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Thanks Ash :)


So you get paid per session, much like...a prostitute? :heh:


Really, that sucks though. Surely there's another Uni based job that would fit in nicely with this one!


One of the many similarities between me and a prostitute yes.


Just looking at the site...no. Theres a Graduate Internship (1 day at uni, 4 days at work) thing with the council for a 'Climate Change Assistant' which would be...different and I'm kinda interested in climate change. But it starts mid-Nov and is for a year and come next Sept/Oct I plan to be doing another course.


May have to go back to retail and die a bit more on the inside :(


And it turns out I have the house to myself on Halloween. This would be a great chance to have people round if I knew people.

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ReZ, Kinder Buenos are foul.


Ignoring the fact that all chocolate is never quite as satisfying as one's brain expects it will be, Bueno is awful.


You've said some mental things but this takes the biscuit. Anyone who doesn't like Bueno is literally a completely and utterly mental person.


Kinda Bueno is amazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing. No jokes.




Oh god, the deadline for a job I want (project co-ordinator in London) is tomorrow and my dad's just ripped my application apart. Gonna be a long night. Due to my own ''excellent time management skills'.


You can't get your dad to help....thats cheating. Not a true representation of you, and I will dob you in. Good luck though.



Didn't film in the end because Tom didn't actually ask Jimmy if it was okay to film at his........idiot.

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Foul is a bit of an exaggeration, but I can't think of any chocolate less satisfying. So greasy with that shit in the middle.


But it's not indulgently greasy and moist, it's..crumbly and insubstantial, while still managing to ruin my day/eating experience.


The only chocolate I would consider truly satisfying are those thin cadbury's bars, and lindt lindor (and similar more expensive chocs).

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One of the many similarities between me and a prostitute yes.


Just looking at the site...no. Theres a Graduate Internship (1 day at uni, 4 days at work) thing with the council for a 'Climate Change Assistant' which would be...different and I'm kinda interested in climate change. But it starts mid-Nov and is for a year and come next Sept/Oct I plan to be doing another course.


May have to go back to retail and die a bit more on the inside :(

I've been dying inside for about a year and I'm still here...just. It'll be ok, needs must/beggars can't be choosers/always look on the bright side of life/Positive Mental Attitude/Never swim after eating and all that. ;)


You can't get your dad to help....thats cheating. Not a true representation of you, and I will dob you in. Good luck though.



Didn't film in the end because Tom didn't actually ask Jimmy if it was okay to film at his........idiot.

He's The Daddy of Bullshit-Management-Speak after 30 years of experience though. I'm nearly done now, absolutely blooming knackered.


Heh, I'm glad I didn't just turn up at Jimmy's then!!

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Shitty day. :(


work was boring and dragged, mid way through, i got a text from the girl i took on a date yesterday, turns out she had a nice time, but is super busy up till christmas, so dosnt have time for a relationship.


trying to be polite to idiots is very difficult when feeling epic disserpointment.


oh well. maybe fish for love will yield better results this week?

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I'm on a bus to work!! So far being able to post on here/facebook/Twitter is the only plus side I can find to public transport. Oh and I nearly deleted this thread just now... Still not used to the iPhone theme!

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Guest Stefkov

Wowent to sleep at 2am and woke up at half 7, and then 8 o'clock today. Past few days have been quite coool.

Parcel arrived with customs charge so I went and picked that up and it turns out it was something I wanted to arrive before I went away at the weeekend. At least now I can wear it to when I go to Leeds tomorrow. It has more of a meaning there I guess.


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Stressing. Life seems to have suddenly have felt the need to throw everything at me at once. Suddenly got a letter telling me I have to pay tuition fees within two weeks, which makes zero sense whatsoever. Then, my accommodation refuses to stop trying to take the non-existent money out of my account meaning I keep getting charged ridiculous amounts for it not being there. Then I have hardly any left for anything apart from basically a couple of days more food. Then there's my usual paranoid self worrying about certain people. Eurgh. Today completely freaking sucks.


But still. Hug please.


/Moaning. Sorry.

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Stressing. Life seems to have suddenly have felt the need to throw everything at me at once. Suddenly got a letter telling me I have to pay tuition fees within two weeks, which makes zero sense whatsoever. Then, my accommodation refuses to stop trying to take the non-existent money out of my account meaning I keep getting charged ridiculous amounts for it not being there. Then I have hardly any left for anything apart from basically a couple of days more food. Then there's my usual paranoid self worrying about certain people. Eurgh. Today completely freaking sucks.


