.


I got through! Stage 1 of about 6. But still *semi jumps for joy*


Well done dewdette. Also semi-anything FTW.


Wow that's a lot of stages. What are you applying for? EU President?


Actually...I'd vote for you to be EU President. If you can handle ReZ you can handle any socio/economic/political crisis.


True enough.


Hmm internal-external personal dilemma that is dragging me down...tossing and turning over what to/not do. I'm not sure whether you should just do something that really you're only not doing because you're full of self-loathing and can't handle the possibility of others hating you too or whether you should just decide not to do it because it's causing you so much inner turmoil. Plus major bad vibes from a party involved. I hate having "problems". Shit ones that are so inconsequential in the grand scheme. Although I feel like eventually all these minor problems will amount to me writing a song. I kinda need to learn an instrument first.


Hmm, dragging me down = not doing it. Yay decided.


Tossing and turning = messy bed sheets.


Meal was good last night. Managed to get a few bits for Comedy Rainbow, and got absolutely destroyed at bowling. I am actually shit at bowling - I've decided.


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Ah don't you hate it when you plan on staying in bed until a certain hour (so you hopefully will get enough sleep), and then people call and wake you up? Grah. Stupid project is starting to seriously annoy me. Especially since the man I'm working with doesn't seem to know what we're supposed to do half of the time.


Now I'm tired and have a headache.


In better news, I'm going to the film with at least two friends tonight yay. We rarely do anything so I'm happy something is happening heh.

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Good day today. We have guest lecture (the second of three) with Chris Dickie- major name in foreign correspondence journalism on terrorism etc. Yesterday he was absolutely enthralling so I'm really looking forward to it.


Finally getting to grips with my patch work too. We have to act like proper news reporters and find stories in a designated area. I got given Chesterfield, which is kind of a small town but it has a market history and from the looks of things, plenty going on. I'm going to go to a creative business Q&A workshop on the 26th which should give me some stories worth submitting.


Need to dress like this:



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I haven't posted here for a while.


I went back to my hometown at the weekend and spent some time with family and seeing my newborn nephew.


This week will be an odd week.


I have study week which means I should cram in loads of work...


But I just bought a PS3 and I want to chill out... agh.

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Ah what a day. 3am and 5am this morning our neighbours woke up - banging, shouting that kinda thing. I was pissed, real pissed.


Went to lesson at half 8, really good, learnt loads again and made myself a mechanical spider.


Came home with my housemate and knocked on next door's door, the landlord answer which we thought was lucky as I was pretty grumpy after them squealing and stuff the night before. Spoke to him - complained, apprently last night they went out for one of the girls birthday, came abck at 3am, let a female friend out to go home at 5am and because they'd basically advertised themselves at 11pm before going out..they had 5 black men push their way into their house and trash it.


Which is what I apprently heard at 5am, confused me slightly, given I only heard loud noises and one 'WTF are you doing?' which I assumed was a noisy friend etc.


The landlord went back and then two of the girls came over, they apologised and told us if they were noisy I could come over and tell them it was too loud. Nice really.


But its just weird, I'm sure I would have heard them getting upset and stuff, people got bottled next door..its not something you miss..anyway, at the very least I might get some kip from now on, now they know I wasn't happy (nor were my other housemates).


Good day, goooood.

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Ganepark; er, have you, like talked to this girl?! FFS!


1) Of course I have, many a time. What do I look like, stupid? Don't answer that one. I know the answer ;) She's just playing hot and cold with me, it would seem.

2) Why the FFS!? I didn't make you read what I wrote; no one has to and it just seems as though you have some problem with the way I'm going about things. ::shrug: 'Tis ironic that you should be the one to bring it up....




Erm... day! Yes. Two lectures, both went alright. Some idiot wouldn't stop kicking the back of my chair in psychology even after being told. Some people really are ignorant.


Sucked it up though and went off to pick up my marked psychology report after the lecture. And :yay: got a B3. Might not sound like much but my last attempts at reports for psychology have languished in the D grade region so to get a B, even if it was a B3 but the marks show it was a high one at that, is like a feat of nature. Amazing really. The "Good report. Well done" at the end made me smile. I may no longer be taking it as a degree but doesn't mean I'm not trying my hardest and nice to see it pay off.


Got to do some experiment worksheets for my next report and then some editorial work this afternoon. Was hoping that my next influx of games would have arrived but doesn't seem that they've been sent. Oh well, their fault then as I have a glut of assessments coming up and they'll take precident over everything else.

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I feel really bad, because I voted in the OUSU (Oxford Uni Student Union) elections based on how attractive the people were, because I didn't have time to read all their menifestos and stuff.


I love how I saw a girl called Rainbow Chang and said "I'm obviously voting for her. Sounds and looks great."

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Had a pretty good, happy day today even though nothing amazing happened. Got lots of little jobs done and stuff. Drove back and thought I'd start playing some MW2 multiplayer tonight as our internet connection has just been upgraded. All excited. I get my first kill and...


FFS! 360 number 3 it is then.


Edited by SPAMBOT4000
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Guest Stefkov
Woah... it was that long?

That's what she said.


I had to.


I waited for City Link this morning for 3 hours. They didn't come so I stopped waiting and put some money into my bank account. I'll just let that order get sent back and see if I get a refund from amazon.

Played about half an hour of Dead Space and it scared the hell out of me.

If I play anything at my funeral it'll be the music from that game. Shit up the audience.

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