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My neighbour is fucking awesome. A bit of back story:


Our street used to be nice and quiet. Then one of the residents sold off their garden to someone who wanted to build a house there. Naturally I thought "posh rich twat who is going to make our life misery with building work for the next year or so then do fuck all within our little community".


But lo and behold, he is actually a lovely old gentleman. Another bit of back story (the two stories will link, promise):


I'm looking at a replacement car. It doesn't have an MOT or tax yet, but it is in spectacular condition (apart from a rust spot the size of my little finger, it's perfect. Not bad for a 20 year old car). I've hear tell of it being legal to drive an un-MOTed and taxed car as long as you're driving it to or from an MOT station. The car is an hour and a half away. The plan so far is to drive it to an MOT station, try for an MOT (which it will fail, but I want to know what it will fail on), buy it providing it doesn't fail on too much, then drive it home. Technically, it will only be being driven between home and the MOT station, it's just that the home will change during the day. An hour and a half journey is pushing it though.


Now to link the 2 stories:


My Mum was talking to my lovely neighnour today about the new car and mentioned the slightly shady way of getting it home (it's basically based on what people have told me rather than a law I know is definately true). The neighbour said that if I rent a trailer to put the car on, he will tow it home, thus making a definately legal way of transporting it! He is a legend.

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I drove up to Hull to see my girlfriend today. I was pleasantly surprised to find Hull actually quite a nice place (who knew) and it may possibly make it into one of my 5 uni choices. It sort of reminds me of a northern version of Plymouth.


There was one odd bit though. There was one guy in the gents that was constantly staring at me whilst i was having a wassle. He put me off and i couldn't go, damn my shy cock!. He then asked me how i was and followed me out... it was weirder that it sounds.




I remember one time I was in a public toilet in Lincoln peeing away, thinking of clouds and birds.


And I suddenly became aware of someone watching me...


To my left stood a weird looking guy staring at my pee-pee.


He wasn't actually peeing or anything, just stood there pretending.


I was quite young, so did nothing and felt violated.


I would like to think that now I would smash his face against the tiled wall and then shove it on the piss gutter and make him LICK.


Although part of my now thinks I might... ask him to come into the toilets with me...? Just like Dadddddy liked.


Erugh, sick fucker.

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I drove up to Hull to see my girlfriend today. I was pleasantly surprised to find Hull actually quite a nice place (who knew) and it may possibly make it into one of my 5 uni choices. It sort of reminds me of a northern version of Plymouth.


There was one odd bit though. There was one guy in the gents that was constantly staring at me whilst i was having a wassle. He put me off and i couldn't go, damn my shy cock!. He then asked me how i was and followed me out... it was weirder that it sounds.




fuckin hull!


I was there for 3 years. I take it you saw the uni part of the city? not so bad in all. I had a wicked time.

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Conversation to break up with a girl you're not even going out with? Just close teh window and delete her msn/facebook. Run away!


How manly of you mr.jayseven :p


Fucking lessons, I swear these monday classes are an utter joke, nobody likes them, they don't relate and I watched a film and all the credits just so my tutor could show off his name. Truly awful.


My other tutor is being a pain currently too, he's very vague in things, which confuses people against blackboard, he's supposed to be giving us a class on drawing our animations tomorrow instead he now wants our drawings in tomorrow. Not.going.to.happen.


Otherwise, chinese + games = win.

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If you're getting along okay with Visual Basic you'll be fine with C++. Much better language to use and understand.


Oh right, I've heard that VB was easier... well hopefully I'll be able to pick it up!


visual basic 6?! what the fuck?! Is your college horrendously out of date or what? (I was using VB6 in 2003)


Good luck on the self teaching!


Yeah I know, dunno why they're still using it when newer versions are available, but hey ho gotta work with what I'm given.

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Oh right, I've heard that VB was easier... well hopefully I'll be able to pick it up!


Yeah I know, dunno why they're still using it when newer versions are available, but hey ho gotta work with what I'm given.


vb is easier, but its restrained. Its more designed for databases. (as opposed to any graphics/games)


Probably not upgraded because of the sheer money those bloody things cost. A volume licence (or multiple licences) will cost into the thousands.


I thought my college was bad upgrading to vb.net 2003, in 2004!!