But still. Hug please.


/Moaning. Sorry.


1) You should not have to pay tuition fees up front. Go bitch slap the finance department. It should be paid for by the Student Finance Company.

2) I presume you've already spoken to the accom. dept. about the lack of funds due to Student Finance fucking up (which apparently they've set a record for this year, good on them!) so go say it is beyond your control and they are incurring you bank charges because they are refusing to listen and try and fight to get those back.

3) Hugs, in this style;



Zip zip zip off to work!


Oh fuck its a lecture about how to reference. Duuuuull. I can probably already write the notes. Still, its my only lecture of the three I was supposed to have today.

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Hearing aid GET. Totally had a conversation with someone with their back to me. First time in 3 months. Win win win.


A friend of mine back home is leaving for Oz in a few days for a year. She had a big party that I couldn't attend due to work and shit. Some pics are up on facebook and my poor mates are in the back corner not doing anything while all her friends from work and uni are everywhere. Plus the ex is in about four pics... all of them talking to the going-away-friend's uni mate. A BOY. She is talking to another guy. I am genuinely surprised/annoyed/saddened at how jealous it makes me feel. Mind you, the same guy is in about six other pictures fondling/squeezing other women entirely, and she was just talking to him, and she did actually already tell me that, and i have no idea why it bothers-- ok so I know perfectly fine. I still have made stupid feelings for her. I know she does for me. Who was it that sung that the best way to get over a girl is to fall in love with another one? He's a cool dude. This is a really long paragraph about, essentially, a second's worth of thought. If I did this for my entire day I'd probably put those russian realists to shame.


*goes back to the labour yard*


(I also feel real ill, real ill, like, can't really do much ill, but have an 8-hour work shift then jugglesock tomorrow. Fuck.


Stressing. Life seems to have suddenly have felt the need to throw everything at me at once. Suddenly got a letter telling me I have to pay tuition fees within two weeks, which makes zero sense whatsoever. Then, my accommodation refuses to stop trying to take the non-existent money out of my account meaning I keep getting charged ridiculous amounts for it not being there. Then I have hardly any left for anything apart from basically a couple of days more food. Then there's my usual paranoid self worrying about certain people. Eurgh. Today completely freaking sucks.


But still. Hug please.


/Moaning. Sorry.

That really does suck, mate. YOu have a letter from student finance stating your entitlement? Proof that they're paying the tuition fees? Do you have an ART ID to log on that student finance direct website to find out more?


What's up with the accomodation wanting more money? Shouldn't you be all paid up 'til jan, or are you paying monthly? Why is your money so precarious right now?

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Why do women ask your opinion when they don't care and will ignore what you (as a man) have to say. This is literally 100% true.


Not a bad day though. For some reason I was surprisingly upbeat about work. Well I got told how uber and amazing I was yesterday and (took 99 calls yesterday) and got to visit the "goody cupboard" for being amazing.


Etc etc etc.

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Why do women ask your opinion when they don't care and will ignore what you (as a man) have to say. This is literally 100% true.


Not a bad day though. For some reason I was surprisingly upbeat about work. Well I got told how uber and amazing I was yesterday and (took 99 calls yesterday) and got to visit the "goody cupboard" for being amazing.


Etc etc etc.


whats a goody cupboard? Stationery???


99 calls is pretty pr0 tbf.

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Went to the Leeds games expo today (sorry I didn't reply flameboy, I went so early I didn't see your pm.)


It was actually really good, got to play God of war 3, left 4 dead 2, assassins creed 2. Went to a talk about a game called brink (where I also got a free tshirt - win!) which is actually amazing, very nice the way they've done the designs and introduced smart (abit like free running, but they've made it abit different to say the likes of assassins creed).


Overall a good day, people kept wandering off, but otherwise I really enjoyed it, got to talk to one of the guys from team 17 and have an interview sorted for uni work. He made us all laugh but basically saying everything the uni has been telling is is bull, no point having a placement and having standard c.v's is a bad idea.


So at least we're all alittle calmer now!

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Admitadly I did an hours overtime etc etc.


It has alcohol and treats in. I don't drink at home so chose malteseres and swizzel matlow sweety bag.


You just drink at work instead? ;)


That's awesome, I wish we had that sort of incentive! :angry:


I took 85 calls in one day (9-5) and I had to THANK MYSELF :angry::angry::angry:

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