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Been doing my TfL application for hours, so bored. Oh, my brother has a girlfriend. This is great news, my brother never has a girlfriend. Apparently she works in my building as well, how strange! I must seek her out and test her credence. Although, she just bought her own house so I'm confident she's no gold digger, heh.

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TFL workers get a free Oyster card. I must steal my friend's when I next see him then.


My work seems to entail a great amount of not being needed, but at least being paid. In some lame "get to know the careers office" task today (speaking of, does everyone's career staff act as if they're on morphine or just mine?) some girl turned to me and we had this basic conversation:


Her: So what do you do then?

Me: I'm a notetaker.

Her: Why?

Me: ...for a student.

Her: Who?

Me: I can't say?

Her: Why?

Me: Confidentiality.

Her: Why?

Me: ...


Stupid bitch.


Came back to find my hamster's stairs had detached and fallen down and she was stood on the top floor staring at them. Bless.


Tomorrow I have five hours off between lectures so I'm scope out a cathedral and plot lies. Always fun...

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Today was good, the morning felt kinda wasted-ish as I went into town with my parents as they needed stuff from various supermarkets and I needed stuff for my new bike, namely a really secure lock, ended up spending about £90 >.> - picked up a rather nice shirt too - some of the stuff needs to go back though, like the front mudguard, which is shit but otherwise everything's fine.


Rode in to work on it for the first time today and yep... it managed to get its first scratch allready :( I tried to dismount and walk it along the pavement for a short distance to avoid a stupidly busy roundabout just before a big hill and I forgot about the throttle on the handlebar and the bike kinda got away from me... >.>' fortunately it landed on the rubber handlebar first and then just scuffed the hard plastic coating of the battery so nothing major however when I tried to 'get going' again on the hill I though I'd broken it because I pulled the throttle and it wasn't doing anything... I then realised it wasn't because I had my hand on the back brake... doh! :heh:


After that it was fine though and riding back in the dark wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, infact for the most-part I actually enjoyed cycling in :D the only downside is that I'm tired now, had some Chicken & Bacon Pizza earlier though which was win plus some champagne and cake! :o because it was my brothers birthday, can't get too drunk though because I've gotta be up for work at 5am boo! but nvm... definitely catching the bus in tomorrow though, don't fancy biking it in at 6am lolol, riding in four times a week is enough for me ty, at least for now anyway... :p

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Woke up at A Reasonable Time, arranged hearing-aid collection (next tuesday! It'll be about 3 months since I last heard properly...), cleaned the bathroom(ish...), bought some bathmats and a thicker duvet, nearly completed Wanted on teh 360... made a great dinner - turkey (two breasts FOR EIGHTY PENCE), tomatoes, peppers, garlic, onions, chopped tomatoes, dash of tabasco, cheese and pasta. Delish. Tidied my room... Really, really exciting day.


Now just sorta sitting around with this ligering ANGER feeling (for no reason at all). Think I'll pinch some headphones off a housemate (mine are borked) and watch a bunch of TV stuff, then read a book.


Not an exciting day at all but a fairly productive one. Big deal.

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VB is easier to pick up, but once you start using it you realise it tries to stop you from doing anything you want. To. Do.


Thiiiiiis. VB is the most annoying thing to use ever. Though I did make a cool pong type game in it. I was supposed to be making notes on something to do with Business Management but I felt it was a more productive use of my time :geek:

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Don't be too upset. She's still got lot's of amazing lyrics.


Now that it's raining more than ever

Know that we'll still have each other

You can stand under my umbrella

You can stand under my umbrella

(Ella ella, eh eh eh)

Under my umbrella

(Ella ella, eh eh eh)

Under my umbrella

(Ella ella, eh eh eh)

Under my umbrella

(Ella ella, eh eh eh, eh eh eh)

funny that's some of her better ones :) it goes downhill from there..

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Yeah, I got drunk and had an alright time. The girlfriend didn't go clubbing so I didn't have much to keep me pre-occupied. It was alright, once again a girl got "ill". I swear she does it within like half hour because no-one wants her. Silly woman. Came back home. Laughing gas. Amazing when drunk. Crap when sober. Bit like Ashley in bed ;)



HOOOOOOOOOOoo, controversial. Night.

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